Light, Mind, Mind of God, Mind The One Universal Substance
"It will be said that it is pantheism to assert that matter, under all the forms which it presents, is only groups of aggregates of sympathetic molecules, of a substance unalterable in its individualities; a thinking, acting substance. Let us not deny what we are unable to explain. God is all that is, without everything that is being individually God. Etheric force has been compared to the trunk of a tree, the roots of which rest in Infinity. The branches of the tree correspond to the various modifications of this one force, - heat, light, Electricity, and its close companion force, magnetism. It is held in suspension in our atmosphere. It exists throughout the universe. Actual science not admitting a void, then all things must touch one another. To touch is to be but one by contiguity, or there would be between one thing and another something which might be termed space, or nothing. Now, as nothing cannot exist, there must be something between "the atomic triplets" which are, according to the Keely theory, found in each molecule. This something in the molecule he affirms to be "the universal fluid," or molecular ether. One thing touching another, all must therefore be all in all, and through all, by the sensitive combination of all the molecules in the universe, as is demonstrated by Electricity, galvanism, the loadstone, etc. If we account for the intelligent action of molecules by attributing it to what has been variously called "the universal fluid," "the electric fluid," "the galvanic fluid," "the nervous fluid," "the magnetic fluid," it will only be substituting one name for another; it is still some part or other of the organization which discerns and joins to itself a portion of one of the fluids referred to, or one of these fluids which discerns and mingles with the material molecules; it is still the life of the part, the life of the molecule, life individualized in all and through all." Bloomfield-Moore, Keely and His Discoveries
"Light units have the appearance of individuality, even as you and I.
"There is no individuality in this universe of Mind. There is but an appearance of individuality.
"This is a universe of the One Thing.
"That One Thing is Mind.
"The substance of thinking Mind in action is light.
"There is but One substance.
"The One substance cannot be divided into many substances, or many parts.
"Individuality is but an appearance, an effect of potential in the periodicity of thinking." Russell, The Universal One, Book 02 - Chapter 01 - Dynamics of Mind - Concerning Light Units of Matter
"There is but One Cosmic Substance. This one substance appears to be divided into many substances known as the elements of matter. The one universal substance first divides itself into the appearance of two opposites, one on either side (of the inertial line). Then two others appear as two more opposites of the one. Then two more of increasing energy and harder crystals appear. Then the cosmic pendulum forms one more which registers itself as neither one opposite nor the other, but is a bi-sexual element of maximum opposition in all periodicities of motion. These seven apparently different substances of matter are but different states of motion of the one substance. They are the seven tones of an octave; and there are ten octaves of seven tones each. In the last four octaves are many mid-tones, each one registering its own state of motion. Man calls these various states of motion of the one substance by many names, and they appear to be many substances. The apparent difference between the many is due solely to difference in motion and not to substance. Many states of motion are possible but there are not two substances in the universe. There is only one substance. There can only be one substance. As all states of motion are measurable and are under the absolute control of mind, and as man is mind, man may, with dawning knowledge of causes, change any one state of motion into any other state of motion, and by so doing transmute any one substance into any other one. The granite rock may become gold, or radium, at the will of man." Russell, The Universal One
"The one substance vibrates in different dynamic degrees, and sound, heat, light, Electricity, are the effections of the one substance by specific degrees of the One Energy, and there is no difference between anything such as Electricity and, say iron, save in rate of effection." [Cayce (195-70)]
Hermes called me the Sun and the Moon. Riplaeus called me the green lion. Our author called me hermaphrodite, but I pay no attention to that. It makes no difference. Nor does it matter what the sophists call me, for they learn nothing for all their trouble except: (1) I am One Substance, not two; (2) In me is Bernard's little fountain;
(3) I am dry water, subtle pure; (4) I am raised up by the power of Mars, as commanded by Philaleth, the famous Adept who coagulates my esoteric nature with Mercury.
In their books for the curious world, the adepts spoke in symbols.
For example, the Stone is made of One Substance. It is a thing that is a simple unity, not a composite. It has equal parts of Earth,
Water, Fire, and Air. It possess equal attributes of heat and cold, moisture and dryness. It arises from liquid and solid Fire. Thus, in the first verse, Hermes calls it the Sun because it is made of Solid Fire; and in the second verse, he calls it the Moon because it is made of Liquid Mercury. Riplaeus calls it the green lion, because it grows more fiery whenever the Celestial Fire is inflamed.
The Master Norton called it a Hermaphrodite, since Hermes said it is both solar and lunar. But don't make the mistake made by most current-day alchemists. This single thing with dual characteristics is not a composite constructed by human hands. As it says in verse 13: By my nature I am One Substance.
And in verse 15:1 am Dry Water, subtle and pure, and I am powered with Mars energy. That means, that in the center there is a subtle Fire. The Mars energy causes this Fire to rise up and become strengthened by the Celestial Fire. According to the words of the philosopher: Give the fire to the Fire and mercury to Mercury.
Four elements are sealed in me.
Sulphur and Mercury are dissolved in me.
