

""It is through the action of nature's sympathetic forces that planets are born and their volume of matter augmented. If the sympathetic negative polar stream were cut off from the earth, its molecular mass would become independent, and would float away into space as would a soap bubble filled with warm air. The same conditions of governing rule exist in the planetary masses as between the mental and physical forces in our organisms; the organism representing the earth, and its link with the cerebral centers the connection with the infinite mind. In other words, the latent energy existing in the neutral depths of matter, visible or invisible, remains eternally subservient and unchangeably linked to the eternal mind. True science is bastardized by intimating that the life in matter can be destroyed by any intensity of thermal negation (frigidity). Can finite man make use of an infinite element to neutralize infinity? Thermal negation causes molecular oscillation to diminish, or even seem to cease, but the results brought about from this superficial appearance of matter coming to rest are that the latent energy existing in the molecular zone is transferred to the intermolecular, increasing the oscillations of the intermolecular in the same ratio that the molecular is diminished. All the art that man can employ to induce the same effect on the intermolecular zone ends here. Granting, however, that it were possible, what would ensue?" [Newton of the Mind]

"All vibrations that are negative in their character as toward destroying the harmonic relations that exist between the magnetic current and its coincident polar, to carry out the simile, close up the aperture whereby illumination (or transfer) is continuously conducted.

The thirds, on the subdivision of the one hundred and twenty-eight thousand four hundred vibrations, represent the negative antagonism, whereby this peculiar condition is brought about, viz., forty-two thousand eight hundred on the positive; the same on the negative and on the neutral, as associated with the sympathetic negative transmitter.

The keeper is first placed on the magnet, which has an attachment whereby a transmitter can be centrally associated with it; the other terminal having three connections that can be attached to this medium. The impulse is given simultaneously to the three leads after setting the instrument to represent forty-two thousand eight hundred vibrations on the harmonic, the same on the enharmonic and on the diatonic.

If this impulse is given properly, the neutralization will take place within fifteen seconds." [The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]

In Nature both temperature groups are active. Group A provides for the progressive build-up of what is suitable for higher development. Group B is responsible for the precipitating out, breaking down and disassembly of everything unfit for such purposes. This has to be removed and as a life-form must be annihilated, or expressed more correctly, reduced to the relatively lowest developmental state, prior to attempting a renewed ascent under entirely different influences. This temperature-group also becomes active when any given life-form has fulfilled the purpose of its existence, its duty to multiply itself physically or further develop itself. Withering away through decrepitude, and as an over-ripe product of raw material, it is then made available for the build-up of qualigen with the aid of A-group temperatures (T1 - Schauberger). However, if for any reason B-group temperatures (T2 - Schauberger) become active in the deceased substance, it will be putrefied, combusted or otherwise destroyed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]

In opposition to this dualistic formative, levitative and life-affirming force, however, there is a counterforce, which comes into being in a similar manner. It is also a biotechnically producable current, but functions in a life-negating way and can thus be described as the 'death-current', since, with the exception of developmentally harmful bacterial life-forms, it slowly but surely destroys all life. It breaks down and decomposes every organism so that under very specific pre-conditions and with the aid of a very peculiar movement it can ur-generate new life or death forces of increased and intensified power from the product.

[6] In regard to fig. 22, while the diagrams depict a submarine, theoretically the same process should also apply to a similarly shaped aircraft. — Ed.
[6.1] Editor's Note: The original Keely Motor has two descending pistons. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

See Also


Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Thursday December 29, 2022 03:16:53 MST by Dale Pond.