
15.13 - Dissociating Water Acoustically - Liberation of Quantum Constituents

"Recently some questions, propounded to Mr. Keely by a scientist, elicited answers which the man of science admitted were clear and definite, but no physicist could accept Keely's assertion that incalculable amounts of latent force exist in the molecular space, for the simple reason that science asserts that molecular aggregation is attended with dissipation of energy instead of its absorption. The questions asked were:-

I. "In disintegrating water, how many foot-pounds of energy have you to expend in order or produce or induce the vibratory energy in your acoustical apparatus?"

Answer.- "No foot-pounds at all. The force necessary to excite disintegration when the instrument is sensitized, both in sensitization and development, would not be sufficient to wind up a watch."

II. "What is the amount of energy that you get out of that initial amount of water, say twelve drops, when decomposed into ether?"

Answer.- "From twelve drops of water a force can be developed that will fill a chamber of seven pint volume no less than six times with a pressure of ten tons to the square inch."

III. "In other words, if you put so many pounds of energy into vibratory motion, how many foot-pounds do you get out of this?"

Answer.- "All molecular masses of metal represent in their interstitial molecular spaces incalculable amounts of latent force, which if awakened and brought into intense vibratory action by the medium of sympathetic liberation, would result in thousands of billions more power in foot-pounds than that necessary to awaken it. The resultant development of any and all forces is only accomplished by conditions that awaken the latent energy they have carried with them during molecular aggregation. If the latent force that exists in a pound of water could be sympathetically evolved or liberated up to the seventh subdivision or compound interetheric, and could be stored free of rotation, it would be in my estimation sufficient to run the power of the world for a century." [Vibratory Physics - True Science]

"Keely teaches that an unknown potency is held in the atom's tenacious grasp until released by an introductory impulse given by a certain order of vibration, depending upon the mass-chord of the aggregation; which impulse so increases the oscillation of the atoms as to rupture their etheric capsules." [Bloomfield-Moore]

"It is as platina to hydrogen gas. Molecular separation of air brings us to the first subdivision only; intermolecular, to the second; atomic, to the third; interatomic, to the fourth; etheric, to the fifth; and interetheric, to the sixth subdivision, or positive association with luminiferous ether. In my introductory argument I have contended that this is the vibratory envelope of all atoms. In my definition of atom I do not confine myself to the sixth subdivision where this luminiferous ether is developed in its crude form as far as my researches prove. I think this idea will be pronounced by the physicists of the present day, a wild freak of the imagination. Possibly, in time, a light may fall upon this theory that will bring its simplicity forward for scientific research. At present I can only compare it to some planet in a dark space, where the light of the sun of science has not yet reached it. . ."

"I assume that sound, like odor, is a real substance of unknown and wonderful tenuity, emanating from a body where it has been induced by percussion and throwing out absolute corpuscles of matter, interatomic particles, with velocity of 1,120 feet per second; in vacuo, 20,000. The substance which is thus disseminated is a part and parcel of the mass agitated, and, if kept under this agitation continuously, would, in the course of a certain cycle of time, become thoroughly absorbed by the atmosphere; or, more truly, would pass through the atmosphere to an elevated point of tenuity corresponding to the condition of subdivision (density)that governs its liberation from its parent body."

"The sounds from vibratory forks, set so as to produce etheric chords, while disseminating their tones (compound), permeate most thoroughly all substances that come under the range of their atomic bombardment. The clapping of a bell in vacuo[4] liberates these atoms with the same velocity and volume as one in the open air; and were the agitation of the bell kept up continuously for a few millions of centuries it would thoroughly return to its primitive element; and, if the chamber were hermetically sealed, and strong enough, the vacuous volume surrounding the bell would be brought to a pressure of many thousands of pounds to the square inch, by the tenuous substance evolved. In my estimation, sound truly defined is the disturbance of atomic equilibrium, rupturing actual atomic corpuscles; and the substance thus liberated must certainly be a certain order of etheric flow. Under these conditions, is it unreasonable to suppose that, if this flow were kept up, and the body thus robbed of its element, it would in time disappear entirely? All bodies are formed primitively from this highly tenuous ether, animal, vegetable, and mineral, and they are only returned to their high gaseous condition when brought under a state of differential equilibrium." [(Keely quoted by H. P. Blavatsky, The Coming Force)]

4 See Ion acoustic waves in the solar wind

See Also

7B.09 - Luminiferous Ether or Light
8.8 - Water Wave Model
15.02 - Liberating Ozone from Water
15.04 - Dissociating Water with Fire
15.06 - Power of Dissociated Water
15.07 - Dissociating Process
15.08 - Dissociating Water with X-Rays - Radiolysis
15.09 - Dissociating Water with Ultrasonic Vibration - Puharich
15.10 - Dissociating Water with Alternating Current - Puharich
15.11 - Dissociating Water with Vacuum
15.12 - Dissociating Water with Acoustic Cavitation
15.13 - Dissociating Water Acoustically - Liberation of Quantum Constituents
15.18 - Keelys Process for Liberating Ether from Water
15.21 - Water Dissociation Demonstration
15.22 - Water is Sensitive to Thought
15.23 - Water is Predominantly Diamagnetic
15.24 - Water is Sensitive to Biometeorological Effects
Electrolysis - Russell
Etheric Elements
Figure 15.00a - Fujiwara Water Before Prayer
Figure 15.00b - Fujiwara Water After Prayer
Part 15 - Dissociating Water
SVP Cosmology Part 15 - Dissociating Water Acoustically

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday December 25, 2022 02:08:48 MST by Dale Pond.