
Home Study Course

The Complete Home Study Course, 1950 with later editions, printed & bound, by Walter and Lao Russell
University of Science and Philosophy is an open university for integral learning and transformational study in Universal Law, Natural Science, and Living Philosophy. Originally written by the University founders, Walter and Lao Russell, A Course in Cosmic Consciousness is designed for those desiring to increase their inner-sensory perception, unfold their own unique genius, and develop a living philosophy based on ever-expanding, life-transforming knowledge of their cosmic unity and unique destiny as an individual creative expression of Being in an eternally-creating universe.

(The HSC quotes used in the SVPwiki are from the 1950 edition of the Home Study Course.)

"This course of study is written for those who have felt the deep urge within them to know that rare experience known as Cosmic Conscious Illumination, which comes only to those whose inner sensory perception is beginning to unfold. Those who are thus illumined, even if by but a flash of the Cosmic Light, reach the greatest heights of mental exaltation that it is possible for humans to know." [Russell]

Home Study Course

Images in Home Study Course
HSC Figure 178, page 901

Home Study Course - Table of Contents

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday August 10, 2024 05:41:55 MDT by Dale Pond.