noun: animal reproductive body consisting of an ovum or embryo together with nutritive and protective envelopes; especially the thin-shelled reproductive body laid by e.g. female birds
noun: one of the two male reproductive glands that produce spermatozoa and secrete androgens
Every organ is an aid or a means to an end that requires various supplementary energies in order to evolve. In its highest form, the developed product is a multiple of the ur-form, because the potencies in it have developed themselves. Potencies are nothing more than bipolar tensions, which de-stress one another and synthesise their desired form. This is the reason for the phenomenon of multiplication. The function of tensioning or de-stressing is heat and cold. The product is therefore a product of heat or cold. The impulse is produced by either a cold or warm mediatory process. The place of birth is the egg and the orifice. The fertilised eggs create orifices and conversely, eggs come into being from orifices. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Letter to Werner Zimmermann]
Let us consider, for example, a fully-developed ovum in the body of a fertile woman. The reproductive product, the child, can only be woken to life through a particular forward motion, which takes place first. This leads to the influx of the fertilising substance, to independent life and thus to autonomous movement. For this process wise Nature made provision for certain changes in shape associated with aroused or excited states without which the coming to life of a child is impossible. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
This invention (see fig. 17) relates to a conduit or pipe for liquid or gaseous media, which is intended to prevent encrustation and to reduce flow losses, wherein the pipe cross-section is formed of several curved arcs of a circle and the pipe is coiled in a screw-form manner. The invention also consists in the fact that the cross-section is egg-shaped with an indentation on one side adjacent to the pointed end of the egg and that the pipe is first twisted upon itself before the whole is formed into a coil. With the aid of such a pipe, the conveying capacity and efficiency is improved due the reduction of frictional losses and the prevention of encrustation. In order to increase the conveying capacity, the coiling of the pipe around an imaginary cylinder has proved to be particularly effective. For the same reason, the pipe can be rotated in a normal manner, whereby the central axis of the coiled pipe arrangement is also the axis of rotation. It is also advantageous to narrow the cross-section of the twisted pipe. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Schauberger Patent 196680 - Pipe for Liquid and Gaseous Media]
On many occasions I have stated that the rising of sap in trees cannot be explained by physical factors alone - such as the effect of external air pressure. Its explanation is to be found in ongoing metabolic processes in constant pulsation in every cell of the tree. It is therefore a result of the vital activity of the capillary tree-cell. Professor Kurt Bergel of Berlin came to similar conclusions in relation to the activity of the heart and the blood in animal life. He rejects the current view that the motor - the heart - is supposed to pump blood into all parts of the body. On the contrary this work is performed by the millions of highly active capillaries permeating the body. This fluid-raising capillary force is only effective up to a certain height. An external aid is therefore necessary. This Bergel demonstrated with a small experiment. He stood the base of a bundle of hair-thin tubes in water and lightly and regularly tapped it at the top, causing water to flow continuously out of the upper ends of the capillaries.
In his view health and disease are primarily dependent on the faultless or disturbed activity of the capillaries. Professor Bergel furnished definite proof of this in his investigations of a bird's egg. After being incubated for only a short period of time a small red spot appeared on an egg, which on closer inspection proved to be a drop of blood. If the egg is incubated further, then a network of arteries can already be distinguished on the skin of the yolk-sack. Rhythmical pulsations can still be detected just before it cools off. [Our Senseless Toil, page 38-39]
Rudolf Steiner
“If we wish to draw a material, yet supersensible, picture of these human beings in the very beginning of the Earth's evolution, we must imagine a psychic ovoid, or egg, contained within the circumference of the earth, and enclosed on its lower surface as an acorn is by its cup. The substance of the cup, however, consists solely of heat or fire.
The process of being enveloped by heat not only causes the kindling of life in human nature, but a change appears simultaneously in the astral body. In this body there becomes incorporated the first rough outline of what afterwards becomes the sentient soul.
We may therefore say that man at this stage of his existence consists of the sentient soul, the astral body, the etheric body and the physical body, which latter is formed out of fire. In the astral body there surge up and down those spiritual beings who are connected with human existence. Man feels himself bound to the earth-body by the sentient soul.”
