gyrate within and about itself

"The machines of the future will not destroy their fuel, but direct the energies inwardly. In this way a harmonious motion manifests itself externally, which transmutes the used material organically, exalts it and refashions it one octave higher. The residual material thus becomes endowed with the necessary potency and provided with the possibility to resurrect itself in the succeeding earthly form of life.

Earth, water, air (and light) are organisms, and between them lie the organs of the most diverse nature in a constant state of readiness to act. If we bring these organs together harmoniously; if we place every inner potential opposite its outer harmonic form, then the thing begins to gyrate within and about itself and to evolve, because in rhythmical sequence every impulse is countered by an expulse, through which the harmonic motion gives way to the inflowing and diffusing counter-movement.

The counter-reactive transverse electrical potentials have to be stationed opposite the strongest longitudinal magnetic potentials. Out of this normal state of opposition the harmonic transitional point is created in the golden middle. This golden middle is the organic angle. It is the only true pathway upon which there is no upwards, no downwards, no sideways and no inwards, but only a movement in and about itself, which corresponds to the infinite will of God, the unity in the universality." [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, From Special Edition Mensch und Technik, Vol. 2, 1993, section 7.4]

It is common knowledge that Galilei discovered this motion and because of it, suffered a veritable martyrdom. Up to now nobody has been able to explain why secular and religious science were so hugely disturbed by this discovery. Since then there has no longer been any doubt that the Earth rotates about its own axis. Why it does so, and what purpose is served by this peculiar inclined, gyrating motion, which oscillates to and fro along two different axes has so far never been explained.[5] [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]

In patented double-spiral-flow pipes the peripheral water-masses are caused to swirl within and about themselves and around the central pipe-axis. This produces differences in potential between the peripheral and core waters, which lead to an accelerated flow resulting from the energising and ennobling of the bio-dynamically moved water. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Transport of Ore in Double-Spiral-Flow Pipes]

This product of synthesis is characterised by the fact that the ratio between oxygen and its carbone counterpart is 4% : 96%, because all the remaining oxygen has been transformed into fertilising substances and then bound. Therefore the new product of synthesis has the highest negative valency and is of geospheric character. Certain factors relating to these processes should be noted: In the scientific synthesising process heat has a shrivelling effect on the decisive formative substance in its nascent state, while physical pressure ruptures its outer envelope. In the case of coal liquefaction by means of cold flows the increasing cooling on the developmental path acts to increase the potential. However, since the increase in the potential of the true formative substance is of a purely energetic nature, it would be unable to break through the outer envelope had this not been mechanically abraded through the circumvolution and inner rotation (about itself and its own axis) caused by the increasing frictional pressure arising from the doubly increased velocity of the whole water-body. These differences demand the closest attention and consideration. The product of synthesis obtained by means of cold flows, binds itself into its own waste product (juvenile water). Therefore apart from a new, fresh and more highly cultured energy, an associated carrier-substance of the highest order is also created at the expense of the gradually transforming (internally reconstituted) stocks of old water. This two-fold transformation represents the increase and the qualitative improvement of what has been quantitatively increased (the growth of water). The finished product is a crystal-clear water that has neither taste, nor smell, nor colour, because in this product of synthesis all kinds of things are on the loose or have been loosed (emancipated), i.e. they have been raised to the [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]

See Also

gyrate within and about itself
Center of Gyration

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Thursday November 10, 2022 06:49:40 MST by Dale Pond.