Having written all of the above there is yet another use of these terms. Keely says his effects of driving motors, etc. are all done sympathetically and in no other way. Taking the graphic below as representing a sympathetic vibration or oscillation acting between A and C where A and C are tuned identically; i.e., when A is disturbed C is likewise affected. Keely describes this action in his law:
Law of Oscillating Atomic Substances "Coherent atomic substances are capable of oscillating at a pitch varying directly as the density, and inversely as the linear dimensions from one period of frequency per unit of time to the 21st octave above, producing the creative force of Sonity, whose transmissive force (Sound) is propagated through the media of solids, liquids, and gases, and whose static effect (Sonism) produces attractions and repulsions between sympathetically vibrating bodies according to the Law of Harmonic Attraction and Repulsion." [Keely, pre 1894]

Commentary - February, 2017 It is my understanding "atomic substances" are pure elements not compounded or alloyed with any other elements - something like a crystal or pure lump of a simple metal. According to this law these vibrate within a frequency range up to the 21st octave (± 2,097,152 Hz) and are the midrange of radio frequencies. (Radio did not exist in Keely’s time.) These vibrations behave according to the Law of Force previously discussed and results in cohesion and dissociation according to dynamics as discussed in the Bjerknes Effect, Law of Attraction and Law of Repulsion. It is interesting to see Keely considers frequencies of sound extend this high in the low megahertz range. Today we consider this range the very useful ultrasound range as shown below.

Ultrasound Range (click to enlarge)
It is also interesting to note Keely considered this multi-phase dynamic as having three distinct parts. The first being a Creative source such as a struck or excited tuning fork creating or originating a sound. The second being the excited medium of transmission, for instance the air. And third the effect on neighboring objects like another distant tuning fork. These three parts of a single tone are different from each other. They are not unlike the issues of a broadcasting radio antenna (creative), the atmosphere (transmissive) and the receiving antenna (static or receptive). In quantum entanglement these three aspects are represented by the first half of a split photon (creative), the etheric substrate (quantum transmissive field) and the second half of the split photon (static or receptive).
The quantum field is the same as the etheric field so often used and referred to by Keely and other Victorian scientists and engineers. This quantum or etheric field is the INTERETHERIC SIXTH SUBDIVISION and compound interetheric seventh subdivision or vacuum substrate connecting all things - Russell's Void, Space or Zero Universe. Because this field is occupied with countless types of quantum or etheric entities it has countless attributes which accounts for the many seemingly divergent definitions of ether from that time period. According to Keely its density is very high:
"Ether is an atomolic liquid 986,000 times the density of steel." Keely
The rule of thumb concerning transmissive mediums the propagation velocity is in direct proportion to its density. This being the case transmission rates in the quantum or etheric field are near instantaneous as is shown in those experiments resulting in so-called "spooky action at a distance" as in quantum entanglement, telepathy and remote viewing. This quantum or etheric substrate is the medium of Mind and Consciousness.
See Also
12.38 - Orbital revolution
14.11 - Ranges of Forces Effects and Actions
14.36 - Triple Equations
17.12 - Law of Oscillating Atomoles
2.4 - Law of Oscillating Atomoles
25 circles of oscillations
8.13 - Law of Repulsion
8.17 - Law of Harmonic Vibrations
8.2 - Oscillation versus Vibration
8.20 - Law of Sympathetic Oscillation
9.23 - Circular Harmonic Orbit
9.24 - Elliptical Enharmonic Orbit
9.26 - Orbital Phases
Angular Momentum coupling
Center of Oscillation
Connecting Link
Creative Force
Differential Oscillation
differential oscillatory range of motion
differential oscillatory range
Etheric Elements
Figure 13.01a - Countless Spinning Stars about their common Neutral Center
Figure 9.11 - Compression Wave with expanded and contracted Orbits
Fraunhofer Lines
half integer spin
Keelys Forty Laws
Law of Force
Law of Oscillating Atomic Substances
Law of Oscillating Atoms
Law of Variation of Atomic Oscillation by Sono-thermism
Law of Variation of Pitch of Atomic Oscillation by Pressure
laws of oscillatory and vibratory motions
molecular oscillation
oscillating proximately
oscillating range of motion
oscillatory motion
Part 17 - Gravity
Pendulum Oscillation
Proximate Oscillation
Quantum coupling
Ramsay - PLATE IV - Oscillation and Vibration
Ramsay - PLATE V - Proximate and Differential Oscillations
Ramsay - The New Way of Reckoning a Pendulum Oscillation
Rotation and Revolution are Reciprocals
Rotational-vibrational coupling
Rovibrational coupling
rovibronic coupling
Sympathetic Oscillation
Sympathetic Planetary Oscillation
Sympathetic Vibration
Table 13.02 - Vibratory and Oscillatory Triple Force Functions
Tesla Oscillator
Vibronic coupling
In the diagram A represents the Creative Source which then propagates through a media, B, and whose effects are produced on C. Likewise for A to any effect on C B would also have to have some degree of sympathy or propagation could not happen. Applying what we learned above about alternately preponderant polarizations it is clear each element in this equation, A, B and C, can be represented by an equation wherein the syntropic, entropic and neutral terms are expressed in an equation and thereby yielding a three term equation of three component terms each. In this manner A = thirds, B = sixths and C = ninths.

See Also
14.35 - Teslas 3 6 and 9
12.07 - Keelys Thirds Sixths and Ninths
14.04 - Thirds as Currents
14.05 - Thirds as Differentiations
14.07 - Thirds in Magnetic Action
14.08 - Thirds as Assimilatives
14.10 - Thirds as Ratios within a Whole
14.28 - Thirds as Polar and Depolar Parameters
16.08 - Polar Link in Thirds
Figure 11.01 - Octave composed of Equal Thirds and Triads
Part 14 - Keelys Mysterious Thirds Sixths and Ninths
Table 1 - Relations of Thirds
Table 14.01 - All phrases in HyperVibes containing the term thirds
Table 14.02 - Neutral Thirds - Energy Radiates from Center - Force Contracts to Center