The chalice is the cosmic womb; the egg, humanity nascent and in process of evolution; the flames, primordial and ??proximate heat—the vivifying life of the Absolute.
For those who desire material for concentration and meditation, no better or more profitable subject exists. ??n??ntration on the thots expresst above, utilizing this symbol as the thot picture, will produce results which will repay the seeker a thousandfold.
Develop the symbol by deep meditation and concentration into its deeper significances and mayhap it will lead you—the reader—into fields where your feet have never thus far entered." [Rudolf Steiner]
From: "Rosicrucian Symbology" c. 1916 by Khei

Michael Maier
Emblema VIII. Accipe ovum & igneo percute gladio
"There is a bird in the world, more sublime than all,
Let it be your only care to find its egg.
The albumen softly surrounds the golden yolk,
Attack it cautiously with a fiery sword, (as is the custom);
Let Mars assist Vulcan; the bird arising from it
Will be a conqueror of iron and fire.
"Among the countless number of species of birds there seems to be a species in an island of the Ocean which can take an elephant up into the air. However, it is not the intention to enumerate these things.
The Egyptians destroy crocodiles' eggs each year with a sword. The philosophers pierce their egg with fire in order to bring it to life and to let it grow and not to destroy it; no more than the coming to life of a human being out of an egg is a process of destruction, although by this the egg shape is destroyed. It is replaced, however, by a nobler form, a two-footed winged animal. In the egg the body grows out of the yolk, the albumen provides food and the warmth from the outside is the prime motivator, which, with the circulation of the elements and the resulting transmutation of the one element into the other, creates a new form, under the guidance of Nature.
For water passes into air and air into fire and fire into earth, which, when they are all united, discard their specific form originating from the stars, and become one individual, an individual of the bird species from which the egg comes.
The egg, however, should be smashed by a fiery sword, which Vulcan uses in his function of a midwife, assisting the young one in being born, just as he helped Athena in her birth from the head of Zeus. This is what Basil Valentine declares when he says that Mercury is locked up in goal by Vulcan at the order of Mars, and is only allowed to leave when he is quite crushed and dead In reality, this death is the gate to a new life, just as the destruction or the death of the egg gives life to a new bird.
Just so human life, by his birth, passes from the vegetable life in the womb into a more perfect light; and when we are bereaved of earthly life, we pass into the completely perfect eternal life.
Therefore, in several places, Lullius also calls the fiery sword, the sharp lance. For the fire pierces the bodies as a lance or like a sharp sword and makes them porous so that the water may penetrate into them and may dissolve the bodies, turning hardness into softness, to make them malleable.
In the stomach of a cormorant, one of the most voracious birds, live slippery worms, which exercise the same function as the fire; with their bodies, which serve as sharp needles, they decompose the animals the cormorant swallows. For, just as heat stings, stinging has the function of heat. Therefore it is right to speak of a fiery sword, with which the philosophical egg should be pierced.
Nevertheless, the philosophers prefer that by moderate warmth (the warmth meant by which an egg is hatched, as Morsoleus states in the Turba), "The first moisture should first be expelled, o wise men, by burning it in a gentle fire, as, for instance, we see in the hatching of a young bird. When the fire is intensified, let the retort be well closed, lest the body of the ore and its volatile spirit should escape".
But of what bird is the egg? To this Moscus answers, also in the Turba: "And I say to you that there exist positively no instruments except those originating from our white, starry, glittering matter and from the white stone, and out of this white matter the instruments suitable for the egg arise; but still they have not said it is an egg or of what bird it is the egg"." [Atalanta fugiens, c. 1617 by Michael Maier]
See Also
2.11 - Beginning as Undifferentiated One
2.16 - One Appearing as Extended
2.18 - One Becomes Two
2.24 - The Duality of One
consciousness seeds
cosmic seed
dimensionless seed
electronic seed tube
electronic tube seed
father seed of life
microscopic seed
recording seed
seed of the father
seed of the octave wave
seed-of-decay-developing impulse