Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
"This is the true ideal, the true aspiration, the highest goal - to understand and experience the Reality behind and within all things giving them their individual being.
You may call the Reality - God, Allah, Jehovah, Infinite Intelligence, Divine Mind or Divine Consciousness or the Tao. All these names mean the SOURCE of your BEING - your CREATIVE ORIGINS.
YOU CAN HAVE NO HIGHER ASPIRATION THAN THIS - to understand and experience the Reality behind and within all things - giving, maintaining and sustaining all individual being.
This was the goal presented to you by every enlightened Teacher who has come to earth." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 4, page 9]
"As many of you are aware, you are entering a new phase of world history, during the course of which it will be realised that no longer is the great divide between the wealthy and the poor.
The great divide will be in consciousness. The divide will be between those who have been able to find entrance into the higher spiritual consciousness and radiate love and acceptance equally to all - friends and foes - and who make it their goal to radiate Divine Consciousness into every facet of their daily lives - and those who remain encased within their ego-drives, seeking domination of the weak. They may appear to succeed for a while - but eventually they will fail and their suffering in their self-created darkness will be great.
These Letters will be the means of your moving out of darkness into LIGHT." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 4, page 22]
UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS is the UNIVERSAL REALM of SPACE which none may enter or access, since IT rests in a state of equilibrium and self-contained energy. DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS is the re-union of the original IMPULSES within UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS which were released to become both the activity and the substance of creation at the moment of the BIG BANG. These IMPULSES were explosively divided and then came together in a state of mutual restraint. They were also destined to work forever in the created realm either separately, manifested as energies, or together restrained in equilibrium. It is only this realm of DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS that science may penetrate. Perhaps the following paragraph will explain this more clearly:
Having given you this intellectual word description of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS, you will not be any closer to an appreciation of the sublime magnificence and grandeur of the Power, nor of the beauty, joy, harmony, ecstasy contained in colour and sound beyond your dimension. It is only we who have ascended in consciousness frequencies of vibration to the very portals or edges of the equilibrium of UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS who experience and can radiate the rapture of self-awareness of true potential without desiring to fulfill it - the wondrous joy of personal fulfillment without 'lifting a finger'. [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 6, page 8]
"For you to fully understand what I am talking about, I want you to strive to VISUALISE & REALISE that the Nature of Divine Consciousness of Universal Equilibrium is limitless Power, since the equilibrium-harmony arises out of equal constraint between the universal impulses of the:
the male and female,
intelligence and love,
the will to experience and the will to remain acquiescent,
the yearning to be active and the yearning to hold back and maintain the status quo,
in order to form bonds and stability.
"These primal IMPULSES of Being, as I explained in Letter 4, are the 'Reality' which has given life, form, shape, being to all visible things.
"This dimension is a state of beauty, joy, harmony, rapturous ecstasy, reverence, intelligence, love. It is all that the earth can demonstrate - but on a scale beyond your even remotest conception.
"Try to take into your consciousness the meaning of the two foregoing paragraphs. Understanding and making the meaning your very own, will change your whole perspective of your Divine origins and of existence itself. In these paragraphs directly above, I have described to you - the nature and essence of LIFE - which comes into action within the sperm and ovum when they are united in giving form to a child.
"This is your truth, your reality, your soul, psyche, your deepest state of being.
"Instinctively you are aware of this. The baby is the embodiment of joy. The joy it expresses as it develops consciousness of its relationships and environment, comes out of the deep well of Divine LIFE Which has grown it cell by cell, according to genetic instructions, into its present form." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 7, page 166-167, (12-13)]
"Before commencing meditation, prepare by fully realising you are about to make contact with 'DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS' both within and transcendent to your consciousness - therefore IT is also out there and around you. Visualise exactly what this means." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 8, page 24]
"Laughter is a consciousness impulse which ripples across your skies, from one planet to another, through your Milky Way and out into the furthest reaches of infinity. As infinite as Divine Consciousness, it came into existence at the moment of the Big Bang." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 9, page 14]
"As you have seen on examining the nature of creation, everything possible has been done in the evolution of design and growth of living bodies to make a perfectly adapted body to suit the environment to enable the occupier of the body to be comfortable and happy and live without stress. Stress is inimical to health.
It is contrary to the WILL of DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 9, page 14]
"As the ego drive gradually relinquishes its hold over your mind and emotions, you will find that laughter bubbles up spontaneously and brings a wonderful feeling of release. The 'ripple effect' of laughter raises your consciousness frequencies of vibration not only because it is energy released where you most need it - over your heart - over your diaphragm, the seat of your emotions but because LAUGHTER is directly of Divine Consciousness.
Therefore, laughter is Divine." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 9, page 14]
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yearning to be active | <-> | yearning to hold back and maintain | |
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Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
"What is the difference between the soul and psyche? I am now going to explain the difference which your earthly psychologists may dispute, but nonetheless, this is the truth. The Soul is the 'Divine Flame' - a metaphor used to describe the essence of Divine Life which is drawn into individual being at the moment of conception. LIFE FORCE takes on personal form and releases the energy of 'electrical force of activity' and the magnetic impulses of 'bonding - rejection' to embark on the intricate work of construction of the body.
"Therefore, you have, at the core of your being,
this is Divine Intelligence / Divine Love
Which is the powerful Divine Impulse to create, grow, nourish, nurture, heal, protect, fulfill every need, within a system of perfect law and order.
"This is the Reality which is your soul.
"Therefore, when you have overcome the ego impulses and invited the SOUL to hold dominion in your thoughts and feelings, you will be driven to express all of the Divine Impulses described above. You will be possessed by a desire to only promote the highest good of all living things and the universe itself. You will have become a true messenger from Divine Consciousness, expressing all Its qualities of Being.
"Until that time of soul re-unification with Divine Consciousness, the psyche occupies the deepest recesses of your human consciousness and draws its awareness from your soul. It is the hidden instinct within you which knows right from wrong." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 7, page 166-167, (13)]
"LAUGHTER and your inner child. As you read these Letters and meditate and your levels of frequencies of consciousness vibrations are raised, you will discover that old mental patterns are no longer comfortable in your mind. You will seek ways and means of ejecting them from your consciousness. As you move upwards spiritually and are ever more desirous of unloading unwanted human ego drives, the conflict in your sensibilities will become increasingly burdensome, and you now long and pray for relief. You will find that when you turn to Divine Consciousness and passionately ask for Divine Assistance, the help will surely come. You will successfully get rid of unwanted thoughts and re-actions, and you will then discover that laughter becomes more and more spontaneous." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 9, page 14]
See Also
Christ Consciousness
Coming Revolution of Consciousness
consciousness and matter
Cosmic Consciousness
Dawn of Mind-Consciousness
Divine Assistance
Divine Love
divine Presence
divine proportion
divine Source
Divine Symphony of Creation
Divine Thought
Divine Trinity
Figure 18.01 - Chart of Chakras Shown as Levels of Consciousness
Figure 18.06 - Hubbard Tone Scale of Degrees or Levels of Consciousness
God Consciousness
Law of Divine
Levels of Consciousness
Love Divine
Mind Consciousness
New Era of Consciousness
spiritual consciousness
stages of consciousness
Table 12.01 - The Divine Trinity
The Message of the Divine Iliad
Universal Creative Consciousness
victim consciousness
Water and Consciousness
18.03 - Hubbard Scale of Consciousness
9.15 - The I AM Consciousness