I am savage, deadly, smoky, poisonous, solid, liquid, constant, and gaseous.
Not animal, vegetable, fungus, arsenic, vitriol-alaun, salt, sulphur, mineral, gold, nor any metal.
I am White Mercury. I have only one root and two stems.
Everyone despises me, because I don't look too cool in my dull gray coat. Yet, I am like the prize-winning beehive that produces the best honey for lords, princes, and the king. I equally valuable for everyone, high and low, rich and poor.
We are informed in Verse 1 that the chaotic-philosophical Water is not the same as the Water Element. There the author states: the four elements are sealed in me. And to show us the origin of his central Sulphur and astral Mercury, he adds: flowing with sulphur and mercury. The next 2 verses clarify that this hermaphrodite Substance is both solid and gaseous.
First he describes the dark, earthly, liquid characteristic, saying:
I am wild, deadly, smoky, and poisonous. No man can face it without
crying out and suffering from the most terrible poison. None dare
touch it nor taste its repulsive smell. Yet even its raw state, it
effects wonderful cures. Also, after a little preparation with small
doses of ADMIRACULA PRAESTANDA, it can be touched or taken without
But the following verse describes its characteristic as solid, liquid, constant, and gaseous. The author already named the interior and exterior forms of this One Substance. But, admittedly, God and the adepts do not permit discovering any clearer revelation.
Next, the author states what it isn't: not animal, vegetable, fungus, arsenic, vitriol, alum, salt, sulphur, mineral, gold, nor metal. So this universal Tincture is not from the animal, vegetable, mineral, or metal kingdoms. These words bring particular dizziness to the brains of today's alchemists, who will ask: what is it then? Well, it has certainly already been named several times, but to repeat it one more time superfluously: (1) It is the purest offspring of the gaseous mercury in the belly and center of the Earth. (2) It is a stone in liquid form. (3) It is an invisible solid. (4) It grows up like the mustard seed. (5) It works through the astral fire. (6) It transmutes everything it touches into a liquid-solid like itself.
(7) It is a fiery water or air which cold Saturn congeals on top of the Earth. Enough said, since anyone who does not understand this now is beyond help, and further words will not help, for this is essential to any real Alchemy. ( 8 ) Manipulations, spells, and magical formulae do not apply here, because it is a dual spiritual-physical material, intractible to sophists. (9) It is White Mercury transmuted into gray, liquid form. (10) Even though it is laying at everyone's feet, philosophy cannot explain it better than as a unity with balanced dual characteristics.
[Hermaphroditisches Sonn- und Monds-Kind, das ist: Des Sohns deren Philosopher!
Mayntz, bey Joh. Friederich Krebs Buchhandler. Geduckt in der Churf. Hof und Univers. Buchdruckerey bey denen Haffn. Erben, durch Elias Peter Bayer. 1752.
Translated by Mike Brenner 1997]
Pictures: Hermaphroditisches Sonn- und Monds-Kind, Mayntz : bey Joh. Friederich Krebs, 1752

Basil Valentine
“We must again repeat that our substance is not collected from many sources; but, as Basilius says, it is one universal thing, and is found in, and obtained from one thing, being the spirit of mercury, the soul of sulphur, and a spiritual salt, united under one heaven and dwelling in one body.” [Basil Valentine, The Golden Tract Concerning The Stone of the Philosophers]
Albert Poisson
"It has often been repeated that alchemists worked blindly, this is a serious error, they had very rational theories which, put forward by the Greek philosophers of the second century of the Christian era, were maintained almost without alteration until the 18th century.
At the basis of Hermetic theory, we find a great law: the Unity of Matter. Matter is one, but it can take various forms and in these new forms combine with itself and produce new bodies in indefinite number. This raw material was still called seed, chaos, universal substance. Without going into further details, Basile Valentin posits the unity of matter in principle. “All things come from the same seed, they were all originally born by the same mother” (Char de triumph of antimony). Sendivogius, better known under the name of Cosmopolite, is more explicit in his “Letters” “Christians,” he says, “want that God first created a certain first matter... and that of this matter by way of separation , having been taken from simple bodies, which having then been mixed with each other, by way of composition served to make what we see...
There was in creation a kind of subordination, so that the beings the simplest ones served as principles for the composition of the following ones and these of the others,” he finally summarizes everything he has just said in these two propositions “ Savoir: 1° the production of a raw material that nothing has preceded; 2° The division of this matter into elements and finally through these elements the manufacture and composition of the Mixes ” (Letter XI°). By Mixed he means any kind of compound body.
D'Espagnet completes Sendivogius, by establishing the indestructibility of matter, he adds that it can only change form. “.... Everything that bears the character of being or substance can no longer leave it and by the laws of nature it is not permitted to pass into non-being. This is why Trismegistus rightly says in the Pimander that nothing dies in the world, but that all things pass and change” (Enchiridion phisicæ restitutæ).
