Sympathetic Negative Transmitter

Sympathtic Negative Transmitter

"Keely had shown him (Professor W. Lascelles-Scott) a peculiar apparatus, which he called a 'sympathetic negative transmitter.' It had been taken all to pieces for his benefit and put back together again. Imagine a globe in which is a vibrating disk, which Keely calls a 'cladna;' also, a series of tubes which, under certain circumstances, act like small organ pipes. Professor Scott said he could get from Keely no connected account which satisfied his English sense as to what these were but he found that a sensitive ear or hand could appreciate the responsive vibrations from these pipes and the apparatus appeared to be regulated upon something like a definite order or plan. For instance, he discovered that the sympathetic transmitter was sensitive to what is known as B flat, D natural and F and that it was also apparently sensitive to the notes D, F sharp and A. By questioning Keely he found that he regarded the first three notes and their combinations as having a tendency in one direction, which he called a polar force, and the other three notes a tendency in an opposition direction, which he called a depolar force." [Public Ledger, Philadelphia, April 16, 1896]

"Under date of November 2, 1891, Keely wrote of one of his researching instruments which he was then inventing, to overcome nodal interference in sympathetic negative outreach: "This instrument combines the disintegrator and the positive-negative-indicator in one. It will be but an intermediate, as between the sympathetic negative transmitter and the depolarizer. At present, I am working like a man suspended between heaven and earth, trying to reach one without leaving the other." [Newton of the Mind]

"All vibrations that are negative in their character as toward destroying the harmonic relations that exist between the magnetic current and its coincident polar, to carry out the simile, close up the aperture whereby illumination (or transfer) is continuously conducted.

The thirds, on the subdivision of the one hundred and twenty-eight thousand four hundred vibrations, represent the negative antagonism, whereby this peculiar condition is brought about, viz., forty-two thousand eight hundred on the positive; the same on the negative and on the neutral, as associated with the sympathetic negative transmitter.

The keeper is first placed on the magnet, which has an attachment whereby a transmitter can be centrally associated with it; the other terminal having three connections that can be attached to this medium. The impulse is given simultaneously to the three leads after setting the instrument to represent forty-two thousand eight hundred vibrations on the harmonic, the same on the enharmonic and on the diatonic.

If this impulse is given properly, the neutralization will take place within fifteen seconds." [The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]

See Also

Chladni Plate Vibrations
Focalizing Neutral Concentrator
Keelys Mechanical Inventions and Instruments
Musical Triplet
nodal dissociator
nodal transmitter
Figure 19.09 - The Vibrodyne and Sympathetic Transmitter
Magnifying Transmitter
Negative Transmitter
nodal transmitter
nodal vibratory transmitter
polar sympathetic transmitter
Sympathetic Negative Transmitter
Sympathetic polar negative transmitter
Sympathetic Transmitter
telephone transmitter
Three-node transmitter
triple nodal transmitter
vibratory transmitter

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday March 6, 2024 04:21:05 MST by Dale Pond.