
Part 14 - Keelys Mysterious Thirds Sixths and Ninths

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14.00 - Introduction
14.00.01 - Rhythmic Balanced interexchange between Attraction and Repulsion
14.01 - Hints from Bloomfield-Moore
14.02 - Three Six and Nine - The Principles of Creation

14.03 - Hints from Russell

14.04 - Thirds as Currents
14.05 - Thirds as Differentiations
14.06 - Differentiation

14.07 - Thirds in Magnetic Action
14.08 - Thirds as Assimilatives
14.09 - Brintons Laws of Being

14.10 - Thirds as Ratios within a Whole

14.11 - Ranges of Forces Effects and Actions

14.12 - Sympathetic Attraction
14.13 - Full Harmonic Chord
14.14 - Etheric and Interetheric is Mind
14.15 - Movement Caused by Spirit

14.16 - Dominant

14.17 - Dominant is a Catalyst
14.18 - Law of Sympathetic Association
14.19 - Dominant is Light

14.20 - Dominant is Light of Mind or Thought or Idea
14.21 - Russell on Thought and Idea
14.22 - Dominant is the High Neutral
14.22.1 - Enharmonic is the High Neutral
14.23 - Harmony Rules the Universe
14.24 - Dominant causes Magnetism

14.25 - Dominant is Light of Electrical Spark
14.26 - Dominant is Light of Mind
14.27 - Mind being Dominant is Creative

14.28 - Thirds as Polar and Depolar Parameters

14.29 - Force and Energy Defined
14.30 - Effect of Preponderance
14.31 - Preponderance Russell

14.32 - Law of Assimilation

14.33 - Mind Force - Light - Etheric Subdivision
14.34 - Energy Level of Etheric and Interetheric
14.35 - Teslas 3 6 and 9

14.35.1 - Keely 3 6 and 9, 369
14.36 - Triple Equations

See Also

atomic triplet
Figure 13.08 - Triple Streams of Electricity
Figure 14.03 - A section from one of Keelys charts showing his generous use of Triplets
Figure 14.12 - Triple Equations to Represent a Single Sympathetic Event
Figure 16.09 - Triple Streams of Electricity
Figure 2.10 - Triple Dual Vectors - In Rotary Motion
Figure 20.05 - Primary Emanations or Energy Flows
Figure 3.9 - Cardinal Directions of Force and Energy Flows
Figure 4.1 - Triple Cardinal Directions Vectors or Dimensions
Figure 4.13 - Triplet Originations and Centralizations of Matter
Figure 4.14 - Feynmans Triplet Structures of the Proton and Neutron
Figure 4.3 - Single Mode Electric Vector Generating Circular Motion also Shown within Triple Vectors
Figure 4.4 - Triple Vectors in Orthogonal Motions
Figure 4.6 - Triple Vectors in Motion on Triple Planes
Figure 4.7 - Triple Planes and Polar Vectors of Motion
Figure 4.8 - Triple Polar Rotations In and Out
Figure 6.14 - Triple Three Cubes
Figure 6.4 - Triple Interior Planes
Figure 6.5 - Triple Planes - May Underlay some Sacred Geometry or Religious Concepts
Figure 6.6 - Russells Multiple Views of Tripleness
Figure 7.3 - Step 3 - Sphere Forms Orthogonally Triple Compressing Shell Layers
Figure 7B.05 - Triplet Forming a Unity
Figure 7B.06 - Rotating Triplets Animation
Figure 7B.09 - Feynmans Triplet Structure of Photon
Figure 7B.14 - Electric Condensing Flows to Center
Figure 7B.15 - Triple Planes relative to Center
Figure 9.8 - Triple Centers
Mind Force the hidden Scalar Force
Musical Triplet
Sympathetic Flows
Sympathetic Polar Flows
Table 13.02 - Vibratory and Oscillatory Triple Force Functions
Table of 369 - Synonyms
Triple Flows
Triple Triplet
Triplet Attraction
Triplet Rotation
Triple Triplet Flows
triune polar flows
Vibratory Sympathetic and Polar Flows
4.1 - Triple Vectors
4.2 - Triple Vectors and Rotation
4.5 - Triple Rotary or Vortex Motions
4.9 - Triple Contractive Motions
7B.04 - Triplets Form Larger Units of Unity
7B.05 - Rotating Triplets
12.07 - Keelys Thirds Sixths and Ninths
13.06 - Triple Currents of Electricity
13.11 - Triple Currents and Streams
14.35 - Teslas 3 6 and 9
14.35.1 - Keely 3 6 and 9
14.36 - Triple Equations
16.29 - Triple Currents of Electricity
18 - Chart of Vibratory Flows

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Tuesday February 28, 2023 03:20:56 MST by Dale Pond.