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Title Price Item# Info about this book
Keely's Laws of Being, color $58.00 B01130 Keelys Laws of Being
Our Silver Works! colloidal silver 16 oz. $35.00 CSC1197 includes S&H
Pythagoras and the Quantum World, volume 1 $12.95 B1300
The Physics of Love 2.0, color $59.00 B1396-2 The Physics of Love 2.0
Unincorporated Business Organization Trust, UBOT $99.00 B0021194 Unincorporated Business Trust
Universal Laws Revealed: Keely's Secrets $75.00 B0001689 Universal Laws Revealed: Keelys Secrets
A History of American Constitutional or Common Law with Commentary Concerning Equity and Merchant Law 19.95 B0005192
A New Concept of the Universe 25 BKS400
A New Creed 8.95 B032814
A Primer of Rotational Physics 18 B21206
A Remarkable Book and its Teachings 2 B0002488
A Review of Clara Bloomfield-Moore's Keely and His Discoveries 7.95 P0705
ABC of Musical Theory 6.95 P0471192
Abrams' Methods of Diagnosis & Treatment 17.75 B0451192
Acoustic Lens is Gas-Filled 1.25 N0221192
Acoustic Levitation Methods and Apparatus 2.95 N0021488
Acoustic Levitation System 1.60 N0010488
Acoustic Levitation with Less Equipment 4.95 N0015488
Acoustic Levitation with One Driver 1.25 N0008488
Acoustic Levitation with One Transducer 2.25 N0017488
Acoustic Levitator Maintains Resonance 2.35 N0019488
Acoustic Pump 1.45 N0061293
Acoustic Translation of an Acoustically Levitated Sample 2.15 N0029488
Acoustically Tuned Optical Spectrometer 1.15 N0281192
Action of Force is Spiro-Vortex 1.00 P0011488
Action of Force is Spiro-Vortex (pdf) .75 pdf11488
Activating Your Power to Create 29.95 VT0504
Activating Your Power to Create 15 AT0504
Active Pulse Suppression of Structural Vibrations 2.25 N0061192
Active Suppression of Vibrations in Stirling-Cycle Coolers 3 N0004296
Adjustable Holder for Transducer Mounting 1.45 N0231192
Aerial Navigation 1.5 P0030488
Aerial Navigation (pdf) .75 pdf30488
All-Metal Low-Pass Dichroic Microwave Reflector .95 N0001896
Amateur in Science 1.75 P0028488
Amen, The Key of the Universe 9.95 P4597
Amplitude of Force 7 B0011293
An Old Miracle - New Science 1 P0022488
An Old Miracle - New Science (pdf) .75 pdf22488
Analytic Study of Harmonic Intervals $30.00 B013018
Apergy: Power Without Cost 2.25 P0021488
Apergy: Power Without Cost (pdf) .99 pdf21488
Applying Uniform Polymer Coatings to Microspheres 1.25 N0041192
Are Physical and Spiritual Energy Identical? 1.95 P3597
Are Physical and Spiritual Energy Identical? (pdf) .89 pdf3597
Atlin - Knowing I AM 16.95 B2001
Atlin - Knowing I AM (pdf) .99 pdf2001
Atlin color photos 8" X 10" 15 PIC700
Atomic Suicide? 25 BKS700
Automated Surface Profilometer 1.15 N0011194
Battery Operated High-Voltage Power Supply 2 N0051192
Beef Grading by Ultrasound 2.5 N0151192
Blowing Polymer Bubbles in an Acoustic Levitator 1 N0012488
Brief Analysis of the Moray Radiant Energy Device 5 P0012595
Brief History of the Moray Radiant Device 3 P0012495
Broadband Electrostatic Acoustic Transducer for Liquids 1.8 N0241192
Brown's Gas Technology with Multi-Tranz 19.95 DVD020407
Bubble-Free Containers for Liquids in Microgravity 3 N0011295
Building Platonic Solids 9.95 P010911
Calculating Scattering at Circular-Waveguide Junctions 5.95 N0002592
Cavitation/Implosion Bibliography 2.95 P0004192
Cavitation/Implosion Bibliography (pdf) .99 pdf4192
Cayce Science Readings Index 6 P0034488
Chart of Overtone Series on Natural Scale 75 Chart050109
Chord of Life Aura Chart Handbook 9.95 P1298
Chord of Life Aura Chart Handbook (pdf) .99 pdf1298
Chord of Life Windchime 1059 W041292
Christ Returns (Letters) 20 JC001
Classifying Particles by Acoustic Levitation 1.35 N0003488
