Light Unit
(courtesy University of Science and Philosophy)
(click to enlarge)
"Such metals for example as iron, copper, gold, silver, manganese, nickel and tungsten; the elements which form such compounds as granite, quartz; and flint; and those elements which form such precious stones as the diamond, ruby and emerald; all these elements are made up of light units in maximum motion-in-opposition.
"Such elements and compounds as lithium, bromine, sodium, chlorine, salt, sulphur, potassium, iodine, tellurium, magnesium, strontium and rubidium are formed of light units of less potential energy. The Universal One, Book 01 - Chapter 03 - Mind, The One Universal Substance
"Every microscopic point in divine Mind becomes the center of the universe of Mind, with its first impulse of the act of thinking; for with this first impulse is form born into a universe which is without form.
"From that center the explosive-reactive, genero-radiative, electro-magnetic disturbance which constitutes the process of thinking, reproduces itself throughout the entirety of the universe at incomprehensible speed in waves of creating light units, which waves return again to that exact center. The Universal One, Book 01 - Chapter 04 - Thinking Mind
"All effects and dimensions of first cause begin with the birth of each light unit.
"Each point in the universe is the center of the universe. Each point is the beginning and the end of each ten octave swing of the cosmic pendulum.
"Each new-born corpuscle, or light unit, is a center of disturbance from which the entire universe responds to its alternating electromagnetic pulsations.
"Motion, once started, never ceases until it has run the entire gamut of the ten octave range, from which point it begins again.
"The light unit of the highest octave and lowest potential eventually becomes a light unit of the lowest octave and highest potential.
"Light units are omnipresent throughout the universe.
"All effects of thinking are omnipresent throughout the universe.*"Nothing is which is not universal.
"Light units are the beginning and the end of that super-majestic illusion which man calls "creation."
"They constitute all that man calls "created things," which in truth are creating, evolving things.
"The creating of these corpuscles is as continuous as thinking is continuous." Russell, The Universal One, page 63
"The electric nature of matter in its progressive periodicity and variation of electromagnetic charge, rotation of its light units and other periodicities, will be written down with more exactness when the process of thinking is more explicitly written down and charted.
"The elements are composed of apparently separate particles in motion which shall henceforth be called "light units" or "corpuscles." The spiral genero-radiative waves are the medium of reproduction of idea throughout the entirety of the universe.
"All solids of matter are but integrated light, the generative units of which are sufficiently retarded in their motion, and their resistance to integration sufficiently extended in magnetic orbits, to bring them below the range of the state of apparent luminosity." The Universal One, Book 01 - Chapter 05 - The Process of Thinking
"If the universal Mind is without form within itself, if its light units and mass are but appearances of form due to motion and not to substance, so also is Mind in its entirety without form or shape or size." The Universal One, Book 01 - Chapter 06 - Thinking is Registered in Matter
"All things are both male and female.
"All creation is first male in preponderance, then it is similarly female.
"All light units and systems of light units are first male-female, then they are female-male.
"All idea is registered in the little particles heretofore referred to as light units.
"These units of light, heat, sex, electricity and magnetism, are all male and all female.
"Every unit is either preponderantly male or preponderantly female.
"Just so is every unit either preponderantly electric or preponderantly magnetic.
"Just so is every unit either preponderantly negatively, or preponderantly positively, electro-magnetic.
"Just so is every unit preponderantly generative or preponderantly radiative.
"And each unit is all of these.
"And each unit is variable, becoming preponderantly one or another of these in its turn, from the beginning to the end of its being.
"And the variability is orderly, and governed by measurable laws of periodicity, which are also the laws by which motion is governed." The Universal One, Book 01 - Chapter 08 - The Sex Principle
"The numerals of this formula are the hours of the cosmic clock. They are in the relative positions of the atoms of the elements and in the order of their respective varying dimensions.
"The seconds of the cosmic clock are the corpuscles, or light units which make up the atom's structures." The Universal One, Book 01 - Chapter 15 - The Formula of the Locked Potentials
"It is the beginning of the generative concentration of light into that state which man calls "heat" and its radiation into that which man calls "cold." It is the beginning of integration and disintegration of light energy into the appearance and disappearance of that which man calls "matter." It is the beginning of the crystallization of light units into that which man calls solids of matter.
"It is the beginning of integration and disintegration of light energy into the appearance and disappearance of that which man calls "mass." It is the beginning of the electro-magnetic opposition of the two forces which accumulate and dissipate the universal constant of energy into the periodicities of gravitation, attraction, cohesion, radiation and repulsion of evolving and devolving mass. The Universal One, Book 01 - Chapter 18 - Omnipotence
"It should now be perfectly clear that this universe of Mind of which light, or matter is the substance and of which the electro-magnetic energy of thinking is the force, is a dimensionless reality.
"It should also be perfectly clear that this creating physical universe of form is an illusion of the image-making faculty of Mind, the one inspired, supreme purpose of which is to conceive idea and give it the appearance of form.
