

As its name implies, radioactivity is the act of emitting radiation spontaneously. This is done by an atomic nucleus that, for some reason, is unstable; it "wants" to give up some energy in order to shift to a more stable configuration (equilibrium). During the first half of the twentieth century, much of modern physics was devoted to exploring why this happens, with the result that nuclear decay was fairly well understood by 1960.

Too many neutrons in a nucleus lead it to emit a negative beta particle, which changes one of the neutrons into a proton.

Too many protons in a nucleus lead it to emit a positron (positively charged electron), changing a proton into a neutron.

Too much energy leads a nucleus to emit a gamma ray, which discards great energy without changing any of the particles in the nucleus.

Too much mass leads a nucleus to emit an alpha particle, discarding four heavy particles (two protons and two neutrons). What Is Radioactivity?

"Radioactivity has so nearly reached its maximum at this point that the speed of the cosmic seed shed by these isotopes has been measured at 180,000 miles per second, which is approximately the speed of light nearing its ending point at tomion where the octave again begins at alphanon." [The Secret of Light, page 145]

"Radiation is the normal death principle. Every thing in Nature dies normally by slowly radiating its heat. Radioactivity is the explosively quick death principle. Radioactivity is man's discovery of how the human race can die quickly, and not be able to propagate its kind for many long centuries." [Atomic Suicide, page 4]

"Radioactivity is multiplied expansion, which is caused by multiplied compression." [Atomic Suicide, page 14]

"It only stands to reason, therefore, that if every cell in your body wants to explode, and that radioactivity releases millions upon millions of deadly niton and alpha "matches" in our atmosphere, which will help your body cells to explode, and you breathe in enough of them, you could no more continue to live than your tire could hold its air if you open its valve. This actually happened in a laboratory where some radioactive gas escaped and a man breathed it in. It was said of him that he had a lethal dose and could not live. Of course he could not live, nor can the whole human race and the earth's vegetation live when microscopic strontium, barium, radium and plutonium "matches" by the millions are in all the water you drink, all the food you eat, and in every breath you take. Some of your cells will constantly explode. Strontium will give you bone cancer and make you breed terribly abnormal children. Radium and plutonium will kill you by eating your red blood cells and causing leukemia victims by the millions. We will give you the detailed reasons for this as we proceed, but we do not need to tell you what cyanide of potassium will do to you, for you know. Nor do we need to tell you what chlorine, the most deadly gas which laboratories fear, will do to you, for you know. What then can plutonium rays do to you? Dr. Ralph E. Lapp, a noted authority, tells us that they are a million times more deadly than chlorine gas, which every laboratory dreads. Also, what can it do to the planet? Its rays are said to endure for 20,000 years. It is quite possible that the earth could remain barren that long, or very much longer. Organic life would have to "evolve" again, from its beginning." [Atomic Suicide, page 16-17]

"Call it radioactivity, fission, fusion or what you will, its principle in Nature is the release of a frozen body from its imprisonment by releasing its binding tensions. It is the relaxing principle of Nature. It is the restoration of tense matter to its Natural state of equilibrium." [Atomic Suicide, page 24-25]

"Decay and radioactivity are one, except that radioactivity is fast decay." [Atomic Suicide, page 32]

"Potentially dangerous atomic garbage comes in all forms: liquids, solids, gases and vapors. The ordinary defenses of man are powerless against all of them. Radioactivity is invisible and silent; it cannot be touched or tasted or smelled. And everything a radio-active element comes in contact with becomes contaminated: a wrench used in atomic installations, steel drums, a bit of wastepaper from a laboratory. Carcasses of experimental animals may contain small amounts of radioactivity; even the laundry water used to wash contaminated garments gets polluted." [Atomic Suicide, page 59]

"Fortunately, the human body can stand quite a dosage of such rays before showing it by bone cancer, leukemia and other effects of radioactivity, but also unfortunately, these rays are accumulative. They never leave the body. The defects mentioned above, including sterility, are incurable advance notices of the fact that you have reached your limit of power to take more of these translucent rays into your body." [Atomic Suicide, page 263]

"We made this statement to demonstrate that radioactivity multiplies its death speed in each higher octave." [Atomic Suicide, page 265]

"This new knowledge of the Mind-universe, in its relation to the body-universe, would also help clarify the nature of radioactivity in its action upon organic bodies, and especially oxygen. As oxygen cannot co-exist with the free metals above the carbon octave upon the red side of the spectrum, radioactivity must not be allowed to change our atmospheric normality." [Atomic Suicide, page 265]

For additional details on radioactivity see [Atomic Suicide - Chapter 2 - How Radioactivity Kills - part VIII]

Gustave Le Bon
"A radio-active body is, in fact, a body in course of transformation. Radio-activity is the expression of its never-ceasing leakage. Its change is necessarily an atomic disaggregation. Atoms which have lost anything are, from that very fact, new atoms." [Gustave Le Bon, The Evolution of Matter, page 181]

See Also

9th octave radioactive elements
Atomic Dissociation
killer metal
The Evolution of Matter - Table of Contents

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday October 23, 2018 03:57:40 MDT by Dale Pond.