Coherent-Phase Monitoring of Cavitation in Turbomachines 2.75 N0001496
Collection of Radionics Patents 9.95 P0001490
Collier's Letter to Scientific American 2 P0006488
Combustion of Drops of Liquid Fuel in A Vortex 1.75 N0011094
Common and Statutory Law Self Study Course vol.1 (Torts, Liens and Criminal Procedures) & vol. II (Practice and Civil Actions), Constitutional Law 95 B0405
Computing Vibration-Mode Matrices From Finite-Element Output 1.5 N0041293
Conductor-Backed Superconductive Coplanar-Waveguide Resonators 1.15 N0012295
Consulting with Dale Pond 100 C1427
Contactless Calorimetry for Levitated Samples 2.1 N0001488
Controlling Sample Rotating in Acoustic Levitation 1.25 N0014488
Counteracting Gravitation In Dielectric Liquids 1.35 N0011293
Creative Power of Sound 10 AT016
Dale Pond, Speaking Freely 19.95 B1806
Dale's Inspiration Mixdown and Keely's Music of the Spheres 10 CD12005
Damon Method - Vibrational Application of Spinal Technique 2.75 P0521192
Dashed Against the Rocks 14.95 B0002989
Deriving Strain Modes from Vibration Tests 1.35 N0291192
Dialogue on Awakening - Communion with a Loving Brother 16.95 TLC1798
Digital Controller for Acoustic Levitation 1.35 N0001789
Diode-Laser Array Suppresses Extraneous Modes 2.95 N0004592
Direct-Circulation Stirling-Cycle Refrigerator 4 N0011195
Divine Triplet or the Law of One in considering Gold, Silver & Platinum as applied to the Mind, Body & Spirit 17.95 B1597
Divine Triplet or the Law of One in considering Gold, Silver & Platinum as applied to the Mind, Body & Spirit - Silver Exchange 17.95 SB25110
Dogmatism of Science 1.5 P0013488
Dogmatism of Science (pdf) .75 pdf13488
Donation 20 D0103
Donation 50 D0105
Doom of Steam or the Coming Force Exposition of the Keely Motor 4.95 P0001996
Doom of Steam or the Coming Force Exposition of the Keely Motor (pdf) .99 pdf1996
Dr. Abrahms and the Electron Theory 5.95 P0001591
Dual-Mode Horn Antenna for Millimeter Wavelengths 1.65 N0311192
Dynamics of Cavitating Cascades and Inducer Pumps 1.8 N0021192
Dynamics of Mind 1.75 P0004689
Dynamics of Mind (pdf) .75 pdf4689
Dynaspheric Force - Theoretical and Applied Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - Volume 2 80 DFD01798
Dynaspheric Force - Theoretical and Applied Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - Volume I 80 DFD01697
Earth, Ether & Music 10 S2AT004
Ecstatic Bach 1.99 MU1797Am4a
Ecstatic Bach and Pronunciation of Sanskrit Vowels 10 CD1797
Electricity in the Treatment of Disease. A Practical Guide to its Application; What it is & What it will Accomplish 26.95 B0005692
Electrostatic Levitator with Feedback Control 1.35 N0002488
Electrostatic Liquid-Drop Levitation System 1.15 N0031488
Electrostatic Propulsion Using C60 Molecules 1.35 N0031293
Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy - Sound and Light 26.95 B0431192
Engineering with Love 1 P2601
Engineering with Love (pdf) .75 pdf2601
Equipment for Microgravity Research 2.95 N0005488
Essay Upon Force in Nature and its Effect Upon Matter, An 5.95 B0013488
Essentials of Medical Electricity 18.95 B0004692
Ether and Its Functions 2.5 P0005689
Ether and Its Functions (pdf) .99 pdf5689
Etheric Formative Forces in Cosmos, Earth and Man - A Path of Investigation into the World of the Living 24.95 B0001992
Experiments on Rotating, Charged Liquid Drops 3.65 N0003592
Field Resonance Propulsion Concept 2 N1899
Force and Energy 13.95 B0016488
Formation of Rotating (Vortex) Rings of Air & Liquids 1.65 P0005592
Formation of Rotating (Vortex) Rings of Air & Liquids (pdf) .75 pdf5592
Foundation of Science 20 VT0701
Francis Bacon's Personal Life Story 38.95 B0081194
Free-Vibration Analysis of Structures 3 N0111192
