(courtesy techienews.co.uk)
(click to enlarge)
"C. Hydrogen (H) and fluorine (F) being almost mates and in nearly same pressure zone, same plane and same orbit, will unite part for part.
D. Oxygen (0) or beryllium (Be) being one pressure zone removed and consequently of double potential, will require two parts of hydrogen to their one, and then only unite under pressure of higher temperature. Hydrogen and oxygen, thus united, become the very stable compound known as water and remain united because they are opposed in sex, while beryllium and hydrogen, being both male, will break away unless bound by oxygen, sulphur or some other female stabilizer.
E. Nitrogen or boron are two pressure zones removed and require three parts of hydrogen and higher pressure for union. Same rule of sex applies.
F. Carbon, three pressure zones removed and four times higher potential, demands four parts of hydrogen to remain in union with its one; also the high temperature pressure of the electric are is needed to induce union.
"Carbon is the point of maximum orbital velocity which creates the illusion of hardness. It is the point of maximum integration, highest melting point, most perfect in cubical crystallization, most compact in crystallization and most truly bi-sexual of all the elements." Russell, [The Universal One, page 88]
"Sodium and iodine, or sodium and bromine would make good mates but in each would be a residue of unbalance which would show in their crystallization by distorted cubes of sodium iodide or sodium bromide." [Home Study Course, Lesson 17]
"Another distinguishing feature is the transformation which takes place in their crystallization. No matter what system any polarized separated pair crystallize in when dependent upon three equators and two centers of gravity, they all crystallize as true cubes when united as balanced pairs with but one center of gravity.
"Examine the crystals of sodium chloride, which is common table salt, and you will see these true cube forms without need of a magnifying glass.
"The true cube crystal occurs only in the united pairs, those which have but one equator between them, and one center of gravity, such as carbon, silicon, lithium fluoride, sodium chloride and potassium bromide." [Home Study Course, Lesson 37]
"Light, heat, electricity, magnetism, form, crystallization, sound, mass, the elements and compounds of elements, time, space, attraction, gravitation, force, energy, inertia, sex, life, death, sleep, memory, the souls of all things and the complex ideas of all things, in fact, all that man can comprehend of this universe, can be spelled out, in their beginnings, on these two opposing spiral waves within one sphere, and on through to their endings in nine other increasingly larger though flattening spheres, or ellipsoids." Russell, [The Universal One, Chapter 4]
"It is the beginning of the generative concentration of light into that state which man calls "heat" and its radiation into that which man calls "cold." It is the beginning of integration and disintegration of light energy into the appearance and disappearance of that which man calls "matter." It is the beginning of the crystallization of light units into that which man calls solids of matter." Russell, [The Universal One, Chapter 18]
"It is presumed by man that light travels, because the evidence of his senses so convinces him.
"Light does not travel and the appearance of its doing so is another of the many illusions of dimension which deceive man.
"All light units of matter are given the appearance of form by the magnetic reaction of the attempt of electricity to seek higher pressures.
"This attempt is resisted by magnetism, and the resistance is registered in electricity as heat.
"The rebound into lower pressures and the sudden cooling of the electric whirling particle by the expansion of the lower pressure causes it to solidify.
"It is turned into ice. It freezes.
"It becomes what is known as "crystallic." All matter is crystallic. Crystallization is a dimension. It is the first appearance of form.
"Matter registers its energy through temperature dimension of heat and cold in solids of light which man calls "crystals." Crystals are but apparent solids of light sustained in that illusion of appearance by motion.
"Crystallization is one of the most important dimensions of the illusion of form.
"Nothing concerning the basic principle or law governing crystallization is known by modern science. It is known by experiment and observation that all elements, or compounds, crystalline in any one of six different classes, but science knows no way of determining crystallic formation, or cleavages, twinning, or other characteristics other than by observation or experiment.
"In a later volume the fundamental laws underlying crystallisation will be charted exactly.
"In this volume of first principles the basic chart will be reproduced in a brief chapter on "Crystallisation." "Solid" matter is frozen light, crystallized by released pressure.
"The harder it freezes the more solid it appears to be.
"The slower its motion the harder it freezes.
"The faster its motion the more quickly it melts.
"All form of matter has its melting point in temperature at which point matter begins to disappear as form of matter.
"The more solid matter is, the higher the temperature necessary to melt it."
"Man's concept of gold is that of a solid, for man is accustomed to seeing gold at a temperature below its point of crystallization.
"Man's concept of mercury, is that of a liquid because man is accustomed to seeing it above its point of crystallization." [The Universal One, Book 2, Chapter 1]
"The One universal substance first divides itself into the appearance of two opposite states of motion which register as positive and negative elements.
"Then two more opposite elements appear.
"Then two more opposite elements of increasing potential and harder crystallization appear." [The Universal One, Book 2, Chapter 5]
See Also
gas crystal
Law of Assimilation
Part 06 - Formation of Cubes
Vogel Crystals
12.33 - Crystallization
6.9 - Crystalline Space