"All form is generated from the One source of thinking Mind by a preponderance of the concentrative, contractive pressures of the centripetal force of thinking." Russell, The Universal One
"All form is radiated back into the One source of thinking Mind by a preponderance of the decentrative, expansive pressures of the centrifugal force of thinking." Russell, The Universal One
"All idea is registered in the little particles heretofore referred to as light units. These units of light, heat, sex, electricity, and magnetism are all male and all female. Every unit is either preponderantly male or preponderantly female. Just so is every unit either preponderantly electric or preponderantly magnetic. Just so is every unit either preponderantly negatively or preponderantly positively, electromagnetic. Just so is every unit preponderantly generative or preponderantly radiative. And each unit is all of these. And each unit is variable, becoming preponderantly one or another of these in its turn, from the beginning to the end of its being." Russell, The Universal One
"All mass is both electric and magnetic.
"All mass simultaneously expresses both opposites of all effects of motion, and each opposite is cumulatively preponderant in sequence.
"All electro-magnetic mass forms into systems of units which revolve in spiral orbits both centripetally toward and centrifugally away from nucleal centers.
"All preponderantly charging systems are positive systems.
"All preponderantly discharging systems are negative systems.
"All preponderantly contracting systems are positive systems.
"All preponderantly expanding systems are negative systems.
"All systems whose spirals are preponderantly closing spirals are positive systems.
"All systems whose spirals are preponderantly opening spirals are negative systems.
"All systems of preponderantly lessening volume are positive systems.
"All systems of preponderantly increasing volume are negative systems.
"All systems of preponderantly increasing potential are positive systems.
"All systems of preponderantly lowering potential are negative systems.
"All preponderantly integrating systems are positive systems.
"All preponderantly disintegrating systems are negative systems.
"All preponderantly generating systems are positive systems.
"All preponderantly radiating systems are negative systems.
"All preponderantly heating systems are positive systems.
"All preponderantly cooling systems are negative systems." Russell, The Universal One, pages 67-68
"All form is generated from the One source of thinking Mind by a preponderance of the concentrative, contractive pressures of the centripetal force of thinking.
"All form is radiated back into the One source of thinking Mind by a preponderance of the decentrative, expansive pressures of the centrifugal force of thinking." Russell, The Universal One, Book 01 - Chapter 03 - Mind, The One Universal Substance)

Taking an ordinary sine wave pattern as a SYMBOL over time of Expansion then Contraction it can be visualized how one enharmonic chord decreates while a harmonic chord creates over time. (The notes shown are arbitrary and symbolic and do not represent any particular functional chord.)
Notice the triplet of notes (three notes sounded simultaneously) forming a chord. These REPRESENT the three currents (three notes) making up a Whole Chord or Whole Flow. Keely's use of musical triplets then is an accurate depiction of the structure of Whole Flows composed of thirds, sixths and ninths, as functional portions, of that Flow.
See Also
See Also
Dynaspheric Force
Etheric Elements
Father-Mother Principle
Light Units