Friendly Advice from the Universe - Hope Unlimited 19.95 P0011195
Gain-Compensating Circuit for NDE and Ultrasonics .75 N010207
"Gann Harmony" The Law of Vibration - Gann I Course Manual 200 GCM01
"Gann Harmony" The Law of Vibration - Gann II Course Manual 250 GCM02
"Gann Harmony" The Law of Vibration - Gann III Course Manual 250 GCM03
"Gann Harmony" The Law of Vibration - Gann IV Course Manual 250 GCM04
"Gann Harmony" The Law of Vibration - Gann IX Course Manual 250 GCM09
"Gann Harmony" The Law of Vibration - Gann V Course Manual 250 GCM05
"Gann Harmony" The Law of Vibration - Gann VI Course Manual 250 GCM06
"Gann Harmony" The Law of Vibration - Gann VII Course Manual 250 GCM07
"Gann Harmony" The Law of Vibration - Gann VIII Course Manual 250 GCM08
"Gann Harmony" The Law of Vibration - The Complete Gann I-IX Course Manuals 2000 GCM10
Give It No Thought - Know the Cause 9.95 RG100
God Will Work With You but Not For You 25 BKP300
Goethe's Approach to Colour 7.5 P0004695
Great Flood Mystery 40 B0002195
Handbook of Acoustics - for the use of Musical Students 39 B201201
Harmonic Vibrations and Vibration Figures 28.95 B20041
Harmonies of Tones and Colors - Developed by Evolution 17.95 B0007488
Harmony Book for Beginners 14.95 B0007692
Harmony of Life 2.60 P0003290
Healing Power of the Human Voice 19.95 B020108
Healing with Music 10 S2AT003
High Frequency Gated Oscillator 1.65 N0211192
High-Temperature Electrostatic Levitator 1.95 N0010294
Hybrid Contactless Heating and Levitation 1.15 N0013488
Hybrid Electrostatic Acoustic Levitator 1.15 N0018488
Hydrogen-Maser Frequency Standard 3 N0271192
Implosion - Austrian Patents of Victor Schauberger and - The Ether Vortex Concept 24.95 B0001889
Improved Acoustic Levitation 2.25 N0006488
Improved Fourier Interference Spectrometer .95 N0261192
Improved Ultrasonic Resolution via Analog Technique 2.5 N0091192
Impulse Test Technique with Application to Acoustic Measurements, An 4 N0181192
In the Wave Lies the Secret of the Universe 25 BKS600
Interferometer Detects Acoustic Emissions in Composites 1 N0071192
Interferometer for Measuring Acoustic Signals 2.5 N0301192
Interferometer Measures Broadband Surface Acoustic Waves 1.35 N0081192
John Worrell Keely's Forty Laws of Sympathetic Vibratory Physics (pdf) 19.99 B1019
Keely and His Discoveries 22.95 B0001488
Keely and His Discoveries (pdf) 9.99 pdf1488
Keely and True Science (pdf) 9.99 B1902
Keely Bibliography 1.50 P0331192
Keely Chart 01 Symbols and Conditions of Vibratory Streams (B&W) .99 KC01b
Keely Chart 01 Symbols and Conditions of Vibratory Streams (color) 1.99 KC01c
Keely Chart 02 Angle of Vibratory Circuit (B&W) .99 KC02b
Keely Chart 02 Angle of Vibratory Circuit (color) 1.99 KC02c
Keely Chart 03 Chart of the Angles of Interference and Coincidence Trigeminal (B&W) .99 KC03b
Keely Chart 03 Chart of the Angles of Interference and Coincidence Trigeminal (color) 1.99 KC03c
Keely Chart 04 Molecular Radiation (B&W) .99 KC04b
Keely Chart 04 Molecular Radiation (color) 1.99 KC04c
Keely Chart 05 Chart Showing the Conditions Governing the Transmittive Link of Sympathy between Neutral Center and Periphery of Vibratory Circuit (B&W) .99 KC05b
Keely Chart 05 Chart Showing the Conditions Governing the Transmittive Link of Sympathy between Neutral Center and Periphery of Vibratory Circuit (color) 1.99 KC05c
Keely Chart 06 Chart Showing the Conditions Governing the Discordants on all their Combinations (B&W) .99 KC06b
Keely Chart 06 Chart Showing the Conditions Governing the Discordants on all their Combinations (color) 1.99 KC06c
