
Now comes a brief description of Nature's principal formative substance - metaphysical fatty-matter[8] - about which a thick book could be written. As a reactive or 'higher' temperature-form this comes into being with the aid of the Earth's 'cycloid-space-curve-motion' under the exclusion of light and ordinary heat in the cool germinating zone, the boundary zone between the negatively potentiated geo-atmosphere and the positively potentiated external atmosphere. This then develops as a potential that propagates horizontally in a wavi-linear movement. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

This also explains why the very moment that watercourses were hydraulically[9] regulated, i.e. when the natural system of flow was ruined, the calamity concerning the transport of sediment began.[10] The riverbanks were attacked, the riverbed silted up and the water ejected itself from its dislocated course with elemental ur-force in order to regain its naturalesque form of motion, through which that something is also propagated and deployed to which [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

is first generated through friction. This heat is immediately absorbed by the water and in the process a physical vacuum is created, which then gives rise to the emergence of inner-atomic rays. Due to the absorbed heat, the free, dissolved oxygen still present in the water becomes aggressive and the emergent geospheric rays become aggressive owing to the presence of the vacuum. Through the encounter between the mutually opposed, contra-directionally propagated, excited rays, the precondition for the marriage is created. The child of this union is organic, or cold light. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Letter to Werner Zimmermann]

See Also


Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Friday September 16, 2022 05:13:42 MDT by Dale Pond.