

"Matter is bound up energy and energy is liberated matter." [Keely, 1893]

"C. Hydrogen (H) and fluorine (F) being almost mates and in nearly same pressure zone, same plane and same orbit, will unite part for part.
D. Oxygen (0) or beryllium (Be) being one pressure zone removed and consequently of double potential, will require two parts of hydrogen to their one, and then only unite under pressure of higher temperature. Hydrogen and oxygen, thus united, become the very stable compound known as water and remain united because they are opposed in sex, while beryllium and hydrogen, being both male, will break away unless bound by oxygen, sulphur or some other female stabilizer.
E. Nitrogen or boron are two pressure zones removed and require three parts of hydrogen and higher pressure for union. Same rule of sex applies.
F. Carbon, three pressure zones removed and four times higher potential, demands four parts of hydrogen to remain in union with its one; also the high temperature pressure of the electric are is needed to induce union.


The outbirth of this ur-fertilisation is the physically first-born. It is the geospherically negatively supercharged amniotic fluid of the Earth in which, as is the case with all physical forms of procreation, the co-originating spirit is bound, which is also ur-created through the above higher-grade processes of motion and excitation. In the opposite case the most dangerous dynagen concentrate results, which only recently, free of any constraint, is being generated with the aid of an ingeniously designed centrifuge - the cyclotron - for the supposed purposes of national defence. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]

Therefore if the media of water or air are moved naturalesquely (and the trick is how to do this) then the bipolar gases are initially transformed into aetheric and ultimately into energetic stocks of subtle matter. These are then bound in the self-evolving juvenile media (air and water) and what has been increased in this way is rendered homogenous and specifically densified. That is to say, they intensify the carrying capacity and tractive force to such a degree that in such waters material with a higher specific weight than the transporting medium, even ore with a specific weight of 1.9, readily floats down the centre of the axis, where the strongest suctional force acts downstream and the strongest reactive force acts upstream in the form of a dynagen gradient, but which, however, has no effect on raw material structures to the extent that these do not involve life-forms. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

It thus follows that all attempts to combat the source of disease of whatever kind, are senseless and futile as long as the formative metabolic processes are not controlled causatively at their root-level. This also explains why pains disappear and the most serious diseases improve markedly when water is drunk in which formative and levitative substances have been bound and which further evolve at the expense of the developmentally harmful elements in the organism that consumes such water. As a result the organism automatically regains its capacities, i.e. it becomes physically and mentally potent - and therefore healthy. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

The product of the oxidising process is an analysing current.

The product of the reducing process is a synthesising current.

In the first case a form of molecular motion is inaugurated, which results in the principal primary formative substance being bound, consumed and digested by the countervailing stocks of oxygen. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

However, if the mechanical starting impulse is activated first, which must be produced in appropriately contoured development-facilitating devices, then higher cold-forms arise through which the fatty-matter (carbone or sweet matter), which reacts to centrifugence,[11] becomes free, unipolar and highly active. In this situation the oxygen, which becomes passive under this influence, is consumed (bound), providing it has been dosed (dispersed) mechanically and made palatable (thinned out), (viz. the swaying and fluttering branches of plants). [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

However, if a physical, thermal or chemical starting impulse is first active, which influences the molecular motion in such a way that the oxygen becomes free, unipolar and aggressive due to the resurgence of positive, group B temperatures, then having been forced into the centre of this combat, the principal formative matter will become passive and will be bound, consumed and digested. The product of this event is the developmentally harmful cavitation current - a variety of the so-called electric current - which as an exceptionally analysing current not only pits and corrodes steel turbine blades, but also decomposes and dissociates the blood of the Earth - water. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

This may truly appear to be the monstrous invention of an unsound mind to those who have no inkling what colossal energies are contained in a tiny drop of water, which are either bound or freed according to the type of motion. It may also seem just as utopian when it is stated that with the aid of these elemental ur-forces secreted in the medium of water and in the air (or the condensed Breath of God), the entire production of power, heat, cold and light can be reduced in cost by slightly more than 90% and that with this formative synthesising current all growth can be increased by about 30% per annum and qualitatively improved. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