Keely Chart 07 Chart Showing the Conditions Governing Harmonious Chords on the different Octaves Quadruple and Double Quadruple also Positive and Negative Radiation from Neutral Center and Equation of Concordants under Antagonism (B&W) .99 KC07b
Keely Chart 07 Chart Showing the Conditions Governing Harmonious Chords on the different Octaves Quadruple and Double Quadruple also Positive and Negative Radiation from Neutral Center and Equation of Concordants under Antagonism (color) 1.99 KC07c
Keely Chart 08 The Brain as Applied to Vibratory Etheric Science (B&W) .99 KC08b
Keely Chart 08 The Brain as Applied to Vibratory Etheric Science (color) 1.99 KC08c
Keely Chart 09 Chart Defining the different Chord Associations on the Three Octaves as also Interferences on Single and Double Bar and Theory of setting Chords of Masses (B&W) .99 KC09b
Keely Chart 09 Chart Defining the different Chord Associations on the Three Octaves as also Interferences on Single and Double Bar and Theory of setting Chords of Masses (color) 1.99 KC09c
Keely Chart 10 Chart Defining the Angles of Radiation on the Full Line of Quadruple Settings for Full Etheric Currents as also the Chords of Neutral Center (B&W) .99 KC10b
Keely Chart 10 Chart Defining the Angles of Radiation on the Full Line of Quadruple Settings for Full Etheric Currents as also the Chords of Neutral Center (color) 1.99 KC10c
Keely Chart 11 Key to Vibratory Rotation (B&W) .99 KC11b
Keely Chart 11 Key to Vibratory Rotation (color) 1.99 KC11c
Keely Chart 12 Chart of Differentiation of Setting Chords on Vibratory Bar (B&W) .99 KC12b
Keely Chart 12 Chart of Differentiation of Setting Chords on Vibratory Bar (color) 1.99 KC12c
Keely Chart 13 Chart Defining the Arrangement of the different Atoms and Corpuscles of Matter as contained in their respective Envelopes free of intensified Vibration (B&W) .99 KC13b
Keely Chart 13 Chart Defining the Arrangement of the different Atoms and Corpuscles of Matter as contained in their respective Envelopes free of intensified Vibration (color) 1.99 KC13c
Keely Chart 14 Chart with Symbols Defining the relative Simple and Compound Sympathetic Association between the different Orders of Etheric Chords as associated with the Molecular, Atomic and Interetheric, to induce Dispersion under the Progressive Orders of Vibration, both Positive and Negative, as also the different combined Orders of Radiation to Induce Luminosity (B&W) .99 KC14b
Keely Chart 14 Chart with Symbols Defining the relative Simple and Compound Sympathetic Association between the different Orders of Etheric Chords as associated with the Molecular, Atomic and Interetheric, to induce Dispersion under the Progressive Orders of Vibration, both Positive and Negative, as also the different combined Orders of Radiation to Induce Luminosity (color) 1.99 KC14c
Keely Chart 15 Vibrophonic System of setting Vibrators on the Diminishing Line to Neutral Center of Full Vibratory Circuit embracing three Lines of subdivision; viz.; Molecular, Atomic and Etheric (B&W) .99 KC15b
Keely Chart 15 Vibrophonic System of setting Vibrators on the Diminishing Line to Neutral Center of Full Vibratory Circuit embracing three Lines of subdivision; viz.; Molecular, Atomic and Etheric (color) 1.99 KC15c
Keely Chart 16 Chart of the Sinuses and Nerves of the Skull Vibro-etherically considered as associated with the Liberator (B&W) .99 KC16b
Keely Chart 16 Chart of the Sinuses and Nerves of the Skull Vibroetherically considered as associated with the Liberator (color) 1.99 KC16c
Keely Chart 17 Brain Section in Circle (B&W) .99 KC17b
Keely Chart 17 Brain Section in Circle (color) 1.99 KC17c
Keely Chart 18 Chart of Vibratory Flows (B&W) .99 KC18b
Keely Chart 18 Chart of Vibratory Flows (color) 1.99 KC18c