"It should also be clearly understood that form and dimension are attributes of motion and in no way are they attributes of matter which is of the substance of Mind, exactly as the form of bubbles in the ocean foam are attributes of motion and not of the ocean substance.
"It should be perfectly understood from now on that, in making an analysis of the effects of motion which constitute this creating universe, we are dealing with an illusion, an idea only, which has its cause in thinking Mind.
"The universe of illusion is a corpuscular universe.
"All dimension of matter and energy is corpuscular.
"All expression of force is corpuscular.
"Corpuscles are inconceivably small particles of matter, or light, or Mind substance, which have been churned into motion by the electromagnetic forces of the thinking process of Mind, exactly as bubbles are particles of water and air churned into motion by the force of a propeller.
"The complexity of motion of these corpuscles is the sole cause of the illusion of a universe of many things evolved from the imagination of thinking Mind.
"As it should also by now be thoroughly understood that the words "matter" and "light" are used in the sense of characterising the substance of Mind, and that the word "energy" is used in the sense of characterizing the force, or life principle which makes of Mind a thinking substance; that the words "electricity" and "magnetism" are used in the sense of characterizing the apparent division of the One force of energy into the appearance of two, the relator will henceforth use these words with the assurance that the line between reality and illusion has been sufficiently well drawn to justify the omission of qualifying words.
"Let it then be clearly understood that the universe of Mind is that which man characterizes as "the spiritual universe" and that the universe of dimension is man's "physical universe." One is cause. The other is effect.
"One is real. The other is illusion.
"Man has to do with illusion during those periods in which he is forming the idea of himself as illusion; so, therefore, it is necessary that he shall understand the dimensions of the universe of illusion in order that he may control them.
"Man has long ago discarded the corpuscular theory of light in favor of a theory of electromagnetic effect of undulating waves which are supposed to exist in the ether.
"He must now replace this second theory, for the ether of man's concept is non-existent. There are no undulating ether waves.
"Light is corpuscular.
"Modern science has proved mathematically that light could not be corpuscular because of certain phenomena known as "interference" and "aberration." Modern science has reasoned that, because of the phenomenon of interference, light could not be corpuscular, for if light consisted of little particles, the phenomenon of interference would prevent light from travelling.
"It is presumed by man that light travels, because the evidence of his senses so convinces him.
"Light does not travel and the appearance of its doing so is another of the many illusions of dimension which deceive man.
"All light units of matter are given the appearance of form by the magnetic reaction of the attempt of electricity to seek higher pressures.
"This attempt is resisted by magnetism, and the resistance is registered in electricity as heat.
"The rebound into lower pressures and the sudden cooling of the electric whirling particle by the expansion of the lower pressure causes it to solidify.
"It is turned into ice. It freezes.
"It becomes what is known as "crystallic." All matter is crystallic. Crystallization is a dimension. It is the first appearance of form.
"Matter registers its energy through temperature dimension of heat and cold in solids of light which man calls "crystals." Crystals are but apparent solids of light sustained in that illusion of appearance by motion.
"Crystallization is one of the most important dimensions of the illusion of form.
"Nothing concerning the basic principle or law governing crystallization is known by modern science. It is known by experiment and observation that all elements, or compounds, crystalline in any one of six different classes, but science knows no way of determining crystallic formation, or cleavages, twinning, or other characteristics other than by observation or experiment.
"In a later volume the fundamental laws underlying crystallisation will be charted exactly.
"In this volume of first principles the basic chart will be reproduced in a brief chapter on "Crystallization." "Solid" matter is frozen light, crystallized by released pressure.
"The harder it freezes the more solid it appears to be.
"The slower its motion the harder it freezes.
"The faster its motion the more quickly it melts.
"All form of matter has its melting point in temperature at which point matter begins to disappear as form of matter.
"The more solid matter is, the higher the temperature necessary to melt it.
"Man's solids are but light retarded in its twelfth dimension, which is axial rotation and sustained in that state of decelerated motion by the energy of gravitation sturdily opposing disintegration.
"Man's dependable realities are form and dimension.
"Man's concept of reality is solidity.
"Solidity is an illusion of dimension.
"Solids are possible only above certain pressures and below their corresponding temperatures.
"The greater the pressure the higher the freezing point.
"The lesser the pressure the lower the freezing point.
"Man's dependable realities are but the "ices" of substances.
"And so are all things which man knows and sees and feels and stands upon and builds upon, and upon which he relies as true and staunch and real and everlasting. All are but as ice, and, at their respective melting points, as reliable as ice.
"If this planet did not know a temperature above that which keeps ice solid, man's concept of ice would have as much stability as his concept of granite.
"If this planet knew a temperature which melted iron the solids would be few and man himself could not be.
"All solids have their several melting points or points of liquefaction.
"All solids are liquefied gases and frozen liquids which have their varying liquefaction and freezing points. Freezing points are points of crystallization and vary with the complexity of the elements.
"All frozen solids can be liquefied by heat.
"All liquids can be broken into gases by still more heat.
"Heat radiates. Radiative acceleration is centrifugal. Centrifugal acceleration disintegrates by expansion.
