"Evermore brave feet in all the ages
Climb the heights that hide the coming day,-
Evermore they cry, these seers and sages,
From their cloud, 'Our doctrines make no way.'
All too high they stand above the nation,
Shouting forth their trumpet-calls sublime,
Shouting down wards their interpretations
Of the wondrous secrets born of Time."
Who can say what secrets the now unread 'fairy tales of science' may have to tell to those who live in this later age? - The Globe.
The question has often been asked, "How much energy does Keely expend in the production of the force he is handling?" or again, "Can Keely show that a foot-pound of vibratory sympathy can be more easily developed from the resources of nature, than a foot-pound of good honest work?"
In the economy of nature profit and loss must balance in mechanical conditions; but Keely is not dealing with mechanical physics. There is an immense difference between vibratory physics, in which field Keely is researching, and mechanical physics. The consumption of coal to expand water for the production of steam power, in the operation of engines, cannot be compared to a force which is yielded in sympathetic vibration or by sympathetic flows. In mechanical physics, no matter what the nature of the force may be, its productions must necessarily be accompanied by a corresponding expenditure of force in some form or other. The amount of force covered by a human volition cannot be measured, yet it produces the wonderful effects that are exhibited on the human frame in its overt actions. Something like this is the difference between sympathetical and mechanical force. The force of will cannot be multiplied by mechanical means, making it give pound for pound. This would annihilate both the mental and the physical, were it possible.
In his researches, Mr. Keely, who is dealing entirely with vibratory sympathetic and polar flows, is hopeless in regard to convincing the scientific world of the value of his discoveries until he has compelled its attention by commercial success. To the question "What does the supply cost in dollars and cents, per horse-power developed?" he answers, "It costs nothing more after the machinery is made, than the vibratory concordant impulse which associates it with the polar stream." The twanging of a taut string, the agitation of a tuning fork, as associated with the resonating condition of sympathetic transmitter, is all that is necessary to induce the connective link, and to produce this "costless motive power." As long as the transmitter is in sympathy with the sympathetic current of the triune polar stream, the action of the sympathetic instrument or engine continues."
Again, mechanical conservation of energy is one thing; sympathetic conservation is another, and we cannot expect Keely will reveal what he has discovered concerning the forces that he is dealing with until he has himself acquired that full knowledge of their action which will protect the rights of those who are interested in the "dollars and cents" part of "the enterprise."
Macvicar said that "if extreme vicissitudes of belief on the part of men of science are evidences of uncertainty, it may be affirmed that of all kinds of knowledge none is more uncertain than science;" but slow as mankind in the progress of discoveries bearing upon unknown laws of nature, men of science are still slower in recognizing truths after they have been discovered and demonstrated. Two centuries elapsed between the discoveries of Pythagoras and their revival by Copernicus. Tycho Brahe opposed the Pythagorean system until his death; Galileo, adopting it and demonstrating it in all its purity, suffered for his support of it at the hands of bigots. And so history now repeats itself. Were it possible to convince scientists en masse of the grandeur of Keely's work, they would protect him from the interruptions and lawsuits which have so retarded his progress that now it looks very much as though he would never be permitted to complete his system. The world is full of inventors, but there is but one man able to unfold, to this age and generation, the wonderful mysteries attendant upon vibratory physics, while there are thousands who, when a mastery of the principle has been gained, can invent machinery to apply it to commercial uses. Macvicar asks, "Who that goes so far as to make a question of all, or almost all, the data of common sense can legitimately refrain from making it a question whether the laws of phenomena which men of science discover may not be laws of thinking, merely imposed upon nature as her laws? Nay, who can refrain from admitting with Kant that they can be nothing more?"