Keely Charts - photographs of original glass plate photographs 19.95 KC01-22
Keely Charts - photographs of original glass plate photographs, digital download 19.95 KC01-22-2
Keely Chronology of Life and Events from 1872-1884 3.95 P00111194
Keely Motor Company - By-Laws 2.35 P0005488
Keely Motor Company - Minority Report to Stockholders 4.95 P0012488
Keely Motor or Hydro Vacuo Engine - How it works and why 8.95 P0001494
Keely Motor or Hydro Vacuo Engine - How it works and why (pdf) .99 pdf100494
Keely Motor Secret 1.5 P0091488
Keely Motor Secret (pdf) .75 pdf91488
Keely .99 MU1mov
Keely Tones.MP3 .99 MU1-MP3
Keely Tones.wav .99 MU2wav
Keely's Contribution to Science 1.95 P0008488
Keely's Laws of Being - The Nature and Dynamics of Vibration, Oscillation and Toroids, version 3.0 75 B01130
Keely's Laws of Being - The Nature and Dynamics of Vibration, Oscillation and Toroids, version 3.0 30 B01130bw
Keely's Music of Spheres side A.wav 10 MU015A
Keely's Music of Spheres side B.wav 10.00 MU015B
Keely's Music of the Spheres 10 AT015
Keely's Musical Dynasphere 4.95 P0002689
Keely's Musical Dynasphere (pdf) .99 pdf2689
Keely's Present Position 1.15 P0009488
Keely's Triple Conditions of the Vibratory Flows 10 AT02797
Knowing Who I AM 9.95 RG200
Latent Force and Theory of Vibratory Lift for Airships .95 P0031488
Latent Force and Theory of Vibratory Lift for Airships (pdf) .75 pdf31488
Laws of Being 1.50 P0004488
Laws of Being (pdf) .75 pdf4488
List of Symptoms and Ailments with Alleviating Vitamins and Minerals 2 P2798
Listing of Symptoms and Ailments with Related Vitamins and Minerals (pdf) 1 pdf2798
Low Frequency Attenuator Circuit 1.8 N0131192
Lux Naturae (Natural Light) 12.95 B0014488
Magnetic Compensation For Gravitational Pressure Gradient 1.15 N0021293
Magnetic Current 7.95 P1102010
Making Diamondlike Films More Transparent 1 P0121194
Making Excited Oxygen Molecules and Atoms 1 N0001592
Marvels of Radium and Its Value as a Curative Agent (sold as a curiosity only) 1.5 P2500
Masons as Makers of America - The True Story of the American Revolution 9.95 P0491192
Masters of (Washington) DeCeit 29.95 DM22099
Matching Impedances and Modes in Acoustic Levitation 1.35 N0009488
Measuring Q and fr of a Microwave Cavity: Part I 2 N0002296
Measuring Q and fr of a Microwave Cavity: Part II 2 N0003296
Megavolt, Multi-Gigawatt Pulsed Plasma Switch 1 N0006296
Melt Stirring by Horizontal Crucible Vibration 1.25 N0321192
Microwave Dielectrophoretic Levitation In Microgravity 1.95 N0051293
Microwave Levitation of Small Objects 1.75 N0003192
MIND FORCE - The Hidden Scalar Force 10 CD01082011
MIND: An Engineerable Force 24.95 VT1600
Mineral, Vegetable and Animal Life 2 P0003695
Mode Orientation Control for Sapphire Dielectric Ring Resonator 3.25 N0001296
Motor Spirit from Coal - A Technical Treatise on the Practical and Commercial Production of Synthetic Methyl Alcohol 4.95 P0321192
Mr. Keely's Etheric Force 3 P0010488
Music of the Spheres 1.75 P0020488
Music of the Spheres (pdf) .75 pdf20488
Musical Interval Calculator (pdf) 9.95 P22002
Nature's Program 7.95 P0381192
New Action of the Magnetic on Electric Current 1.35 P0003489
NEW Lecture Notes From Baumring’s Investment Centre Seminars 1200 GLN12
NEW Lecture Notes From Baumring’s Investment Centre Seminars 700 GLN13
NEW Lecture Notes From Baumring’s Investment Centre Seminars 1200 GLN14
New Theories of Matter and of Force 39.00 B0001989
Newly Discovered Law of Physics 1.5 P0014488
Newly Discovered Law of Physics (pdf) .75 pdf14488
Newton of the Mind - The Propellor of Keely's Airship Described 2.50 P0029488
Newton of the Mind - The Propellor of Keely's Airship Described (pdf) .99 pdf29488