"All gases can be liquefied by cold and solidified by greater cold.
"Cold generates. Generative deceleration is centripetal. Centripetal deceleration integrates by contraction.
"Solid ice becomes water at the melting point of ice.
"Water becomes steam at the vapor point of water.
"Steam breaks into the gases of water at a still higher temperature.
"All gases, integrating under gravitative pressures, are complexed by cooling and frozen into appearance. The heretofore invisible gases then become visible solids.
"All solids are simplified by heat which expands them into disappearance. The heretofore visible solids then become non-observable invisible gases.
"Man's concept of solids is born out of his experiences at the degree of temperature to which he is daily accustomed. This state is limited to about one hundred degrees of the thousands above and the hundreds below man's accustomed temperatures.
"Man's concept of gold is that of a solid, for man is accustomed to seeing gold at a temperature below its point of crystallization.
"Man's concept of mercury, is that of a liquid because man is accustomed to seeing it above its point of crystallization.
"Ice or steam vapor will continually appear and disappear from their source which is water.
"Matter becomes evident to man when sufficiently integrated in mass to respond to the senses of man as visible solids, liquids and vapors.
"Solid matter, like time, is only an appearance.
"Time appears with growth, with day succeeding night, with the seasons and with the sequence of events.
"Deprive the universe of these hour-glasses of time, and time itself disappears.
"Matter, in its form dimensions, is an appearance which is the result of motion.
"Deprive the universe of motion, and form of matter disappears. It again resolves itself into the dimensionless substance of matter from which it was born as an appearance.
"The transforming of the substance of light into matter can be likened unto the transformation of water into ice. The ice is an appearance due to change of motion. The substance of water has not changed. Deprive water of that state of inactivity called "cold" and ice disappears.
"Again, it may be likened unto the transformation of water into steam. The vapor is an appearance, due to change of motion. The substance of water has not changed. Deprive water of that state of increased activity called "heat" and steam disappears.
"The substance of matter is eternal, but the appearance of matter in form is fleeting.
"That which is not eternal will eventually disappear until the swing of the cosmic pendulum will cause its orderly and periodic reappearance.
"Ice and steam vapor will continually appear and disappear from their source, which is water.
"States and forms of matter will continually appear and disappear from their source, which is the higher octaves of light.
"Water has not changed in its apparent transformation into ice or into steam vapor.
"Light has not changed in its apparent transformation into lower octaves of light or matter. Nothing has changed; it has but appeared to change.
"Nothing can change; it can but appear to change.
"Variance in the dimension of a substance does not change the character of the substance. It but changes its state.
"Substance cannot change. It can only appear to change through variance in dimension of effects of motion.
"Just as the spokes of a wheel appear to change into a solid disk when set rapidly in motion so does Mind substance appear to change into a complexity of forms and degrees of apparent solidity in accord with the variable speed of motion of electrically accumulated potential.
"Also as the dimensions and numbers of the spokes of a wheel give the appearance of greater or less solidity according to the speed of their motion, so do the elements appear more or less solid in accord with the closeness or openness of their orbits and their integration.
"All of man's elements are the same in substance. Their apparent difference is due to difference in dimension only.
"Man's concept of substance is the result of his concept of a physical universe of many substances.
"Mans concept of a spiritual universe is that of a substanceless universe.
"Man differentiates between the spiritual and the physical universes simply because one responds to his senses and the other does not. When the range of man's senses includes the entire range of light, he will then know that there is no difference between the spiritual and physical except variance in motion, which variance does not constitute a difference in substance.
"From the high octaves of that which he terms "spirit" to the low octaves of matter and back again to spirit is but a transition from non-appearance to appearance and back to non-appearance.
"Transition is not change. It is but a journey.
"From invisibility of substance to visibility and back again to invisibility is not change. It is but an illusion.
"Creation is but a journey of the thinking Mind of the universal One into the illusions of His divine idea.
"Creation is but a manifestation of God's sublime idea of a universe of space and time and motion.
"Creation is but a materialization of images thought out during the thinking process of Mind in action.
"Idea is the sole product of thinking; thinking is the sole purpose of Mind.
"Man cannot conceive an unthinking or an inactive Mind.
"Man cannot conceive any other purpose for Mind than that of thinking.
"Man cannot conceive any other product of Mind than that of idea.
"If the One substance had not been a thinking substance, the universe would have been without sex, force or motion.
"If it had been a static substance at rest in the perfect equilibrium of uniformity, dynamics would not have been.
"Without sex, force and motion, appearance and effects could not be.
"Without appearance dimension could not be.
"If the universal substance had not been an energized thinking Mind, its composition and attributes would have been uniform through-out this dimensionless universe of perfect equilibrium, perfect balance.
"A static divine Mind, being without energy, would have been non-creative and that which man knows as "creation" would not have been.
"Without the energy of thinking, Mind would not have had the power to transmute motion into those elements which man calls "matter" or into those forms which man calls "created things." If universal Mind suddenly ceased thinking, all created things would instantly disappear. All form dimensions of matter, deprived of the generative energy of thinking Mind, would instantly become dissociated and deconcentrated and give place to a state of inert dimensionless uniformity.
