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"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." Ralph Waldo Emerson

The SVPwiki is a collection and synthesis of relevant information on and about the New Sciences. The SVPwiki explores the vibratory nature of Mind and Matter. This vast body of knowledge is comprised of the pioneer work of Keely, Russell, Cayce, Reich, Nikola Tesla, Schauberger, Quimby, Bearden and many others. Usually their work is not considered part of the accepted "literature" but it is known their work has inspired the growth and expansion of art, philosophy, science and technology even though these pioneers were rarely credited or acknowledged. [see svpbookstore]

To provide an accurate summary based solely on the content within svpwiki.com, I will carefully review the key documents and sections. After completing the review, I will provide an encompassing summary that captures John Keely's essence, his works, and the purpose of svpwiki.com. I will maintain strict adherence to the information on the site without inserting external opinions.

Let me retrieve the relevant information. One moment, please.

John Ernst Worrell Keely (1827–1898) was an American inventor from Philadelphia who dedicated his life to exploring the principles of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics (SVP). Keely proposed that the universe operates through interconnected vibratory principles, where matter, energy, and consciousness harmonize through resonant frequencies within an omnipresent ether. His experiments aimed to harness this etheric force, seeking to unify natural laws under a single, sympathetic association governing all physical and metaphysical interactions.
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics

Throughout his career, Keely developed numerous inventions and mechanical devices designed to demonstrate and apply his theories. These included various engines and instruments intended to utilize the etheric force he described. Despite skepticism from the scientific establishment, which resisted his vision of mind influencing matter, Keely remained steadfast, believing his discoveries could transform fields from energy production to mental influence over physical systems.

The SVPwiki was established to serve as a comprehensive repository of all things pertaining to Keely's life and work. It aims to collect and synthesize relevant information on and about the New Sciences, exploring the vibratory nature of mind and matter. The SVPwiki endeavors to show and explain how the material and energetic universe is an effect of undifferentiated mind or consciousness, and how mind force is a pre-existing natural force that is engineerable.

In summary, John Keely was a pioneering inventor who sought to reveal the vibratory foundations of the universe, proposing that all matter and energy are fundamentally vibratory in nature, governed by harmonic principles, and capable of mutual influence through resonance and sympathetic association. The SVPwiki exists to preserve, explore, and disseminate Keely's groundbreaking work, providing a platform for understanding his theories and their potential implications for future scientific exploration. [ChatGPT 1/18/25]

The SVPwiki is comprised of three main foci.
  1. Keely's science of Mind (Scalar Forces) and Philosophy.
  2. Science and philosophy of others that supports or validates this higher science.
  3. Methods to excite and awaken one's higher mind functions because Keely's Science cannot be grasped by the intellect alone.

How to Study the SVPwiki

"My basic philosophy with the SVPwiki is that I don't know what the truth is concerning any given subject. So I review what others of note have said and from those perhaps form an opinion of my own. So my opinion, when and if formed, will be a distillation of the thoughts of geniuses, maybe, perhaps or none of those." [Dale Pond]

The SVPwiki endeavors to show and explain

Permission to Quote, Reference and Share Permission is granted to use the materials in the svpwiki to be studied, quoted and shared so long as it is referenced as source or intermediate source. Feel free to use these materials for writing a book or article, preparing a presentation or in communication with others.


Great is a man who overarches others with his gifts of mind and intellectuality, the one who, like a bee does with the honey, gathers KNOWLEDGE and reveals NEW TRUTHS, but crowns his efforts with LOVE FOR HUMANITY which in return helps him evade the burden of weighing miseries: FEAR, FAMINE, IGNORANCE, DISEASE." [Nikola Tesla in an interview given to Vladislav Savic in 1919]

"The main thing is to have a soul that loves the truth and harbours it where he finds it." Goethe

See Women in Science

"Forerunners are seldom recognized while they are in their glory of forerunning. I shake my head in disgust when I read about those who mock those ahead of their times or ahead of the pack. It's nothing but jealousy and envy. They wished they were the ones who had the brilliant mind to make these discoveries." [Joanne Cremer]


SVPwiki explores the Life and Works of and others not listed.
Atwood, Mary A.
Allen, Grant
Allen, James
Bearden, Col. Thomas
Blavatsky, Helena. P.
Bloomfield-Moore, Clara Jessup
Brinton, Professor Daniel
Colville, William
Crowther, Kiesha
Carpenter, Tom & Linda
Cayce, Edgar
Curie, Marie
Cusa, Nicholas of
DeMeo, James
Einstein, Albert
Findhorn Community
Ford, Henry
Gauss, Johann Carl Friedrich
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Hansen, Victor
Hubbard, L. Ron
Hughes, Mrs. Fitzgerald
Jahn, Professor Robert G. & Brenda J. Dunne
Keely, John Ernst Worrell
Kepler, Johannes
LaRouche, Lyndon
Le Bon, Gustave
Lewis, Dr. Harvey Spencer
Macvicar, Dr. John Gibson
Maltz, Maxwell
Mandino, Og
Maxwell, James Clerk
Doyle-McManus, Caroline
Mead, George R. S.
Miller, Dayton Clarence
Moray, T. Henry
Newton, Isaac
Papp, Josef
Pond, Dale
Quimby, Phineas Parkhurst
Ramsay, Dougald Carmichael
Reich, Dr. Wilhelm
Riemann, Georg Friedrich Bernhard
Russell, Lao
Russell, Walter
Saraswati, Swami Pratyagatmananda
Schauberger, Viktor
Sinclair, David
Rohner, Robert
Steiner, Rudolf
Stranges, Dawn
Tassel, van George
Tesla, Nikola
Williams, Jerry
White, Carol
Whittaker, Edmund Taylor
Wright, W. C.
Yukteswar, Swami Sri
and many others. See bibliography for some others.

See Also


See Also

History of the SVPwiki
How to Study the SVPwiki
Mission Statement
Part 24 - Awakening Your Genius
Scientists Explorers and Discoverers
SVPwiki Statistics
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
SVP videos
Who We Are

Created by dale. Last Modification: Saturday January 18, 2025 07:12:57 MST by Dale Pond.