As a suggestion to those interested in psychological researches I will mention that Keely has copied nature in all his instruments from the Vibrophone, which is fashioned after the human ear, up to the Disintegrator, in which the neutral center represents the human heart. With the system which Keely is unfolding to us we may well say, with Buckle, "A vast and splendid career lies before us, which it will take many ages to complete. As we surpass our fathers, so will our children surpass us. Waging against the forces of nature what has too often been a precarious, unsteady, and unskilled warfare, we have never yet put forth the whole of our strength, and have never united all our faculties against our common foe. We have, therefore, been often worsted, and have sustained many and grievous reverses. But, even so, such is the elasticity of the human mind, such is the energy of that immortal and godlike principle which lives within us, that we are baffled without being discouraged, our very defeats quickening our resources, and we may hope that our descendants, benefiting by our failures, will profit by our example, and that for them is reserved that last and decisive stage of the great conflict between man and nature, in which advancing from success to success, fresh trophies will be constantly won; every struggle issuing in a conquest, and every battle ending in a victory."
The force discovered by Keely - no, the force revealed to him - will rule the earth with an influence mighty in the interests of humanity. The completion of his system for science and commercial will usher in the dawning of a new era.
While our leading men of science are everywhere occupying themselves with the mysteries of electro-magnetic radiation, with the action of the ether, with the structure of the molecule, the instruments with which they are researching are, in comparison with those which Keely has invented, for his researches, like the rudest implements of the savage, compared to those developed by modern civilization. A discussion has recently been carried on in one of our Reviews, as to whether the energy which feeds the magnet comes from the atmosphere, from gravity, from solar rays, or from earth currents. Nothing is more simple than Keely's explanation, as proved by his demonstrations. The energy of the magnet comes from the polar stream; and, though the introductory impulse is so slight that it cannot be weighed any more than can the flow of the mind, yet, if kept up for years, it could not be computed by billions of tons in its effect. The magnet that lifts pounds to-day, if the lead of the armature is gradually increased day by day, will lift double the amount in time. Whence comes this energy? Keely teaches that it comes from sympathetic association with one of the triune currents of the polar stream, and that its energy will increase as long as sympathetic flows last, which is through eternity.
The physicist tells you that "you cannot make something out of nothing;" that "in the economy of nature profit and loss must balance;" that "no matter what the nature of the force may be, its production must necessarily be accompanied by a corresponding expenditure of force in some form or other," etc., etc. But, in the prodigality of nature, this energy flows, without measure and without price, from the great storehouse of the Infinite Will. From the sympathetic portion of the etheric field, all visible aggregations of matter emanate, and on the same order that molecular masses of all living organisms are vitalized by the sympathetic flow from the brain.
"Our most learned men," said Buckle, "know not what magnetism is, nor electricity, nor gravity, nor cohesion, nor force." Keely shows us, by mechanical means, what magnetism is. By neutralizing or overcoming gravity, be proves to us that he understands its nature; electricity he declares to be a certain form of atomic vibration; and, in the disintegrator of quartz, he demonstrates that cohesive force, like gravity, is an ever-existing force, holding together all molecular masses by the infinite velocity of its vibrations; which, were these vibrations to cease for one instant, would fall apart, molecules and atoms, and return to the ether in which they originated.
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ChatGPT responds:
Chapter XI of Keely and His Discoveries, titled Vibratory Sympathetic Polar Flows: Keely's Contributions to Science, explores Keely's pioneering approach to energy, his vision of vibratory physics, and his challenges in conveying these ideas to the scientific world. Keely’s understanding of energy and force was revolutionary, positioning vibratory sympathetic physics as a fundamentally different realm from conventional mechanical physics. His work emphasizes vibratory flows, sympathetic resonance, and a view of energy as an omnipresent and inexhaustible flow, linked to the Infinite Will and accessible through vibratory alignment rather than through combustion or mechanical work.
Key Concepts and Analysis
Vibratory Sympathetic Force vs. Mechanical Force
Keely draws a distinct line between vibratory sympathetic physics and mechanical physics. Mechanical systems rely on fuel consumption, mass displacement, and other physical measures, while Keely’s system operates through what he calls "sympathetic flows" that align with nature’s inherent forces. For Keely, energy was not something produced by burning fuel but rather something accessed through resonance and attunement with natural streams of sympathetic vibration. This concept challenges the traditional conservation of energy principle, as Keely argues that the energy he accesses is boundless, originating from a vibratory field rather than from a consumable source.