"The "created universe" of illusion would disappear.
"The apparent stability of solids, maintained in their appearance of stability by the equilibrium of motion-in-opposition would instantly give place to the real stability of the One substance, but it would be devoid of light.
"The universe would immediately become a motionless universe of black, immeasurable cold.
"It would be without the image making faculty and without intelligence. Its knowledge would be that of mere perception of the reality of existence without the ability to form idea or to conceive it.
"All dimensions of motion are registered in the minute particles heretofore referred to as light units.
"As all motion is expressed in waves and registered in form, and as form begins to evolve from the integration of light units, it is well to briefly define the dimension and structure of the light unit in order to correct the misconcept of matter as something apart from life and light and energy.
"All effects and dimensions of first cause begin with the birth of each light unit.
"Each point in the universe is the center of the universe. Each point is the beginning and the end of each ten octave swing of the cosmic pendulum.
"Each new-born corpuscle, or light unit, is a center of disturbance from which the entire universe responds to its alternating electromagnetic pulsations.
"Motion, once started, never ceases until it has run the entire gamut of the ten octave range, from which point it begins again.
"The light unit of the highest octave and lowest potential eventually becomes a light unit of the lowest octave and highest potential.
"Light units are omnipresent throughout the universe.
"All effects of thinking are omnipresent throughout the universe.
"Nothing is which is not universal.
"Light units are the beginning and the end of that super-majestic illusion which man calls "creation." They constitute all that man calls "created things," which in truth are creating, evolving things.
"The creating of these corpuscles is as continuous as thinking is continuous.
"The concept of man that corpuscles are existent in perpetuity is as wrong a concept as the concept that they are unchanging in their electro-magnetic charges and other dimensions.
"Reproductive waves of electro-magnetic motion-in-opposition are made up of corpuscles to register, as dimensions in matter, the idea of thinking Mind.
"Corpuscles are the children of generative energy, born of generative energy and continued by generative energy, even as you and I; and they "die" of old age through lack of it, even as you and I.
"They are living, thinking beings, male and female, even as you and I.
"They organize and integrate into complex forms of matter through the elements of matter which register the idea of all thinking.
"Elements of matter are orderly periodic dimensions of the substance of matter.
"They are living, breathing, pulsing children of light, children of the father-mother substance of Mind, even as you and I.
"Yes, even as you and I, for of such, and of nothing else, are we composed.
"Light units are "born" into this universe of illusion as an appearance, registering an idea of thinking Mind, even as you and I.
"They take their place in complex systems of complexing idea, ever registering the complexing of the idea of thinking.
"Man is but a complex organization of light units, functioning under the government of that idea of thinking Mind, called man.
"Light units exhibit all the characteristics with which man is thoroughly familiar in living organisms.
"They inhale and exhale, inflating and deflating in the process, just as man does.
"They generate energy through absorption and lose it through fatigue, just as all life does.
"All light units and systems of light units are both generative and radiative as all more complex living organizations are both male and female.
" Just as the male of all creating things is both male and female, but preponderantly male, so all light units and systems of light units are both generative and radiative, but preponderantly one or the other.
"They integrate into form and they disintegrate into the disappearance of form just as all growing things evolve and devolve.
"They have their periodicities of sleep and wakefulness which is their periodic day just as all life and all mass has its similar periodicities.
"Also these characteristics are repeated in all multiplicity of light units combined in greater mass.
"Repeativeness is an absolute characteristic of all effects of motion.
"All mass inhales and exhales, exactly repeating the simple, familiar phases common to all life, for all matter is living matter.
"The sun inhales and exhales. The five and a half year contraction of the sun to its maximum sun spot period is its inbreathing, and its alternate dilation to its minimum sun spot period is its outbreathing.
"There is no difference in principle between the breathing of a light unit and that of a giant sun. The only difference in effect is one of dimension.
"The pulsation of a light unit may be thirty trillion to the second, whereas the giant sun may complete one inhalation in five years.
"Inhalation is for the purpose of continuing the apparent existence of form in matter.
"Inhalation is regeneration. It is integration. It vitalises, nourishes, refreshes. It continues that which is known as life.
"Exhalation is for the purpose of discontinuing the apparent existence of form in matter.
"Exhalation is dissolution. It is disintegration. It de-vitalizes, exhausts, fatigues. It discontinues that which is known as life and leads ever toward that which is known as death.
"Light units have the appearance of individuality, even as you and I.
"There is no individuality in this universe of Mind. There is but an appearance of individuality.
"This is a universe of the One Thing.
"That One Thing is Mind.
"The substance of thinking Mind in action is light.
"There is but One substance.
"The One substance cannot be divided into many substances, or many parts.
"Individuality is but an appearance, an effect of potential in the periodicity of thinking.
"These little rotating particles of light associate themselves into inter-revolving or gyrating systems which continue the motion given to them by the energy of thinking.
"These systems are the records of all idea expressed in thinking.
