
"To marry is to halve your rights and double your duties." [Arthur Schopenhauer Source: The World as Will and Idea (1819), vol. II]

See Christ Marriage

State 3rd Party in Marriage

It is known, for example, that for the liquefaction of brown coal (lignite) appropriate catalysts are required. Here there is no uniformity, because everything is bipolar and therefore it is necessary to make a clear distinction between positive and negative catalysts. The chemical reaction itself is of no interest biologically speaking, and the whole thing must be considered from a higher standpoint, otherwise it would be impossible, for example, to liquefy hard coal (anthracite), i.e. to transfer it to the next higher state of evolvement. This also applies to calcium (combusted marble) and other insoluble basic substances. That a falling temperature gradient is of decisive importance for biological processes of development, has already been emphasised elsewhere. Since science, which thinks too mechanistically, has also failed to grasp this, it would unable to understand the naturalesque interpretation of the concept of 'reaction', which here is to be understood as a process of ur-genesis. Without this there would be no reproduction or further development, which is responsible for higher-grade emulsions, namely the inner fusion (marriage) of etherialised primary substances in the 4th spacial dimension. As long as the [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Catalysts]

When the fruit juices that have flourished in the Sun begin to ferment, it is a sign that reactive temperature differences have triggered the fermenting movement, which in the initial stages has to separate the inferior from the superior. The former will be separated and centrifugated out through cycloid-space-curve-motion. The latter interconnects with itself, as it were, and the product of this remarkable marriage process is that something, which also brings us out of the delicately balanced equilibrium that the Earth ceaselessly enjoys. Not being in a state of stable equilibrium, she has constantly to rotate about her own axis in a form of movement that declinates and oscillates in two directions. This is how she generates the inversely symmetrically- and inversely proportionally-acting force, which enables everything that crawls and flies on this dung-heap Earth to move 'originally' (autonomously) in order to seek out its food, which also contains allotropic energy-producing substances. These are then broken down through the vibration of the organs, leading to the familiar development of physical strength and mental vigour, whose ur-causes have not been perceived by physico-technical scientists, who calculate with common calories and measure them with decimal scales and rulers. Moreover, they also believe they have captured everything with their tweezers that is proper to Nature. Unfortunately, however, this cannot be accomplished with such an instrument, because the producer of 'measure' and 'weight' is an imperceptible extraordinary energy-form, which as the 'essential' is the 'reactivated' itself, which actively moves the ordinary. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, New Forms of Motion and Energy]

is first generated through friction. This heat is immediately absorbed by the water and in the process a physical vacuum is created, which then gives rise to the emergence of inner-atomic rays. Due to the absorbed heat, the free, dissolved oxygen still present in the water becomes aggressive and the emergent geospheric rays become aggressive owing to the presence of the vacuum. Through the encounter between the mutually opposed, contra-directionally propagated, excited rays, the precondition for the marriage is created. The child of this union is organic, or cold light. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Letter to Werner Zimmermann]

With sudden cooling, carbones become highly aggressive. A marriage between the highly aggressive phos-elements and the equally aggressive C now takes place. The super-potentiated geospheric gas product evolving from this union binds the hydrogen through the emergent inner vacuum and rising rapidly, cools off and lands on an organic anode, whose upper section is extended into a cathode. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Letter to Werner Zimmermann]

In the second case, a marriage takes place between the residual substances. In short, the inferior product of synthesis that science calls synthetic petrol (gasoline) is produced. The moment this second, inferior synthesising process happens, a pressure recoil (cavitation) takes place due to the emission or discharge of the higher constituents (viz. the pressure reflux in high-pressure boilers). [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]


This plate is a representation of the area of a scale; the major scale, when viewed with the large hemisphere, lowest; the minor when viewed the reverse way. It is here pictorially shown that major and minor does not mean larger and smaller, for both modes occupy the same area, and have in their structure the same intervals, though standing in a different order. It is this difference in structural arrangement of the intervals which characterizes the one as masculine and the other as feminine, which are much preferable to the major and minor as distinctive names for the two modes. Each scale, in both its modes, has three Fifths - subdominant, tonic, and dominant. The middle fifth is the tonic, and its lowest note the key-note of the scale, or of any composition written in this scale. The 53 commas of the Octave are variously allotted in its seven notes - 3 of them have 9 commas, 2 have 8, and 2 have 5. The area of the scale, however, has much more than the octave; it is two octaves, all save the minor third D-F, and has 93 commas. This is the area alike of masculine and feminine modes. The two modes are here shown as directly related, as we might figuratively say, in their marriage relation. The law of Duality, which always emerges when the two modes are seen in their relationship, is here illustrated, and the dual notes are indicated by oblique lines across the pairs. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 106]

"(Q) Is marriage essential to my highest development in this incarnation; if so, who and where are my potential mates and how can I find them?
(A) In this particular experience, this is not necessarily essential. But if you find a compatible individual with the same purposes and ideals, it may work out." [Cayce (2618-1)]

See Also

17.03 - Gravity not a Flow
8.10 - Law of Couples
Angular Momentum coupling
Connecting Link
coupled potential gradient
inductive coupling
Law of Force
Quantum coupling
Quantum Entanglement
resonant coupling
Rotational-vibrational coupling
Rovibrational coupling
rovibronic coupling
spin-orbit coupling
Steric Effects
Sympathetic Association
Sympathetic Oscillation
Sympathetic Resonance
Sympathetic Vibration
Vibronic coupling

Created by dale. Last Modification: Sunday October 6, 2024 04:32:46 MDT by Dale Pond.