1) G = the Fifth of the Scale is a Double Tone - a Dual ONE - Yin and Yang mated, not separate but together AS ONE (sympathetic).
2) G = a Double Tone? By counting up a fifth and down a fourth it is a Double Tone.
3) G at 4++ is possibly the 5th octave configuration where Carbon is perfected harmony of components in opposition, ala Fuller's Tensor Force or Tensional Integrity.
4) The 0 (zero) positions of C## and Dbb are without polarity (i.e., depolar) therefore do not have a positive and negative oscillation (tone). The Inert or Noble gases reside at the 0 (zero) locations or very close thereto. Russell says of this "The Inert Gases are not elements and are therefore toneless and colorless." The Universal One, page 249. However, we know from modern chemistry these elements are not perfectly neutral and do combine with other elements under certain conditions.
5) In Figure 11.01 - Octave composed of Equal Thirds and Triads we see the Fifth has its arithmetical root in the next lower octave.
NOTE: C## and Dbb are essentially the same being octaves of each other.
6) G is the average/mean of these two as also the sum of the two lower octaves:
(512 + 1024)/2 | = | 768 |
256 + 512 | = | 768 |
See Russell, The Universal One, pages 9, 11 and 249