
4.9 - Triple Contractive Motions

Then we can expect to see complex rotation around each of the three axis of compression/rarefaction. This would lead logically to three spinning and overlapping equatorial bands (Diagram 2, below), ala Keely's Morphology. Since these bands cannot all three occupy the same space they must therefore be as layers. Imagine an orange with three layers of skin - and each skin spinning independent of the others each at right angles to the other two. As it is held ether in motion is attractive these layers will compress to the center. This is exactly Keely's theoretical design and working model.

  • Diagram 1: Etheric Shell Spinning around a single axis.
  • Diagram 2: Etheric Shells Spinning around three axis.
  • Diagram 3: Three atomic Structures Formed within molecule.
  • Diagram 4: Polar Lines of Attractive Interference Nodal Patterns.
  • Diagram 5: Nested atomic, Interatomic, Etheric and Interetheric Bodies within molecule.
  • Diagram 6: Areas of Attractive Force Sealing The Unit Structure.

Keely Molecule - Diagram 1 of 6
(click to enlarge)
Keely Molecule - Diagram 2 of 6
(click to enlarge)
Keely Molecule - Diagram 3 of 6
(click to enlarge)
Keely Molecule - Diagram 4 of 6
(click to enlarge)
Keely Molecule - Diagram 5 of 6
(click to enlarge)
Keely Molecule - Diagram 6 of 6
(click to enlarge)
Figure 4.12 - Keely's Formative/Structural/Dynamic Morphology

(images from Dashed Against the Rock)

See Also

Atomic Triplet
atomic triplets
Efimov state
Figure 1.9 - Keelys Molecular Morphology
Figure 4.12 - Keelys Formative Structural Dynamic Morphology
Figure 4.14 - Feynmans Triplet Structures of the Proton and Neutron
Figure 7.6 - Keelys Triune Morphology
Figure 7.7 - Keelys Morphology - Infinite Subdivision of Matter
Table 15.02 - Triune Polar Streams
triune polar flows
Triune States of Matter and Energy
Resonantly Interacting Particles can form weakly bound Trimer States very important paper
Ultimate Constitution of Matter and Action of Force Regulating its Phenomena

Created by Trene. Last Modification: Friday December 16, 2011 11:50:49 MST by Trene.