"Cold and heat, like life and death, constitute a wave cycle. In all nature there is no effect which is not wave created, and all waves are cyclic." [Russell, Russells Optic Dynamo-Generator]
"The supreme effort of this book is to have you comprehend that Creation is a division of The Eternal One into countless twos of sex-conditioned opposites, which eternally seek to void their division by uniting as One.
"Creation is a Mind-imagined journey of electrically divided male and female opposites in increasingly greater speed and power in the direction of each other, where they unite in rest to re-divide, and return with ever increasing speed and decreasing power, to the zero of rest in the Magnetic Light of Mind from which they sprang into action. Creation is an illusion which stimulates substance by multiplying the speed of centripetal motion, and loses its appearance of substance by multiplying its centrifugal speed. If we prove this new state of facts to be in accord with Nature's plan, it will obviously be necessary to have very different concepts of the Nature of the universe than those concepts which are now held by man." [Atomic Suicide, page 82]
All energy is expressed in wave cycles.
A cycle is a two-way electric journey from a compression point of rest where gravity ceases and radiation begins, to an expansion point of rest at wave field boundaries where radiation ceases and gravity begins. It is the universal heartbeat of this pulsing universe of two-way motion. [Russell, The Secret of Light, page 173]
Russell Wave Cycle Analysis [1] https://svpwiki.com/pdffiles/Russell_Wave_Cycle_Analysis.pdf