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AI Interpretations of SVP

Tables Correlating Data, Correspondences and Concepts within SVPwiki

During my early years working with SVP I did develop dozens and dozens if not hundreds of spreadsheets investigating musical relations. With software being upgraded periodically as also hardware those spreadsheets are for the most part unreadable today. I did retain some older hardware capable of reading some of those old files with the hope one day I will go back and migrate those more interesting old files to readable formats. In the interim I did migrate some of those files I thought were in some way useful. These were in some fashion or other incorporated into various Tables and Charts readable within the internet and posted to the svpwiki here and here. See also Summaries

As a communication tool, a table allows a form of generalization of information from an unlimited number of different social or scientific contexts. It provides a familiar way to convey information that might otherwise not be obvious or readily understood. [wikipedia]

  1. Table of Hubbard's Scale of Consciousness
  2. Table of Mind and Matter, Leadbeater
  3. Table of Color and Tones
  4. Table of Russells Eighteen Dimensions
  5. Enhanced Electromagnetic Spectrum Table
  6. Table of Enhanced Electromagnetic Spectrum
  7. Table of Etheric Elements
  8. Table of Etheric Vibratory Scale
  9. Table of Electromagnetic Scale in Octaves
  10. Table of Polarity - Duality
  11. Table of Music Intervals
  12. Mendeleev Period Table
  13. Table of Mind Force is a pre-existing Natural Force
  14. Table of Music Note or Sound Colors
  15. Table of Particles and Corpuscles SVP
  16. Periodic Table of the Elements
  17. Periodic Table Set to Music
  18. Table of Elements Set to Music Periodic Table
  19. Table of Scale of Infinite Ninths Basic Structure of Notes and Interval Meanings
  20. Table of Scale of Forces in Octaves
  21. Table of Summaries
  22. Table of Relations of Thirds
  23. Table of Scale of Infinite Ninths Showing Music to Frequency to Locked Potentials
  24. Table of Fifths Voiding and Double Tone
  25. Table of G = The Fifth, 4++ and Double Tone
  26. Table of Roots Powers of Two and Indig Numbers
  27. Table of Divine Trinity Locked Potentials, Phases of a Wave, Color and Elements
  28. Table of Length Area and Volume Math
  29. Table of Wavelengths and Frequencies Octave Relations of Russell's Indig Number System
  30. Table of Suppositional Math and Symbolic Structure
  31. Table of Vibratory and Oscillatory Triple Force Functions
  32. Table of Photoelectric Effect of Elements
  33. Table of Thirds
  34. Table of Neutral Thirds - Energy Radiates from Center - Force Contracts to Center
  35. Table of Ranges of Forces Vibration Forms Types and Governing Laws
  36. Table of Dominant
  37. Table of Sixths
  38. Table of Ninths
  39. Table of Negative Radiating Focalizing Bar
  40. Table of Triune Polar Streams
  41. Table of Controlling Modes and Proportions
  42. Table of Velocity of Sound in various Materials
  43. Table of Cause and Effect Dualities
  44. Table of Dichotomies
  45. Table of Contents for SVPwiki
  46. Table of Correspondences
  47. Table of Energy Emanations from the Body
  48. Table of Forces Forces and Energies discovered throughout the centuries.
  49. Table of Glands and Correspondences
  50. Table of Hydrogen Atoms and Ions
  51. Table of Plate Harmonics and Intervals
  52. Table of Quantum Particles standard
  53. Table of Subdivisions of Matter and Energy
  54. Table of Elements
  55. Table of the key-notes and their trinities
  56. Table of the twelve scales meeting by fifths
  57. Triune States of Matter and Energy

See Also

Laws of Being - Annotated contains many of the above tables in context.
The Nature and Dynamics of Vibration and Toroids a further expansion of the Laws of Being - Annotated containing numerous tables and relationships in context.

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday March 14, 2023 02:39:51 MDT by Dale Pond.