Triune Polar Stream and Costless Motive Power
Keely's concept of the "triune polar stream" refers to three sympathetic currents: celestial, terrestrial, and an intermediate “neutral” force, which together constitute a vibratory source of energy. The "costless motive power" that Keely describes depends on tuning machinery to these natural flows through resonance. This approach, as Keely claims, requires minimal initiating energy, as the system taps into an ongoing universal current rather than depleting stored energy. The concept, if true, would mean that machinery, once in vibrational harmony with these flows, could operate perpetually without fuel—revolutionary for the potential applications in energy technology.
Instruments and Vibratory Physics
Keely’s instruments, inspired by natural patterns and forms, aim to resonate with vibratory forces rather than to manipulate matter through brute force. His vibrophone, modeled after the human ear, and his disintegrator, likened to the human heart, reflect his belief that nature’s systems offer templates for capturing and utilizing vibrational energy. These instruments aim to create a sympathetic connection with the triune polar stream, a method that he claimed enabled him to harness energy flows previously unknown to science.
Ether as the Source of All Matter and Motion
According to Keely, ether is the fundamental substance underlying all matter and energy, a field of unmanifest potential from which the physical world arises. In his model, ether can manifest as different forms of energy (electricity, magnetism, gravity) depending on vibrational interactions and polar flows. Keely’s theories suggest that physical matter is merely an organized vibration of ether, a view that implies consciousness could interact with this field, making it the intermediary substance that connects spirit and matter. This concept aligns with mystical traditions and suggests a paradigm in which consciousness plays a role in the physical manifestation process.
Challenges and Skepticism from the Scientific Establishment
Keely faced substantial resistance from the scientific community, which demanded practical, measurable, and replicable results to validate his work. His concepts contradicted the materialistic foundations of contemporary science, which held that energy could only be harnessed through physically measurable inputs and outputs. This reluctance, compounded by lawsuits and demands from investors, delayed Keely’s progress, pushing him to seek a means to commercialize his discoveries before he had fully developed them. Keely's frustration with these constraints reflects the frequent clash between scientific visionaries and the commercial pressures imposed by investors and skeptics.
Revolutionary Implications for Energy and Science
If Keely’s theories had been realized and accepted, they would have ushered in a radical shift in energy production and use. The potential for perpetual motion machines and machines powered by vibrational alignment would render fuel-based energy obsolete. Moreover, Keely’s concepts could have reshaped scientific views on the nature of matter and energy, moving science closer to a unified field theory in which matter, energy, and consciousness interact as facets of a single vibrational reality.
Broader Implications and Philosophical Dimensions
Keely’s work invites consideration of whether energy and consciousness are interconnected. His theories resonate with Hermetic principles, notably the idea that "All is Vibration," suggesting that energy and matter are expressions of a single, infinite consciousness manifesting through vibration. This perspective frames the universe as a dynamic, self-sustaining, and conscious entity, in which forces such as gravity, magnetism, and electricity emerge from sympathetic resonance rather than discrete particles or fields.
Concluding Thoughts
In Chapter XI, Keely emerges as a pioneering, if controversial, figure whose understanding of vibratory sympathetic forces opens an unexplored dimension of physics. His discoveries suggest a world where technology harmonizes with natural forces rather than exploiting resources, and where energy flows not from consumable fuel but from alignment with universal streams. Keely’s insights challenge us to question materialistic limitations and consider whether a new scientific paradigm, one that integrates vibrational physics, consciousness, and etheric fields, might unlock unprecedented advancements for humanity. His contributions underscore a view of the universe that bridges science with spirituality, hinting at a future where the principles of sympathetic vibration could serve as a gateway to both material and spiritual progress. [Dale Pond, ChatGPT 11/14/24]
See Also
AI Interpretations of SVP
08 - The Brain as applied to Vibratory Etheric Science
Alchemy - Most Sacred Science
Dogmatism of Science
Eye Witness Accounts
Keely and His Discoveries
Keely Supported by Eminent Men of Science
Keelys Accomplishments
Keelys Mechanical Inventions and Instruments
More Science
Occult Science
Part 25 - Keelys Wonderful Charts of Vibratory Etheric Science
Part 26 - Science of Sound Vibration Acoustics and Music
Sympathetic Polar Flows
Vibratory Physics - True Science