Range (set) of related frequencies.
Same as Subdivision, Order, Range, Dimension
General remarks on the method of harmonies developing on all kinds of instruments, including the human voice
—Much paradox, but yet the scheme will admit of clear demonstration
—A musical note compared to a machine, the motive power not of our creation
—The imperfection of keyed instruments, from some notes acting two parts, attuned to the ideal of harmony within us
—Macfarren quoted on the echoing power of a cathedral attuning the Amen
—Why music as an art precedes painting
—Philosophers and mathematicians have only studied music to a certain point
—Every key-note a nucleus, including the past, the present, and the future; no finality in any ultimate
—The late Sir John Herschel's views on the musical gamut alluded to
—The imperfection of keyed instruments adapts them to our present powers
—The laws will be seen to develope the twelve major and the twelve minor keys in unbroken sequence and in harmonious ratio; to gain them in geometric order [as] keyed instrument should be circular, the seven octaves interlacing in tones a lower and a higher series, . 15 [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Table of Contents1 - Harmonies]
The following scheme endeavours to show that the development of the musical gamut and the colours of the rainbow are regulated by the same laws. I wish it to be clearly understood that I have gained the evolutions from the mysterious type of Life—a golden thread running throughout the Scriptures, from the first chapter of Genesis to the last of Revelation;—life developing around us and within us from the Almighty, who is its Eternal Fountain. My youthful impressions included the belief that the views of Dr. Darwin, my great-uncle, contradicted the teaching of the Scriptures, and I therefore avoided them altogether. Having endeavoured for years to gain correctly the laws which develope Evolution, I suddenly discovered that I was working from Scripture on the same foundation which he had found in Creation; and as Creation and Revelation proceed from the same Author, I knew that they could not contradict each other. It is considered by many that my cousin, Charles Darwin, gained his first ideas of Evolution from his grandfather's works; but I know from himself that he was ignorant of them, and that his theory of Evolution was arrived at by his close experiments and observations of the laws of creation alone. Only a few months since, after reading his work on "the Movements of Plants," published in 1881, and wishing to be certain that I had not an incorrect belief, I asked the following question—"Did you gain your views on Evolution by your wonderfully acute observations, ignorant of your grandfather's ideas?" The reply was, that he had done so entirely from his own observations. [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Introduction1 - Harmonies, page 9]
See Also
Diagram VII - The Modulating Gamut of the Twelve Keys1
Diagram VII - The Modulating Gamut of the Twelve Keys2
Diagram XIV - The Modulating Gamut of the Twelve Minor Keys by Fifths1
Diagram XIV - The Modulating Gamut of the Twelve Minor Keys by Fifths2
Diagram XIV - The Modulating Gamut of the Twelve Minor Keys by Fifths3
Figure 1.4 - Dynamical Full Gamut of Mind and Matter
Figure 1.5 - Expanded Gamut of Mind and Matter Chart
Figure 1.5 - Expanded Gamut of Mind and Matter Chart - See Also
Figure 1.5 - Full Dynamical Gamut of Mind and Matter
Figure 12.11 - Russells Locked Potential Full Ten Octave Gamut
Figure 7B.11 - Full Gamut of Mind to Matter and back to Mind
major gamut
natural gamut
The Minor Gamut Modulating in the Meeting of Fifths61