Nikola Tesla and His Works 1.25 P0033488
Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine with Tesla's original patents 16.95 B0010992
Non-Newtonian Effects in Viscous Flows 5 N0001396
Normalizing VFO Frequency by Non-Power-of-2 Division 2.5 N0101192
Notes of a Course of Nine Lectures on Light 5.95 P0002692
Notes On W. D. Gann's Hidden Material - Gann I Lecture Notes 250 GLN01
Notes On W. D. Gann's Hidden Material - Gann II Lecture Notes 250 GLN02
Notes On W. D. Gann's Hidden Material - Gann III Lecture Notes 250 GLN03
Notes On W. D. Gann's Hidden Material - Gann IV Lecture Notes 250 GLN04
Notes On W. D. Gann's Hidden Material - Gann IX Lecture Notes 250 GLN09
Notes On W. D. Gann's Hidden Material - Gann V Lecture Notes 250 GLN05
Notes On W. D. Gann's Hidden Material - Gann VI Lecture Notes 250 GLN06
Notes On W. D. Gann's Hidden Material - Gann VII Lecture Notes 250 GLN07
Notes On W. D. Gann's Hidden Material - Gann VIII Lecture Notes 250 GLN08
Notes On W. D. Gann's Hidden Material - The Complete Gann I-IX Lecture Notes 2000 GLN10
Nothing Matters - Live Every Moment 9.95 RG300
On Motion of a Perfect Incompressible Fluid when no Solid Bodies are Present 4 P0001489
On the General Equations of Electro-Magnetic Action, with Application to a New Theory of Magnetic Attractions, and to the Theory of the Magnetic Rotation of the Plane of Polarization of Light 2.75 P0006489
On the Nature of Things 9.75 B0012488
On the Reduction to Normal Air Temperatures of the Platinum Temperatures in the Low-Temperature Researches of Professors Dewar and Fleming 1.5 P0161194
On The Undulatory Theory of Optics 14.95 B0003692
Operation of the Vibratory Circuit 2 P0018488
Operation of the Vibratory Circuit (pdf) 1 pdf18488
Optic Dynamo-Generator 4 P11007
Optical System for Multispectral Scanner 3 N0171192
Orienting Acoustically Levitated Aspherical Objects 1.25 N0030488
Our American Common Law 3 P0002295
Pendulograph 8.95 B0011488
Playing in Grace and Mercy 2 P11297
Playing in Grace and Mercy (pdf) 1 pdf11297
Polar Magnetism 15.95 P0027488
Power Fight 15.95 B0361192
Practical Notes on the use of Galvanism and Faradism in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Disease 6.95 P0001692
Precision Fabrication of Electromagnetic-Levitation Coils 1.25 N0011488
Preliminary Notes on Mr. Halls' Recent Discovery 1.25 P0004489
Primordial Energy 3.95 P0024488
Principia; or the Three Octaves of Creation 17.95 B0006692
Proceedings ASME Symposium on Water Hammer 29.95 B0004292
Producing Metallic Glasses with Acoustic Levitation 1.35 N0004488
Propagation of an Arbitrary Electro-Magnetic Disturbance on Spherical Waves of Light and the Dynamical Theory of Diffraction 2.5 P0005489
Prophetic Numbers of Daniel and the Revelation; Times and Events; Great Pyramid of Egypt; Planetary Perihelia 24.95 B0461192
Propositions of Astronomical Circles .5 P0003488
Propositions of Astronomical Circles (pdf) .5 pdf3488
Propositions of Geometry 1 P0002488
Propositions of Geometry (pdf) .75 pdf2488
Propositions of Proportion 1 P2403
Psycho Harmonial Philosophy 9.95 P0001193
Pythagoras and the Quantum World - Vol 3 Enneagram 25 B0024497
Pythagoras and the Quantum World - Vol 3 Enneagram (pdf) .99 pdf24497
Pythagoras and the Quantum World - Vol. I 12.95 B1300
Pythagoras and the Quantum World - Vol. II 25 B0023497
Pythagoras and the Quantum World - Vol. III 25 B0023597
QA-1 Natural Arithmetic 15 B0001794
QA-2 Natural Arithmetic 15 B0002794
QA-3 Natural Arithmetic 15 B0003794
Quadrature of the Circle 19.95 P0001691
Quantum Arithmetic - Book 1 - 2nd edition, 12/1989 7.95 P020307
Quantum Arithmetic - Book 2 - 2nd edition, 12/1989 9.95 P030307
