Suggested Reading
"Read not to contradict and confute, nor to believe and take for granted...
but to weigh and consider." - [Francis Bacon]
The Awakening or Self Realization process has been explored since early Egyptian days. Throughout the intervening centuries this "Work" of elevating the human consciousness was explored and pursued by the great philosophers of all societies and especially by the Alchemists and the so-called secret societies deemed legitimate. Indeed the awakening process was held as ancient Egypt's most secret and sacred science. Awakening to Cosmic Consciousness or Christ Consciousness is at the core of every religion especially the Christian religion wherein Jesus the man attained Christ Consciousness when he awoke to his oneness with the Mind of God as the Christ thus showing us the Way to do that. In today's world there are countless individuals and organizations endeavoring to awaken or providing various methods exploring and developing a Greater Consciousness. These people and their organizations offer a multitude of books, CDs, DVDs and web sites devoted to this most noble of human pursuits. Awakening is Divine wisdom or science according to Quimby which he also calls Christ, Science, God and Love. Being Awake allows us to turn the substance of Mind into Matter as Sai Baba does and put it into motion as Daniel Pomerleau has demonstrated. The Atlin Project contained elements of both processes which we have yet to fully master. [See Mind Force is a pre-existing Natural Force and see Bibliography for more recommended authors and texts.]
Top Ten (or so) Recommended Books
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Q: Please list ten most important books on your work. I was going to place an order the other day, then I thought I better ask first.
A: I'm having difficulty limiting the recommended list to just ten items.
- Atlin - Knowing I Am
- The Physics of Love 2.0
- Keely and His Discoveries
- Universal Laws Revealed - Keely's Secrets
- Keely’s Laws of Being
- Snell Manuscript
- The Universal One
- Atomic Suicide?
- Scientific Basis and Build of Music (Ramsay)
- Dashed Against the Rock
- Dialogue on Awakening
- Dale Pond, Speaking Freely
- Machines and the Human Spirit by Paul Emberson
- Rudolf Steiner on Technology. A Review
- Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
- Tomorrow's Energy by Arthur C. Aho
Recommended Background Reading
- A Course in Miracles
- Atkinson; Mind Power
- Brewer, DD, Rev. E. Cobham; Sound and its Phenomena
- Bucke, "Cosmic Consciousness""
- Carhart, First Principles of Physics
- Carpenter, Tom; Dialogue on Awakening
- Cayce, Commentary on the Book of Revelation - Edgar Cayce Foundation
- Deschanel, A. Privat & Everett, J. D.; Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy - Sound and Light
- Harris, T. F., B.Sc., F.C.S.; Handbook of Acoustics
- Jeans, Sir James, The Science of Music
- Furst, Jeffrey; "Edgar Cayce's Story of Jesus"
- Kapp, MD, M.W. - "Glands - Our Invisible Guardians". 1962. The Rosicrucian Press. San Jose, California
- Le Bon, Gustave, The Evolution of Matter
- Keely, John Worrell [See Bibliography]
- Keelys Forty Laws
- Miller, Dayton Clarence; The Science of Musical Sounds
- Norton, Sidney A.; Elementary Treatise on Natural Philosophy - chapter 5 Undulations, 6 Acoustics, chapter 7 Musical Sounds
- Podolny, R.; Something Called Nothing - details vacuum physics, ether, etc.
- Pond, Dale; Atlin - Knowing I Am
- Pond, Dale; The Physics of Love 2.0
- Pond, Dale; Keely's Laws of Being 3.0
- Pond, Dale; Universal Laws Revealed: Keelys Secrets
- Proctor, Bob; You Were Born Rich
- Quimby, Phineas Parkhurst, "The Complete Writings"
- Ramsay, Dougald Carmichael; Scientific Basis and Build of Music
- Russell, Walter; A New Concept of the Universe
- Russell, Walter; Atomic Suicide
- Russell, Walter; The Message of the Divine Iliad
- Russell, Walter; Home Study Course
- Russell, Walter; The Universal One
- Snell Manuscript - The Book
- Stone, W.H.; Stone's Scientific Basis of Music
- White, Carol; "Energy Potential: Toward a New Electromagnetic Field Theory," (with essays by Bernhard Riemann trans. from German by J. J. Cleary, Jr.), Campaigner Publications, New York, 1977.
- Whittaker, Edmund, "A History of the Theories of Aether and Electricity" volumes I and II
- Wood, Alex; "The Physics of Music", published by Richard Clay and Company, Ltd. Bungay, Suffolk, England, 1945?
(A good place to find used books: http://www.bookfinder.com)
Recommended Movies
See also
Mind in Matter
Mind Force is a pre-existing Natural Force
Mind over Matter
SVP Recommended Web Resources