Water Supply
The application of this form of motion would bring about the revivification of sluggish, stale, tired, fish deficient, bacterially polluted brooks, streams and rivers through the artificial reinstatement of cycloid-space-curve-motion in draining water.[3] In other words, the reconfiguration of truncated and straightened channels in which the more exalted formative and transformative processes can no longer occur, due to the absence of cycloid motion. Therefore the stocks of basic allotropic heat-imparting substances are no longer consumed (bound) and the improperly regulated watercourses inevitably become warm, stale, devoid of fish and infected with bacteria, because the revivifying form of motion is missing or has been disrupted or eliminated by smooth-walled bank rectification. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Practical Application of Cycloid-Space-Curve-Motion arising from Processes of Cold Oxidation]

[10] The following excerpt from "Pregnant Water" (Schwangeres Wasser) in Implosion Magazine, No. 117, pp. 60-61, explains this process:
"It is a known fact that no free oxygen is present at normal temperatures, but that in the form of ozone it is loosely bound to nitrogen in the ratio of 3O2 to 6N6.
Were it otherwise, then it would not be beneficial to living things. It is only at +40°C (+104°F) that the individual O2 molecules appear, which trigger life-threatening chemical reactions in the human body and are the cause of heat-stroke for example. At about 1,000°C (1,832°F) single-atom molecules of O, identical to the oxygen atom, appear, which naturally have very specific effects. This is why, despite the hermetic seal, the high pressure in high-pressure boilers drops to medium pressure once the above atomic transformation has taken place. Similarly, it is a fact that N (= nitrogen) is not a uniform basic element, but in reality is CH2, i.e. a carbone composed of He3 (helium), wherein two atoms of hydrogen play the role of carrier-substance as it were. Furthermore, it is known that gaseous water and liquid water are quite different things. Gaseous water is OH2 and liquid water (OH2)6. The strong action of gaseous water, for example, follows from this, because two free action quantities or points become active, whereas liquid water has no action quantities, because all the action points are filled with H." [Viktor Schauberger].- Ed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]

insulation against heat are bound into the water, which is swirled in towards the central axis by the inclined angle of the resistances - guide-vanes.[4]. Having been drawn there by the increase in axial velocity, the water-masses inwinding towards the central axis now bind the highly active dynagens, which have been released through the mutual abrasion of the carbones. No longer reacting to any mechanical centrifugence, these energised terrestrial elements then begin to encircle the centrally moving oxygenes. Through the continuous approach of the through-flowing water-masses towards the anomaly point of +4°C (+39.2°F), on the one hand the terrestrial elements attain their relatively highest energetic state and on the other, the oxygenes become increasingly indifferent and more dispersed, thus reaching the condition proper to a fertilising substance. If this state is reached at the anomaly point, then the highly energised terrestrial residues (the former carbones) bind their fertilising counter-parts, and the naturalesque product of synthesis is complete.[The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]

This product of synthesis is characterised by the fact that the ratio between oxygen and its carbone counterpart is 4% : 96%, because all the remaining oxygen has been transformed into fertilising substances and then bound. Therefore the new product of synthesis has the highest negative valency and is of geospheric character. Certain factors relating to these processes should be noted: In the scientific synthesising process heat has a shrivelling effect on the decisive formative substance in its nascent state, while physical pressure ruptures its outer envelope. In the case of coal liquefaction by means of cold flows the increasing cooling on the developmental path acts to increase the potential. However, since the increase in the potential of the true formative substance is of a purely energetic nature, it would be unable to break through the outer envelope had this not been mechanically abraded through the circumvolution and inner rotation (gyrate within and about itself|about itself and its own axis) caused by the increasing frictional pressure arising from the doubly increased velocity of the whole water-body. These differences demand the closest attention and consideration. The product of synthesis obtained by means of cold flows, binds itself into its own waste product (juvenile water). Therefore apart from a new, fresh and more highly cultured energy, an associated carrier-substance of the highest order is also created at the expense of the gradually transforming (internally reconstituted) stocks of old water. This two-fold transformation represents the increase and the qualitative improvement of what has been quantitatively increased (the growth of water). The finished product is a crystal-clear water that has neither taste, nor smell, nor colour, because in this product of synthesis all kinds of things are on the loose or have been loosed (emancipated), i.e. they have been raised to the [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]

[20] "At a temperature of 15°C water is 819 times heavier than air at the same temperature. Water vapour, on the other hand, absorbs a 1,700-fold volume of water. With the evaporation of 1 litre of water, about 600 heat units become latent (stored, bound)." Walter Schauberger, Implosion Magazine, No 9, p.26. — Ed.
[21] Unfortunately no details of this patent are available. - Ed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]

See Also


Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday January 8, 2023 04:28:52 MST by Dale Pond.