These are the fundamental directions and motions underlying all 3D matter in the universe. By necessity each of the six directions are different one from another. East is not west, north is not south and up is not down. Each has its own character or flavor or set of coordinates, motional and "physical" attributes and parameters. Else if they weren't different and rotating in different directions they would all be the same and rotating in the same direction in the same plane.

Figure 4.9 - Pulsating to and from centers orthogonally (courtesy of University of Science and Philosophy) (click to enlarge)
ChatGPT explores Triple Vector Rotation, Centralization of Forces, Russell’s Cubic Wave Fields, energy-momentum tensor formations, Rotational Dynamics, and Quantum Structure, Quantum Field Theory, counter-rotating vortices and 369 [2/12/25]: [1]
See Also
AI Interpretations of SVP
Dynaspheric Force
Vector model of the atom
velocity of rotating etheric stream