Quantum Arithmetic - Book 3 - 2nd edition, 04/12/1990 - Synchronous Harmonics 7.95 P040307
Quantum Arithmetic - Volume II - Book 3 & 4 - New Wave Theory - Synchronous Harmonics 20 B0002491
Quantum Arithmetic 2nd Keely Conference 10 S3AT003
Quantum Arithmetic 3rd Keely Conference 20 S2VT006
Quantum Arithmetic Workbook 5 B010207
Quantum Rules and Implications for Waves - 04/25/1986 1.49 P060307
Quartz Oscillators and Their Applications 19.95 B0371192
Radiant Energy - For Beyond the Light Rays Lies the Secret of the Universe - The Evolution and Transformation of the Atom 4.95 P0001695
Radiant Energy, Achzehner 9.95 P1497
Radiesthesia and some Associated Phenomena 3.95 P6597
Radiesthetic Analysis 4.95 P5597
Radio-Active Appliance 5.95 P0371192
Radio-Active Solar Pad - Restores Vitality, Imparts Energy, Overcomes Disease - A Treatise on Radium and its Therapeutical Uses 6 P2597
Rays and Radiation Phenomena 5 P0005695
Report of Charles Collier on The Keely Motor Company 2.4 P0007488
Richter's Treatise on Harmony 18.95 B0008692
Rights to Use Cover Image of "Nikola Tesla's Earthquake Machine". All media, Worldwide, Perpetuity. 500 R041719
Rotation Control in a Cylindrical Acoustic Levitator 1.25 N0020488
Rotational Physics: The Principles of Energy 12 B31206
Sanskrit Vowel Sounds 1.99 MU1797Bm4a
Sanskrit Vowel Sounds 1.99 MU1797BM-MP3
Scientific Basis and Build of Music 25.95 B0008488
Scientific Basis and Build of Music - INDEX .99 B0008488index
Scientific Basis and Build of Music - PDF (book + Index) 9.99 pdf8488
Scientific Creation 1.95 P0026488
Silver (therapeutic) and Silver Colloid bibliography 2.5 P0001196
Silver (therapeutic) and Silver Colloid bibliography (pdf) .99 pdf1196
Simulating Rezars 10 S2AT0019
Sketch of a Philosophy, A Supplement 3 P0003689
Sketch of a Philosophy, A; Book II 10.95 B0010488
Sketch of a Philosophy, A; Book III 14.95 B0181194
Snell Manuscript 18.95 B0012195
Snell Manuscript (pdf) .99 pdf12195
Solid State Phase-Insensitve Ultrasonic Transducer, A 3 N0161192
Some Truths about Keely 1.15 P0016488
Soulmate Cosmological Action 29.95 B0705
Sound and its Phenomena 8.95 P0421192
Spirit Messages from John Keely, Atlin and Others as told to the Musical Dynasphere Project Team 8 P11097
Split-Waveguide for Submillimeter-Wave Multipliers and Harmonic Mixers 2.15 N0002396
Stabilized Acoustic Levitation of Dense Materials Using High-Powered Siren 3.25 N0016488
Stable and Oscillating Acoustic Levitation 1.95 N0002789
Stirling Engine With Radial Flow of Heat 1.35 N0071293
Stirling-Cycle Refrigerator Containing Piezoelectric Pumps 1.75 P0005195
Stone's Scientific Basis of Music 8.5 P0301192
Structure of Ether and Its Subtle Forces (pdf) .99 pdf1797
SVP Catalog of Books and Materials 2 CAT03490
SVP Universal Cosmology, version 2.3 140 C010108
Sympathetic Streamings 4 P0001895
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - The Basic Principles DVD 39 DVD03996
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics - Tulsa Seminar 95 DVD102008
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics Compendium of Terms and Phrases 42.95 B0007189
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics Compendium of Terms and Phrases, A Glossary (pdf) .99 pdf7189
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics, Journal - All 5 volumes 99 JD001196
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics, Journal - Vol. 1 24 JD001488
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics, Journal - Vol. 2 24 JD002488
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics, Journal - Vol. 3 24 JD003488
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics, Journal - Vol. 4 24 JD001290
