
gas crystal

Keely mentions observing a "wonderful variation of gravital sympathy between the molecules of gaseous elements and gaseous chemical compounds, all coming under the molecular subdivision." This strongly indicates the existence of gas-crystals, the plus-molecular aggregation applying to their gaseous state. Inductive sympathetic negative mass attraction also, when applied to gases, mixture of gases and gas compounds, would very likely have often times a frequency which would not induct resonance, simply by formation of these gas crystals in a great variety of degrees, with corresponding complex variations in the mass chord of each combination. These variations would be caused by the residual molecular affinities causing formation of these plus-molecular aggregates. This feature caused Keely a great deal of trouble at one stage of his experiments. [GRAVITAL SYMPATHY BETWEEN GASES]

"These are aptly described as solid, liquid and gaseous crystals. Keely does not claim their existence but his data indicates the effects of their combinations. They caused him considerable difficulty during certain stages of his experiments. [Snell Manuscript - the book, MOLECULAR AGGREGATES]

See Also

Browns Gas
center of the inert gas
four rings of the inert gas
free electron gas
gas-filled tube
Gas-Plasma-Gas Transformation
Inert Gas
inert gas keynote
inert gas recorder
Noble gas
Radio Crystals
Vogel Crystals
Water Gas
11.15 - Indig Numbers - Inert Gases and Octave Position
16.14 - Thermionic and gaseous state diodes

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Thursday October 6, 2022 04:56:53 MDT by Dale Pond.