"They are the living storehouses of the energy of thinking.
"The energy expended by Mind in the process of thinking idea is not lost or dissipated by thinking.
"If thinking did not register itself in light and light did not integrate into the forms of idea, the created universe would not be.
"All thought is registered in these systems of light particles as a means of continuing its evolving appearance of existence as idea, just as man's voice is registered in light particles which reproduce throughout the universe with the speed of light as a means of informing the rest of the universe of man's thinking.
"Idea of Mind registered in light is living, and through reproduction it continues the idea of itself in its orderly complexing, throughout the entirety of the universal circuit of thinking.
"These little particles, born of universal thinking in its highest octave, are the first manifestations of what man calls life.
"They are the first manifestations of the appearance of individual existence.
"They are the beginning of the appearance of separate existence.
"They are the beginning of the appearance of opposites.
"They are the beginning of positive and negative electrical units magnetically united.
"They are the beginning of male and female individuals.
"They are the beginning of apparently separate thinking, separate functioning, separate acting, separate living male and female beings.
"These children of thinking Mind differ in no way from man, or mountain, or oak, or rose, except in their simplicity.
"They are light: and so is man and the mountain.
"They think and live and require new energy to generate energy in order to continue their appearance as the beginning of divine idea.
"They continue themselves as idea by transforming other energy into the idea of themselves.
"They continue others as idea by radiating energy for absorption by others or by being consumed to supply energy for others of which they become a part.
"Just as the sun continues the idea of itself by transforming other energy into the idea of itself, and just as the sun radiates its energy to continue the idea of this planet by radiation of its energy for absorption by this planet, so does one light unit give to another and take away energy from another.
"All idea is energy, therefore the energy of one idea can be transformed into the energy of another to continue the idea of that other.
"All energy is light and all idea is light.
"One light unit does not destroy another by absorbing it: the one but assimilates the idea of the other.
"An external unit such as Neptune in our solar system, would not be destroyed by being drawn into the sphere of a new integrating system. The new generative system would reverse Neptune's electro-magnetic charge and make it increasingly generative until some day its journey in a centripetal spiral orbit would end in the hot fires of the central nucleal sun where it would become one with it in energy.
"Again, in accord with periodic law, would the idea of Neptune be reborn in energy; and once again would it either travel the path of the opening spiral toward nebulosity or the closing spiral path of another new system.
"Or, if it were not so drawn into another system it would in time disintegrate its mass through expansion and cessation of motion into a negative nebula, and reform through inertia into a positive nebula.
"All idea is born of the energy of thinking and all idea continues itself as idea by the energy of its thinking.
"Light units "grow" just as all things grow, and by the same process, the absorption of the energy of other light units.
"Just as simple idea becomes involved and complex in the thinking, so do light units grow from simplicity to complexity.
"Radium was once hydrogen; gold was lithium; man was helium; the mountain was silicon; the cooling dew was flaming nitrogen; and all were all of these and all things else.
"Everything that is, is of everything else that is.
"Man is but an involved and complex organization of countless myriads of light units assembled into systems, and systems of systems, in the orderly process of continuous thinking of the idea of man.
"In the complexing of the idea of man, these myriads of light units coordinate in order to function in accordance with the evolving idea of man.
"Each thinking light unit adds to the idea of itself from the source of idea, and all thinking registers itself in new light particles.
"Just as a growing nation co-ordinates its functions, so does the complexing idea of man co-ordinate its functions.
"Just as a nation of people divides the work of its units and centralizes its government for the continuation of the idea of itself as a nation, just so does that complex organization called man divide the work of its units and centralize its government in order to continue the idea of itself as man.
"Man's concept of a thinking brain as the only thinking part of man, is a wrong concept. The brain is but the seat of government of that nation of thinking light units called man.
"These light units, assembled as a man, think individually but co-ordinate as a unit, and each functions in its place else the idea of the man could not continue.
"Man also thinks individually but co-ordinates as a unit in universal thinking. The individuality of man as a part of the universe is exactly analogous to the individuality of a light unit as a part of man.
"This is the great law of evolving idea.
"Idea is evolutionary and continuous; therefore is the recording of idea also continuous.
"Idea is constantly building itself up in all forming systems.
"This is integration.
"This is what man calls growth. It is life.
"Idea is constantly tearing itself apart.
"This is disintegration.
"This is what man calls fading. It is death.
"Integration and disintegration are simultaneous in all systems.
"Integration is growth.
"Fading is growth.
"Disintegration is life.
"Of this more will be written in its proper place; for it will be more easily understood when the cause of electricity, magnetism and gravitation has been made clear; and also when the laws of magnetic and electric lines of force, which, by their opposition, cause the appearance of that which man calls the "created physical universe of integrating and disintegrating matter," has been clearly written down.
"No state of motion ever began or ever ended." [The Universal One, Book 02 - Chapter 01 - Dynamics of Mind - Concerning Light Units of Matter]
"Positive electricity is the generative energy of thinking Mind registered in light units which are gravitationally or centripetally resisting magnetic influence by expelling it. The light units are contracting, registering their contraction and their resistance to magnetism in heat. Their electric orbital motion is toward a closing spiral in one plane.
