
"The series of experiments, daily for one week, that I am now preparing to give before an expert committee, for the purpose of enabling this committee to make a public announcement of the scientific and commercial value of my system of sympathetic vibratory physics, comprises:

First. - Operation of the polar circuit, drawing power from space, and showing control of various degrees of velocity.

Second. - Sensitization of a polar disk, after having had its complete neutrality to magnetism tested.

Third. - After associating it with the polar test-medium, heavily weighting it to demonstrate its attractive power; the weight remaining suspended to it by this power.(7)

Fourth. - Transmitter connected to the test-medium, while the disk is carrying the weight. Negative vibration transferred; effecting complete dissociation; the disk and weights dropping to the floor.

Fifth. - Rotation of compass needle, on a set of resonators, subservient to any one of the resonators, in defiance of its attraction to the north. Variations given; changing its subservience to different resonators, as the introductory impulse is changed.(8)

Sixth. - Mediums, representing the chords of different masses of metal, made to float in a tall jar of water, with extraordinary changes of position.

Seventh. - Operations of a sensitized globe, by sound.

Eighth. - Operations of the globe under the influence of the improved polar sympathetic transmitter.

Ninth. - Disintegration of water by triple vibration,(9) showing progressive degrees of energy (from molecular to interatomic, etc., etc.) on different rates of transfer." [The Operation of the Vibratory Circuit]

These concentrations of subtle matter are bacteriophagous threshold conformations (being neither corpuscular, nor metaphysical embryos) in which the opposing energy-forms mentioned at the beginning are suspended, which oscillate gently in liquid or gaseous media in a wavering state of equilibrium. That is to say, they possess too much levitational force to gravitate and too much lower-grade mass to levitate autonomously. Their inner processes of motion are sustained by the ambient differences in temperature. These, however, are insufficient to determine the fate of these threshold substances as they vacillate at this cross-roads. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]

Accordingly we have to learn the lesson from both extremes and balance out both forms of motion and acceleration in such a way that in accordance with the well-known equation F = ma, the desired force F in the form of a predominantly magnetic ion constantly possesses enough levitational superiority to ensure that natural increase and qualitative improvement can keep pace with the unavoidable increase in the population. That is to say, the standard of living must be regulated through the use of higher-grade (quality-increasing) retro-influent dynagens, which come into being when bipolar threshold masses are centripetated in accordance with the equation E = mc2. In other words, when they are accelerated by radially->axially in-winding forces to a speed exceeding that of sound under the simultaneous effect of a falling temperature gradient, i.e. accelerated along the longitudinal axis above their boundary velocities. This gives rise to the higher-grade factors of temperature, light and energy out of which upwardly streaming magnetism springs forth from the spiritual embryos, the vitamin-molecules mentioned at the beginning. These are suspended in a delicately balanced state of equilibrium in the media of air and water and await the naturalesque motive impulse in order, as refined subtle matter, to transform themselves into formative, multiplying and ennobling retro-influent energies. This will signify the end of the present shortages of food, raw material, germinating substances and fuels, and instead of capitalism and bolshevism a true socialism will arise about which Christ preached 2,000 years ago, who taught of the transformation of matter into spirit with the aid of the above form of motion. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]

"In the outbirth of water we have to differentiate between two different kinds. Namely water as a carrier-substance that contains predominantly negative potentialities (substances attuned to earth frequencies) or predominantly positive potentialities (substances attuned to air frequencies). The former are to be viewed as upwardly-impelling geospheric instrumentalities and the latter as downwardly-impelling atmospheric instrumentalities. The former refine and exalt the higher-grade constituents, i.e. they serve the build-up of levitative potencies. The latter serve to cleanse the atmosphere of suspended matter, which as threshold substances still possess too little self-weight and too high a quota of levitative essences and can neither rise nor fall. It is these threshold substances that can be transformed and exalted through cycloid-space-curve motion. From a practical point of view, this is only possible through their co-oscillation with their respective carrier-substances, be it air or water. This leads to a build-up of those substances incapable of further development, resulting in a renewed intensification of the differences in potential through the spacial separation of the difference-substances. The end result is an increased motive force. This explains the concept of perpetual motion in its most natural sense." [Viktor Schauberger, Implosion Magazine, No. 118, p. 8.] [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, THE NATURE OF WATER - ITS CONDUCTION AND USE FOR TRANSPORT]

3. Through the rising acceleration of the axially moving core-water-masses, the centrifugence of the swirling peripheral water-masses intensifies. This in turn increases the slip-pressure exerted by the suspended ingredients on the naturalesquely shaped and alloyed potential-increasing slip-resistances (guide-vanes). Due to the rising velocities the oligodynamic effect also increases, i.e. more and more supplementary influences are freed by the potential-intensifying frictional resistances and due to the water's careful [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]

See Also


Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday December 28, 2022 03:28:21 MST by Dale Pond.