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics, Journal - Vol. 5 24 JD000891
Synchronous Harmonics 5.95 B0002401
System of Chemistry, Vol. I 9.95 B0381192
System of Chemistry, Vol. III 9.95 B0391192
Tapping into the Awakened Soul part 1 19.95 DVD020507
Temperature Controller for Crystal Resonators 2.25 N0251192
Temperature-Compensated Sapphire Microwave Resonator 1.65 N0003396
Tesla Commemorative Medallions - 3 rounds 24 TCM3
Tesla High Frequency Coil 7.95 P0241194
Tesla Oscillator 1.15 P0032488
Tesla Oscillator (pdf) .75 pdf32488
Tesla Oscillator Photos (Earthquake Machine) 30 PIC1298
The Book of Early Whisperings 15 BKP100
The Cayce Etheronic Device as Developed by Dr. Paul Cold 19.95 B11206
The Coming Force of Love 1.95 P1601
The Coming Force of Love (pdf) .89 pdf1601
The Complete Gann I-IX Course Manuals and Lecture Notes Combo 3600 GCMLN11
The County Patriot 3 P0001295
The Evolution of Matter 30 B012018
The Five Loves - A Message from Mary to You - Accentuating Your Goodness & Putting It into Action 7.5 P21297
The Keely Legacy: Sympathetic Vibratory Physics Part 2 19.95 DVD01107
The Keely Mystery 5 P010207
The Language of Light 6.95 P10301
The Message of the Divine Iliad, Volume I 25 BKP201
The Message of the Divine Iliad, Volume II 25 BKP202
The Moray Valve Manuscript 2.95 P1705
The Physics of Love 2.0 B&W 20.95 B1396-2
The Physics of Love 2.0 color 60 B1396-2C
The Physics of Love 2.0 color pdf 19.99 B1396-2Cpdf
The Secret of Life - Cosmic Rays and Radiations of Living Beings 14.95 B1599
The Secret of Light 25 BKS300
The Structure of the Ether and Its Subtle Forces 3 P1797
The Theory of ElectroGravitation Fields part 1 of 2 19.95 DVD020207
The Theory of ElectroGravitation Fields part 2 of 2 19.95 DVD020307
The Universal One 75 BKS100
Theory of Electric Absorption 1.25 P0002489
Theory of Human Vibration Response 9.95 B0002290
THINK: Walter Russell IBM Lecture Series 20 BKR100
Thought as Force and its Social Implications 1.35 P002488
Three-Dimensional Complex Variables 1.15 N0011192
Tone Building 4 P1597
Tone Building (pdf) .99 pdf1597
Tuning Concept for Resonant Cavities 1.35 N0031192
Tuning Forks.m4a .99 MUm4a
Two Electrical Switching Phenomena in a Silver Filled Epoxy 4.95 N0002896
Two Poems to John Keely 1.50 P0001488
Ultra-Violet Rays in the Treatment and Cure of Disease 15.95 B0009992
Ultrasonic Transducer Analyzer 39.95 N0331192
Ultrastable Multigigahertz Photonic Oscillator 1.5 N0001596
Unincorporated Business Organization Trust, UBOT $99.00 B0021194 Unincorporated Business Trust
Unity of Matter .95 P0025488
Universal Laws Revealed: Keely's Secrets 75 B0001690
Universal Odd-Modulus Frequency Divider 1.35 N0191192
Unstable Automatic Frequency Control 2.95 N0121192
Using Spider-Web Patterns to Determine Toxicity 2.5 P0002595
Using Ultrasonic Lamb Waves To Measure Moduli of Composites 2.5 P0012395
Veil Withdrawn 2.75 P0017488
Veil Withdrawn (pdf) .99 pdf17488
Vera Vita, The Philosophy of Sympathy 15.95 B0015488
VHF Frequency Multiplier 1.15 N0201192
Viscous Torques on a Levitating Body 1.65 N0007488
Visible Sound 4.95 P0023488
Visible Sound (pdf) .99 pdf23488
Wavelength Tables for Spectrum Analysis 14.95 B0011195
What Electricity Is. A Revelation of Forgotten Knowledge 2 P0001290
What Electricity Is. A Revelation of Forgotten Knowledge (pdf) 1 pdf1290
What is Quantizing? .99 P050307
What is Science? 1.8 P0015488
What the Ether Really Is 10 S3AT0012
Wideband Electronics for Ultrasonic Tissue Characterization 1.35 N0141192
Zero-Annihilation Periodic Control for Damping Vibrations 3.75 N0005296
Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday March 2, 2025 12:27:06 MST by Dale Pond.