Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
"When I had moments of doubt that this could be so, the changes in the phenomena stopped taking place, and much later, I discovered that:
It was at this point, that I came to realize the powerful effect that CONVICTION or unwavering FAITH had on the environment when stating a command or even a belief.
What was even more startling was my mind-opening, 'cosmic consciousness' realization that all I had been witnessing was really the 'Creative Power' of Divine Mind Itself made visible in the 'shimmer of tiny motes'.
Not only this, its appearance could be profoundly affected by the activity of human thought." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 1, page 11]
"This is the true ideal, the true aspiration, the highest goal - to understand and experience the Reality behind and within all things giving them their individual being.
You may call the Reality - God, Allah, Jehovah, Infinite Intelligence, Divine Mind or Divine Consciousness or the Tao. All these names mean the SOURCE of your BEING - your CREATIVE ORIGINS.
YOU CAN HAVE NO HIGHER ASPIRATION THAN THIS - to understand and experience the Reality behind and within all things - giving, maintaining and sustaining all individual being.
This was the goal presented to you by every enlightened Teacher who has come to earth." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 4, page 9]
Robert Fludd
"At the peak, or summit, of the described emblem, the head of all things, or the root, is expressed both in the simplicity of its unity and in the duality of its most general property. One (I say) God, one Supreme Being, one essence, or Divine Mind, either willing or unwilling. In its unwilling property, it contracts into itself, and does not wish to emit itself, for example: There is one divine mind in man, but a twofold property: since sometimes its willing, sometimes its unwilling, is observed, and however much its unwillingness or negation may perhaps seem a significant evil to the petitioner, yet to the one denying it will not be evil, but good: for no one with a mind thoroughly moved either denies or affirms, unless such negation or affirmation is judged by himself to be good, advantageous, or fitting.
Thus, whatever God either wills or does not will is good, since in him there is nothing evil. Therefore, his unwillingness is explained in many ways, both by serious philosophers and by sacred writings: And first, Mercurius Trismegistus seems to explain the matter thus in Pimander: "Mind generates the Monad and reflected ardor into itself": that is, it shone there to itself, and not to others. He himself called this property of Pimander, or the divine mind, divine power, which is opposed to divine act (no differently than darkness to Light). But in the willing property, he does not contract into himself, but on the contrary, emits rays of life and illuminates all things. We find these two properties in one essence very well explained in the sacred text.
"You send forth your Spirit, they are created; and you renew the face of the earth. When you hide your face, they are terrified; when you take away their breath, they die and return to their dust." Psalm 104:29
"God withholds good, and hides his face from them, so that evils befall them." Deuteronomy 11:17, Job 10:12, Psalm 17:19
"How long will you hide your face from me?" says David, "Make your face shine upon me; show your face to your servant. Your visitation preserves my spirit. You illuminate my lamp; Jehovah my God makes my darkness splendid." Psalm 13:1, Psalm 119:135, Psalm 18:28
And we could bring forth infinite other testimonies from sacred scripture concerning this subject. The reason why unwillingness, or the hiding of the face, or the contraction of the divine ray into itself, will be worst for creatures is: Because then the evil spirits of darkness are stronger where the presence of God is absent.
Therefore, we conclude that although God seems contracted in himself, nevertheless Darkness and Light are the same: because (as the Prophet testifies) "Darkness is not darkness to God"; for they themselves cannot be so darkened that he does not foresee. For to him it is like day, and darkness is like the very light. Psalm 139:12
B. is the effect of divine power, or unwillingness, in which state all things were formless, and in potentiality alone before the creation of the world. And B. is truly a hieroglyphic image of God simply still unwilling, in whose midst God is in his true luminous essence in himself, but not emitting himself from himself. Such was primordial Chaos, from whose depths worldly matter was originally drawn. Hence Hermes: "There was infinite shadow in the abysses, but water and a subtle spirit were in the abyss." Pimander
"Jehovah has chosen to dwell in thick darkness." 1 Kings 8:12, 2 Chronicles 6:1
"He reveals the deep things out of darkness and brings utter darkness into the light." Daniel 2:22
"He made darkness his covering, his canopy around him—the dark rain clouds of the sky." Psalm 18:11
"Darkness was over the surface of the deep." Genesis 1:2
Therefore, we conclude that such is divine power, namely, the seat of God retaining his rays within himself before creation, and contracting his act into potentiality before the creation of the world, and in the creation of the world."
On the other hand, we have property C., extremely contrary to B.: as that one was placed in will and potentiality: so this one indeed consists in will and act. Therefore, as B. was a hieroglyphic of the hidden God, or (as I would speak with the Kabbalists) of the dark Aleph: so indeed C. is the character of his glorious emanation to the creation of the world: which emanation is Wisdom itself, whose source (as the Scriptures testify) is the Word. Concerning which the sacred text says:
Wis. 7: Light and darkness are not in her. She is a radiance of eternal light, a spotless mirror of God’s working, and an image of his goodness. She is more beautiful than the sun, and excels every constellation of the stars. Compared with the light, she is found to be superior, for it is succeeded by the night, but against wisdom evil does not prevail. She reaches mightily from one end of the earth to the other, and she orders all things well.
Therefore, as divine power provides potential matter for the creation of the world: so indeed this divine act administers form, by which the said matter may be informed, and adapted into the disposition of the world gently and with ineffable harmony.
Hence the sacred text says:
Wis. 8:1 All things were made by wisdom.
Eccles. 1:4 The sun rises and the sun sets, and hurries back to where it rises.
Prov. 8:22 The Lord possessed me at the beginning of his work, the first of his acts of old.
Prov. 8:27-30 When he established the heavens, I was there; when he drew a circle on the face of the deep, when he made firm the skies above, when he established the fountains of the deep, when he assigned to the sea its limit, so that the waters might not transgress his command, when he marked out the foundations of the earth, then I was beside him, like a master workman; and I was daily his delight, rejoicing before him always.
Prov. 3:19 By wisdom the Lord laid the earth’s foundations, by understanding he established the heavens.
Finally, this is that Holy Spirit, who descending from the Father of lights, to do his will, placed his tabernacle in the Sun.
Therefore, we conclude, that this emanation is the Word of God, the true spiritual Christ filling all things: an incorruptible spirit in everything, in whom alone is life. Eternal Wisdom, created or emitted before all things. The radical affirmation, position, or act of God: the central and radical light, day, life, form, bond of concord, pure love and benevolence, peace, the source and sole preserver of health, Jesus, as he who is sent not to destroy, but to save the world. Finally, it is his to rarefy the gross, to purify the impure, to restore beauty to the deformed. How much we have expressed in these few verses concerning the subject matter and the triple explanation of that name Omnipotent.
Between the twinkling stars of the fiery sky, Phoebus drives away the darkness from the whole world. Jesus likewise removes the shadows of the darkness of ignorance, and at the same time quickens the hearts with true motion, proving himself to be the Sun of Justice of the blessed." [Medicina Catholica, Seu Mysticum Artis Medicandi Sacrarium, c. 1629 by Robert Fludd]
See Also
Divine Creative Consciousness
Divine Creative Power
Divine Flame
Divine Impulse
Divine Impulses
Divine Intelligence
Divine Life
Divine Loving Intelligence
Divine Reality
Mind Force
Mind of Christ
Mind of God
Undifferentiated Mind
Whole Mind