
Part 26 - Science of Sound Vibration Acoustics and Music

"He who knows the secret of sound, knows the mystery of the whole universe." Hazrat Inayat Khan

Much of the information presented in this video is covered in the Handbook on Acoustics quoted below.

from Handbook on Acoustics
"Although many works on the subject of Acoustics have been written for the use of musical students, the author of this book has not met with one which gives, in an elementary form, more than a partial view of the science. Thus, there are several admirable treatises on the purely physical and experimental part, but most if not all of them stop short just when the subject begins to be of especial interest to the student of music. On the other hand, there are many excellent works, which treat of the bearings of purely acoustical phenomena on the science and art of music, but which presuppose a knowledge of such phenomena and their causes on the part of the reader. Thus the oprdinary musical student, who can probably give but a limited amount of time to this part of his studies, is at the disadvantage of having to master several works, each probably written in a totally different style, and possibly not all agreeing perfectly with one another as to details. This disadvantage has been felt by the author, in his classes for some years past, and the present work has been written with the object of furnishing to the student, as far as is possible in an elementary work, a complete view of Acoustical science and its bearings on the art of music.

In the arrangement of the subject, the reader should observe that up to and including the 7th Chapter, the sounds treated of are supposed to be simple; the next four chapters treat of sounds-both simple and compound - singly, that is to say, only one tone is supposed to be produced at a time; the phenomena accompanying the simultaneous production of two or more sounds are reserved for the remaining chapters.

Although this book has not been written expressly for the use of students preparing for any particular examination, it will be found that a mastery of its contents will enable a candidate to successfully work any papers set in Acoustics at the ordinary musical examinations, including those of the Tonic Sol-fa College, Trinity College, and the examinations for the degree of Bachelor of Music at Cambridge and London. The papers set at these examinations during the last two years, together with the answers to the questions, will be found at the end of the book."


01 - The origin of a Musical Sound
02 - The Transmission of Sound
03 - On the Ear
04 - On the Pitch of Musical Sounds
05 - The Melodic Relations of the sounds of the Common Scale
06 - On the Intensity or Loudness of Musical Sounds
07 - Resonance Co-vibration or Sympathy of Tones
08 - On the Quality of Musical Sounds
09 - On the Vibrations of Strings
10 - Flue-pipes and Reeds
11 - On the vibrations of Rods and Plates
12 - Combination Tones
13 - On Interference
14 - On Dissonance
15 - The Definition of the Consonant Intervals
16 - On the Relative Harmoniousness of the Consonant Intervals
17 - Chords
18 - Temperament

See Also

01 - The origin of a Musical Sound
1.21 - It Really Is a Musical Universe
19.03 - Philosophy of Transmission and Rotation of Musical Sphere
19.05 - Excerpts from original Articles about Keelys Globe Motor or Musical Sphere
Etheric Liberator used with Atlin the Musical Dynasphere
Figure 13.15 - Equilibrium as Musical Tonal Equivalents
Figure 14.01 - Overtones Developed Musically Showing Up as Isotopes along the Vertical Axis of this Chart
Figure 4.17 - Musical Relationships of Colors Tones and Attributes
Musical Dynasphere
musical globe
Part 19 - Musical Dynasphere - Historical
Part 20 - Musical Dynasphere - Current Research
Principles of Acoustics

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday July 13, 2024 06:22:41 MDT by Dale Pond.