"Positive electricity is that state of motion in which electricity dominates magnetism.
"Positive electricity is that state of motion in which centripetal force dominates centrifugal force.
"Negative electricity is the radiative energy of thinking Mind registered in those same light units which are radially, or centrifugally, yielding to inflowing magnetic influence. They are expanding, registering their yielding and their expansion in cooling, and their electric orbital motion is toward an opening spiral in many planes, culminating in nebulosity.
"Negative electricity is that state of motion in which magnetism dominates electricity.
"Negative electricity is that state of motion in which centrifugal force dominates centripetal force.
"Positive electricity is the plus half of electromagnetically charging light units which are seeking higher pressure zones.
"Negative electricity is the minus half of electromagnetically discharging light units which are seeking lower pressure zones.
"Hardness is due to deceleration of rotation and acceleration of revolution which allows a closer integration oflight units in their systems." The Universal One, Book 02 - Chapter 02 - Electricity and Magnetism
"Each can but fill its own office; one attracts, and thus gathers light units together into an appearance of solids of matter. The other repels, and thus prys light units apart into the dissolution of solids of matter, into gases and vapors." The Universal One, Book 02 - Chapter 03 - New Concepts of Electricity and Magnetism
"Positive electricity is an endothermic, contractive force which is actively absorbing a comparatively large quantity of generative light units of heat which raises its potential, and is expelling a smaller number of them, devitalized into magnetic radio-active emanations, thus slightly lowering its potential.
"Negative electricity is an exothermic, expansive force which is reactively absorbing a small quantity of generative light units of heat which slightly raises its potential, and is expelling a greater number of them, devitalized into magnetic radio-active emanations, thus lowering its potential.
"Consider the radiative rays of the sun as negative light units expelled by positive contraction, which forces them to seek lower pressures and lower potential.
"As the light units which constitute the rays circle spirally and centrifugally around the sun in their search for lower pressures exactly as this mass of light units which is our planet circles around the sun, they continue to expand and become increasingly negative the farther they recede from the sun.
"When the light units which we familiarly term "light rays," reach the inertial plane of equalized pressures between the mass of the sun and the mass of this planet, their expanded masses impact against it and continue beyond it in an ever increasing state of solidity." The Universal One, Book 02 - Chapter 04 - Positive and Negative Electricity
"The elements of matter are but varying aggregations of corpuscular light units gathered together in systems familiarly known as atoms." The Universal One, Book 02 - Chapter 05 - The Elements of Matter
"The electro-magnetic pulse-beats of a light unit may be thirty trillion to a second and those of an accumulation of light units in the mass of our sun may be months apart, just as its inhalation-exhalation period is approximately eleven years. Betelguese may have a breathing period of a thousand years, but time is a purely relative dimension and all periods vary only in dimension.
"The pulsations of the universal One are constant in every dimension in all mass.
"The thirty trillion per second of a light unit would exactly equal the energy of one superpulsation of the sun of our solar system." The Universal One], Book 02 - Chapter 08 - The Universal Pulse - All Motion is Oscillatory
"All masses, whether they are light units, planets or suns, are compression and expansion pumps which hold themselves together for a time in greater or less proximity according to the various ratios of their respective compression and expansion powers, in order to simulate the forms being thought out as idea by the image making faculty of the One universal Mind.
"Charging light units draw closer to each other. They appear to attract one another.
"They gravitate toward each other.
"They revolve around each other and rotate upon themselves.
"As they draw closer together they charge each other, thus mutually assisting each other in remaining in their unstable position of displacement.
"Each part of every charging light unit or system appears to attract each other part irrespective of its potential. Contraction of volume is the inevitable effect." The Universal One, Book 02 - Chapter 10 - Electromagnetic Pressures
"Heat absorbing light units are raising their potentials through vitalizing inhalation.
"They accumulate potential by nature's process of raising low potentials to the low melting points characteristic of low pressures and low potentials and then freezing them into form at the low freezing points characteristic of low pressures and low potentials; and then repeating this process in the higher potentials of each succeeding octave of inhalation.
"Light units which are increasing their potentials are endothermic, contracting, generating light units.
"Generating light units or systems are centripetal.
"Their force is in the direction of nucleal centers of closing spirals.
"Centripetal, closing spirals pack accumulating mass more closely together into vortices which are ever whirling toward the apices of ever shortening cones.
"The whirling vortices of closing spirals of opposing cones become nucleal centers of maximum integration and maximum resistance to integration.
"They are the gravitative centers of forming systems.
"They are the focusing points toward which all charging light units of increasing potential, and integrating mass "fall," and become absorbed as heat units of potential energy; and away from which all discharging light units of lowering potential and disintegrating mass "rise and are radiated as heat emanations.''
"Centripetal, closing spirals of opposing cones accumulate positive charge and its accompanying heat resistance into restricted areas at their melding apices which form centers of gravitative force.
