In 1939, a team of scientists at Columbia University were the first Americans to split the uranium atom at Pupin Hall's cyclotron, demonstrating the enormous amount of energy released during fission and confirming the work in Europe.
Fission is a splitting of something into two or more parts.
In nuclear physics and nuclear chemistry, nuclear fission is a nuclear reaction in which the nucleus of an atom splits into smaller parts (lighter nuclei), often producing free neutrons and photons (in the form of gamma rays), and releasing a tremendous amount of energy. The two nuclei produced are most often of comparable but slightly different sizes, typically with a mass ratio of products of about 3 to 2, for common fissile isotopes. Most fissions are binary fissions, but occasionally (2 to 4 times per 1000 events), three positively charged fragments are produced in a ternary fission. The smallest of these ranges in size from a proton to an argon nucleus.
Fission is usually an energetic nuclear reaction induced by a neutron, although it is occasionally seen as a form of spontaneous radioactive decay, especially in very high-mass-number isotopes. The unpredictable composition of the products (which vary in a broad probabilistic and somewhat chaotic manner) distinguishes fission from purely quantum-tunnelling processes such as proton emission, alpha decay and cluster decay, which give the same products every time.
Fission of heavy elements is an exothermic reaction which can release large amounts of energy both as electromagnetic radiation and as kinetic energy of the fragments (heating the bulk material where fission takes place). In order for fission to produce energy, the total binding energy of the resulting elements must be greater than that of the starting element. Fission is a form of nuclear transmutation because the resulting fragments are not the same element as the original atom.
Nuclear fission produces energy for nuclear power and to drive the explosion of nuclear weapons. Both uses are possible because certain substances called nuclear fuels undergo fission when struck by fission neutrons, and in turn emit neutrons when they break apart. This makes possible a self-sustaining chain reaction that releases energy at a controlled rate in a nuclear reactor or at a very rapid uncontrolled rate in a nuclear weapon.
The amount of free energy contained in nuclear fuel is millions of times the amount of free energy contained in a similar mass of chemical fuel such as gasoline, making nuclear fission a very dense source of energy. The products of nuclear fission, however, are on average far more radioactive than the heavy elements which are normally fissioned as fuel, and remain so for significant amounts of time, giving rise to a nuclear waste problem. Concerns over nuclear waste accumulation and over the destructive potential of nuclear weapons may counterbalance the desirable qualities of fission as an energy source, and give rise to ongoing political debate over nuclear power. Wikipedia, Fission
"Call it radioactivity, fission, fusion or what you will, its principle in Nature is the release of a frozen body from its imprisonment by releasing its binding tensions. It is the relaxing principle of Nature. It is the restoration of tense matter to its Natural state of equilibrium." [Atomic Suicide, page 24-25]
"Atomic fission is a violent abnormalcy for the rhythm of environment necessary for man." [Atomic Suicide, page 168]
Modern intuitionless science has regulated the eternal flow of evolution (panta Rhei) in the wrong way and thus failed to notice the possibility of generating ur-forces. Instead of additional products of emulsion possessing development-enhancing functions, it had to make do with development-disturbing reactive forces and resistances to motion that increase by the square of the reversed form of acceleration. According to an age-old maxim, "she half-pulled him down, he half-sank on her". In this play on words there lies a far deeper meaning. It would take too long here to enumerate all the catalysts with various functions, which as Goethe already recognised, form the 'connecting' emulsifying bond. They are ray-forms, upon whose function the development-disturbing rising temperature gradient and the development-fostering falling temperature gradient depend. Paramagnetic catalysts act decentratingly diamagnetic catalysts concentratingly. This fact alone pin-points the incorrect form of development, which ultimately results in the destruction of atoms. Wise Nature, on the other hand, proceeds by way of atomic transformation, which from, a biological viewpoint is the exact opposite. Pressure and fire technology therefore produce retrogressive atomic energies, whereas implosion technology generates super-powerful, forward-thrusting atomic energies, i.e. an almost 100% formative and levitative force. And so the question arises, what actually is a catalyst? The answer is simple. It is a condenser that has been galvanically alloyed with oppositely-charged substances, which radiates predominantly negatively potentiated ray-forms into the naturalesquely inwindingly moved medium. This then activates a flowing diamagnetism, the formative and levitative force that soars upwards and sucks the generating device up in its wake, and which can be regulated by the rate of rotation. With this, the force was rediscovered that enables air-craft to overcome gravity effortlessly and stationary machines to be powered for virtually nothing. According to accounts from earlier times, the high priests of ancient cultures had a commanding knowledge of this power, which they cherished and guarded like life itself so as to be venerated as Gods for their skill. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Catalysts]
the alteration of the above fermentation process at its most fundamental phase. To make this even clearer: Allotropic oxygen conformations are liberated through pressure- and heat-intensifying dynamic effects or volume-enlarging thermal influences, because the fat-concentrates with opposite polarity become inactive and are maintained in a passive state under such influences. This results in the inner fission (dissociation) of the previously internally interconnected and highly evolved, therefore extremely pressure- and heat-sensitive trace-elements, which like yeasts initiate the process of raw-material transformation - the fermentation process described above. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
forces from the lower temperature group B, which enforce the gravitation of all that cannot be uplifted. This duality therefore involves a rhythm within a rhythm - a sort of four-stroke motor, in which upward, downward, inward and outward impulses can rhythmically take place on a common developmental axis. A perpetual state of turmoil is constantly created in an epicentre of commotion, leading to continuous fission and fusion (separation and combination), whereby what matters is which metabolic process predominates. In other words, in this primordial battle between the ur-feminine and the ur-masculine, whether the re-destructive or the re-creative is victorious. The one that triumphs is the one that is able to drag its opponent into the middle of this gigantic wrestling match, there to encircle, bind, consume and digest it. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
See Also
Experimental Measurements of Ion Emission
Neutral Center
Nuclear Fission
Radiating Matter
Splitting Atoms and Molecules
splitting the atom - Keely