Naturally he admits the existence of a raw material. “The Philosophers have believed,” he says, that there was a certain raw material, prior to the elements. » This hypothesis, he adds, is already found in Aristotle. He then examines the qualities that metaphysicians have attributed to matter. Barlet informs us on this point: “The universal substance is all everything internally without distinction of gender or sex, that is to say, large, fertile and imprinted with all sensitive things in the future” (Barlet: La teotechnie ergocosmique ). Which amounts to saying that primary matter does not contain any bodies in action and represents them all potentially. Generally it was accepted that the raw material is liquid, it is water which at the origin of the world was chaos.
potential forms... This uniform body was aquatic and called by the Greeks υλη, denoting by the same word water and matter. (Philosophical letter). Further it is said that it was fire which played the role of male in relation to female matter, thus giving birth to all the bodies which make up the universe. As we see, the hypothesis of raw material was the very basis of Alchemy, starting from this principle, it was rational to admit the transmutation of metals.
Matter first differentiated itself into sulfur and mercury, and these two principles united in various proportions to form all your bodies. “Everything is composed of sulphurous and mercurial materials” says the Christian Anonymous,
Later a third principle was added: salt or arsenic, but without giving it as much importance as sulfur and mercury. These three principles in no way designated vulgar bodies. They represented: certain qualities of matter, thus sulfur in a metal represents color, combustibility, the property of attacking other metals, hardness, on the contrary mercury represents brightness, volatility, fusibility, malleability. As for salt, it was simply a means of union between sulfur and mercury, like the vital spirit between the body and the soul.
Salt was introduced as a ternary principle, especially by Basil Valentin, Khunrath, Paracelsus, in a word by the mystical alchemists. Before them, Roger Bacon had spoken about it well, but incidentally without attributing any special qualities to it, without paying much attention to it; on the contrary,
Paracelsus raged against his predecessors who did not know salt. “They believed that Mercury and Sulfur were principles of all metals, and they did not mention even in a dream the third principle” (The Treasure of Treasures). But salt is of very little importance and even after Paracelsus, many alchemists passed it over in silence.
Sulfur, Mercury and Salt are therefore only abstractions, convenient to designate a set of properties, was a metal yellow or red, difficult to fuse, it was said that the Sulfur abounded in him. But we must not forget that Sulfur, Mercury and Salt derived from the First Matter: “O wonder, Sulfur, Mercury and Salt make me see three substances in a single matter” (Light emerging by oneself of Darkness Marc Antonio)." [Theories and Symbols of the Alchemists The Great Work by Albert Poisson]
Basil Valentine
"We must again repeat that our substance is not collected from many sources; but, as Basilius says, it is one universal thing, and is found in, and obtained from one thing, being the spirit of mercury, the soul of sulphur, and a spiritual salt, united under one heaven and dwelling in one body." [Basil Valentine, The Golden Tract Concerning The Stone of the Philosophers]
Giordano Bruno
"In its substance, its inner essence, everything is one: the One, Infinite Godhead. No single thing is independent; each exists only inasmuch as it is a phenomenon of the Eternal and Infinite Divine Power. But this Substance does not appear as a fixed Being, excluding all movement and multiplicity. It is the eternal creative activity, the acting force of nature, the cause of all things. The Godhead is the acting Cause - Natura Naturans - of all things; It relates to singular things as the power of thinking to singular concepts, but Its thinking is at the same time the creation of all reality.
The aim of this creative activity is nothing less than the perfection of the universe itself, as the realisation of all the infinity of forms and images, the possibility of which is contained in the Divine Substance. Therefore the Divine Substance appears at one and the same time as the World Cause and the World Purpose; She is the Creative Spirit Whose thoughts are nature and reality. But only Spirit can create and build; it acts in things as an intrinsic Artist, as Idea and Creative Power at the same time. All nature breathes in this Divine Life, this inner animation. In the Infinite Substance, therefore, all separateness disappears, since It is everything, and cannot be anything in particular.
Therefore, for us, whose concepts are formed on singular things, She is incomprehensible and inexplicable. But, at the same time, as the Whole remains unchanged in Its Essence, the life of singular things is a ceaseless change; thus nature is always in being, yet it is always ready and complete; the universe is perfect at every moment and can never be anything other than the infinite revelation of the Divine Prime Power. Singular things, on the contrary, are subject to a process of budding, growth, and withering; they originate in the most imperfect form, develop to the full bloom of their inner essence, and die again to a new imperfection in order to serve as the germ of new life for other things." [Giordano Bruno]
See Also
Cold Light
Compound Interetheric
Etheric Elements
Luminiferous Ether
mental essence
Mind The One Universal Substance
Scalar Potential
3.19 - Coagulated Etheric Substance
analysing substance
basic substance
cold light
corpuscular carrier-substance
diffuse substance
etherialised primary substance
fatty substance
formative substance
gaseous substance
Law of Oscillating Atomic Substances
Law of Vibrating Atomolic Substances
Life Force
Mind The One Universal Substance
Mother Substances
One Substance
oppositely-charged substance
Plane of Substance
primary substance
quality-generating substance
reciprocal gaseous substances
threshold substance
working substance