"The apices of spiral cones are the focusing points of the high potential of their systems.
"All light units of increasing potential decrease in volume as they approach these focusing points.
"Decrease in volume means increase in density.
"Increase in density is resisted by magnetic reaction and evidenced in heat.
"Heat radiates. Radiation expands and expansion cools the surface of the accumulated mass.
"Cold generates. Generation contracts.
"Contraction condenses.
"By this process, a contracting shell of high pressure is formed around any heated mass to prevent expansion, and the hot center ever increases in density as it cools.
"This is nature's method of changing dimensions of motion in order to produce apparently different substances with which to build the forms thought out by Mind.
"Expanded substances are described by chemists as "active" and contracted substances as “inactive.†Gases, for example, are classed as active, and solids as inactive states of substances.
"That is because expanded substances unite more readily in low potential positions where expansion pressure has separated light units to great distances. They are so expanded that they integrate readily.
"Their opposing streams join.
"Discharging light units or systems separate or draw away from each other, and also draw away from charging light units or systems. They not only appear to repel each other, but also seem to be repellent within themselves.
"Each part of every discharging light unit or system appears to repel each other part, irrespective of its potential.
"It radiates away from adjoining masses.
"It expands from within itself even as does the system of which it is a part.
"As light units separate one from another, they discharge each other.
"Discharging light units are those which are releasing potential through devitaliziing exhalation.
"Light units or systems, which are decreasing their potential are exothermal, expanding, radiating light units.
"Radiating light units or systems are centrifugal. Their force is in the direction of the expanding orbits of opening spirals. The purpose of magnetism is to replace that which electricity has displaced; to dissociate, disassemble, diffuse, disintegrate and radiate that which electricity has associated, assembled, integrated and generated.
"The breathing of the light units of the "magnetized" iron is faster than that of the normal iron. The inhalation-exhalation sequences are so vastly increased that a normal piece of iron "falls" toward the direction of the flow exactly as heavy trees are uprooted and sucked into the maelstrom of the spirally swirling cones of a cyclone." The Universal One, Book 02 - Chapter 11 - Attraction and Repulsion
"The sun of the system is pushing them all slowly away to cool, and drawing unto itself new light units for its regeneration which will enable it to replace the ejected planets and to continue its own potency.
"The planets are the finished product of the sun's fashioning and the regenerative light units are the raw product from which the planets are fashioned.
"In the same way, all of the generative light units which are regenerating any system are constantly falling toward the yellow of maximum incandescent appearance, in positions appropriate to their contracting dimensions of increasing potentials.
"Until it is very near the nucleal sun, the charging light unit of a generative atom does not take a short cut across lots through higher pressures to fall crashing into its sun any more than does the charging light units of a solar system.
"It contracts gradually as it falls spirally toward the sun, and its potential, equilibrium, pressure and melting point constantly rise as it falls.
"Nor does the discharging light unit of a degenerative atom take a short cut across lots through lowering pressures to break suddenly and explosively into a tenuous cloud at the inertial plane of disappearance, at the farthermost bounds of its wave cycle.
"If the movements of planets and satellites are effects of gravitation and the same effects in smaller mass are "electrical effects," why do smaller masses exactly follow the laws of the larger masses? The light units of an atom seem independent of the earth's gravitative center but actually they are not. All are revolving true to the planes of their respective potentials.
"The moons of Jupiter do exactly the same thing in respect to the solar gravitative center of this system, yet they are not considered "an electrical effect." They fall toward the sun and away from it with the same apparent disregard that light units of a system evidence in respect to other masses outside their own systems." The Universal One, Book 02 - Chapter 12 - Gravitation and Radiation
"It is the direction in which all generating light units are spirally threading their way on their outward journey toward the melting pot." The Universal One, Book 02 - Chapter 21 - Expressions of Gravitation and Radiation
"All mass is an aggregation of light units assembled into systems and into systems of systems.
"All mass is held together by internal surface tension pressure generated by itself.
"Any mass of high pressure and potential which is brought into a zone of low pressure and potential will rapidly lose the light units of which it is composed.
"Any mass of low pressure and potential which is brought into a zone of high pressure and potential will lose the light units of which it is composed more slowly in its new potential position.
"The mass will contract, thus drawing its light units and systems closer together.
"This contraction of particles is the generative process of attraction.
"It will be recalled that bodies approaching each other charge each other.
"Charging bodies of higher potential regenerate discharging bodies of lower potential. This is the process of accumulation of mass." The Universal One, Book 02 - Chapter 25 - Expressions of Gravitation and Radiation
"Creation is a Mind-imagined journey of electrically divided male and female opposites in increasingly greater speed and power in the direction of each other, where they unite in rest to re-divide, and return with ever increasing speed and decreasing power, to the zero of rest in the Magnetic Light of Mind from which they sprang into action." [Atomic Suicide?, 12 - Chapter 4 - The True Nature of This Mind and Motion Universe, part 1 of 2]
"The Father-Mother of Creation divides His sexless unity into sex-divided pairs of father and mother bodies, for the purpose of uniting them to create other pairs of father and mother bodies in eternal sequence, forever." [Atomic Suicide?, 12 - Chapter 4 - The True Nature of This Mind and Motion Universe, part 1 of 2]
Light Units now called "bodies"?
