The Snell Manuscript contains the most comprehensive material from Keely yet located. According to Snell The Snell Manuscript was written from information taken from books Keely wrote himself. Mr. Snell compiled these notes in 1934. The manuscript was missing until 1985 when it was discovered by Dale Pond (in possession of Robert Scrutton, of Exeter, England) as bound type-written pages and subsequently republished by Delta Spectrum Research. The manuscript was acquired from Mr. Scrutton (via his niece as Mr. Scrutton died before completing our transaction) for $50 pounds sterling. (see full story in Atlin - Knowing I Am) Later (circa 1987) a photocopy was found to exist in the Delawarr Laboratories Archives in Oxford, England. George William de la Warr used principles of acoustic resonance and sympathetic vibration in the design and operation of his radionics devices according to his own writings. [See Radionics]

This printing is a new unabridged edition. 8.5" X 11" 80 pages.
To purchase this book click here: The Snell Manuscript
Snell Manuscript - Table of Contents
See Also
Atlin - Knowing I Am
George William de la Warr
Robert Scrutton
Snell Manuscript - The Book wiki'ed version of this book (for members only)
Snell Manuscript - Table of Contents
19.05.03 - From The Snell Manuscript
19.05.04 - From The Snell Manuscript
19.05.12 - From The Snell Manuscript