"The division of sexless Oneness into pairs could not be a part of Nature's process without also dividing the Oneness of Light. God's Magnetic Light is white because it is still. It has no tensions or strains in it, for it is not divided. It is invisible to the senses because it has no motion in it. The moment motion begins the Light of the Creator's energy is divided into pairs which multiply their red and blue intensities in the ratio of their extension from their cathode beginnings, just as electric potential multiplies its intensity for the same reason. If, therefore, the Creator electrically divides His One pressureless, motionless Light into two oppositely pressured lights of motion, is it not imperative that we associate these two similar effects which rise from the same cause, and judge them as ONE. Should we not recognize the fact that these two colliding light pressures wind up together, as a bolt threads into a nut, or more properly as one spiral spring intertwines into another? Is it not logical, therefore, to realize that the interpenetrating half of the spectrum is red, and the outer half is blue? That is the way we find it in nature." [Atomic Suicide?, 12 - Chapter 4 - The True Nature of This Mind and Motion Universe, part 2 of 2]
All light particles are either expressing the mother-light principle or the father-light principle. For example, if a particle is on the amplitude of the wave, it would be a true sphere, and as a true sphere it would be neither positive nor negative. It might then appropriately be called a neutron. A particle which is spirally heading inward toward the apex of a vortex in the process of becoming a sphere might appropriately be called a proton, because of its expressing the father-light principle.
?Again, if it is moving spirally outward, it could appropriately be called an electron because it would then be discharging in excess of its charge or expanding in excess of its contraction.
Light rays, for example, leaving the sun, are discharging the sun. They are also discharging themselves because they are expanding into greater volume. They are also lowering their own potential by multiplying their volume. They reverse their polarity when radially converging upon the earth. They are then charging the earth and themselves by contracting into smaller volume and are simultaneously multiplying their own potential by thus contracting. [Walter Russell, The Secret of Light, pages 166-167]
In an electric current there is a constant interchange between anode and cathode or positive and negative poles. A light particle expands as it leaves the anode in an outward radial direction and contracts as it radially approaches the anode. This light particle has been the same light particle at all times in all parts of its journey. Its variation of charge and discharge, its direction of motion and the condition of wave pressure in which it finds itself at any time are the sole reasons for its changing from one condition to another. The light particles are all the same light particles, all being different only in pressure condition.
This is also true of the elements of matter. Whether they be iron, carbon, silicon, bismuth or radium, all are composed of the same kind of light particles.
They all seem to have different qualities and attributes, but those qualities and attributes are likewise given to them purely by the positions they occupy in their waves. [Walter Russell, The Secret of Light, pages 167-168]
ChatGPT explores Russell’s Light Units 1/30/25: https://chatgpt.com/share/679b6fc6-6e9c-800d-ab73-4feeac7390b2
See Also
AI Interpretations of SVP
Etheric Elements
Figure 12.03 - Scale Showing Relations of Light Color and Tones
Figure 14.04 - The Alchemical Light
Figure 14.05 - The Dominant is the Light of the Mind of Diety
Figure 14.11 - Keelys Chart showing nested levels of aggregated light we call matter
Figure 17.02 - Gravity divides multiplies and balances Light and Sound
Figure 2.19 - Matter formed from Dark and Light
Figure 2.4 - Undivided Light divides into all that is
Figure 3.21 - Vortex or Gyroscopic Motions as Conflicts or Antagonisms between Light and Dark
Figure 3.22 - Vortex or Gyroscopic Motions as Conflicts or Antagonisms between Light and Dark Zones
Figure 3.23 - Vortex or Gyroscopic Motions as Conflicts or Antagonisms between Light and Dark Zones
Figure 7.9 - Gravity aggregates Light into States of Matter
Figure 9.16 - Russells 1-4 Octaves of Matter as Integrated Light - The Universal Constant
Figure 9.17 - Russells Ten Octaves of Matter as Integrated Light - The Universal Constant
First Cause Light Unit same as Keely's Neutral Center
language of Light
Life Light and Love
Light of Mind
Light Rings formed at 90 Degrees to Magnetic Center Line
Luminiferous Ether
Neutral Center Light Unit same as Keely's Neutral Center
Pyramids Telescopes and Light
shimmer of motes
The Secret of Light
units of electric motion
White Light
14.19 - Dominant is Light
14.20 - Dominant is Light of Mind or Thought or Idea
14.25 - Dominant is Light of Electrical Spark
14.26 - Dominant is Light of Mind
14.33 - Mind Force - Light - Etheric Subdivision
2.20 - Let there be Light
3.9 - Nodes Travel Faster Than Waves or Light
4.11 - Matter is Centralized Condensed and Differentiated Light
7B.04 - Triplets Form Larger Units of Unity
7B.09 - Luminiferous Ether or Light
7B.10 - Light
7B.19 - Light and Heat