Multiplication is the mathematical operation of scaling one number by another. It is one of the four basic operations in elementary arithmetic (the others being addition, subtraction and division).
Because the result of scaling by whole numbers can be thought of as consisting of some number of copies of the original, whole-number products greater than 1 can be computed by repeated addition; for example, 3 multiplied by 4 (often said as "3 times 4") can be calculated by adding 4 copies of 3 together. (Wikipedia)
"The human ear cannot detect the triple chord of any vibration, or sounding note but every sound that is induced of any range, high or low, is governed by the same laws, as regards triple action of such that govern every sympathetic flow in Nature. Were it not for these triple vibratory conditions, change of polarity could never be effected, and consequently there could be no rotation. Thus the compounding of the triple triple, to produce the effect would give a vibration in multiplication reaching the ninth, in order to induce subservience, the enumeration which it would be folly to undertake, as the result would be a string of figures a mile in length to denote it. [Snell Manuscript - The Book, DISTURBANCE OF MAGNETIC NEEDLE, page 8]
With his Generator, which was invented for the purpose of multiplication of vibrations, he secured higher frequencies by disturbance of equilibrium of mediums of different specific gravities, air as one, water as the other.
In the disintegration of water in his "Liberator" he produced the "etheric order of ozone." This he is said to have used in a "carbon register" to produce a high vibratory circuit that proved sufficient to break up cohesion, which he states is simply molecular magnetism. At that time he used, in molecular dissociation, one tuning fork of 620 per second, setting chords on the first octave, in atomic separation, two forks, one of 620 and one of 630, setting chords on the second octave, and in etheric separation used three forks, one of 620, one of 630 and one of 12,000, setting chords on the third octave. [VIBRATORY MULTIPLICATION]
"To more fully comprehend this omnipresent radar universe of reflecting light mirrors and lenses, take one of the eight reflectors out of a cube, or make one composed of three mirrors placed the way they are shown in the corner of Fig. 62. If you analyze this shape you will see that it is half a cube cut through its diagonals. If you now slowly insert an object on the end of a long needle, toward the apex of that pyramid you will see it reflected three times, and those reflections will grow ever closer as your object nears that apex. That illustrates the multiplication, or compressive power of Nature. It also symbolizes centripetal force and higher potential. It also represents three of the octave elements on the red or blue side of the whole octave, of which the three mates are in the reverse corner reflector." [Atomic Suicide, page 258]
The entire mechanical principal of Nature, by means of which its light illusions of motion are produced, is the consequent effect of such radial extensions. Because of it, the seeming multiplication and division of the universal equilibrium into the opposed electrical pressures of gravitation and radiation, which form the foundation of this universe of change, are made possible. (Fig. 3)
God's imaginings extend from rest to rest in His three-dimensional radial universe of length, breadth and thickness - to become the stage of space for His imagined radial universe of matter, time, change and motion. (Fig. 4)
Points of rest, further extended to other points of rest, form three reflecting planes of still magnetic Light which are at right angles to each other. (Fig. 4) From the center of these three mirror planes of zero curvature, God's givings are radially projected to six opposed mirror planes for reprojection as regivings, to unfold
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and refold the forms of God's imaginings in the curved electric universe of His desiring. (Fig. 5)" [The Secret of Light, PART III: Omnipresence The Universe of Being Postulates and Diagrams, page 219-220]
Good seed in good earth produces a multiple of itself in fruit. The seed grows and its multiplication proceeds with the aid of contra-directional influences. These influences are higher forms of organisation stemming from the Earth and the Cosmos. Substances that are ripe must either fall upwards or downwards. When water is decomposed inner-atomically, then what finally remains is the substance - water, the H-substance[2]. This H-substance is the polarity, which strengthens itself through these influences. It is the ur-child that draws in essences and energies from above and below and in this way it grows. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Letter to Werner Zimmermann]
Every organ is an aid or a means to an end that requires various supplementary energies in order to evolve. In its highest form, the developed product is a multiple of the ur-form, because the potencies in it have developed themselves. Potencies are nothing more than bipolar tensions, which de-stress one another and synthesise their desired form. This is the reason for the phenomenon of multiplication. The function of tensioning or de-stressing is heat and cold. The product is therefore a product of heat or cold. The impulse is produced by either a cold or warm mediatory process. The place of birth is the egg and the orifice. The fertilised eggs create orifices and conversely, eggs come into being from orifices. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Letter to Werner Zimmermann]
Now we come to a remarkable arrangement of Nature. The minor does not grow in the same way out of this third chord's top. Two features come before us: first the minor chord grows out of the major, but it is taken not from the top but from the middle, from a rib out of his side. B, the middle of the major dominant chord; B, the last-born of the major genesis; B is the point of departure in the outgrowth of the minor mode. The feminine is a lateral growth from the masculine. Another feature: it grows downward, like a drooping ash or willow. Its first generated chord is its dominant, and its last is its subdominant. Its middle chord, like the middle one of the major, is its tonic. Still further, it is generated by division, not multiplication; B45 is divided by 3 and by 5 for the root and middle of this highest chord, E and G. E15 is divided by 3 and 5 for the root and middle of the tonic chord, A and C. A5 is divided by 3 and 5 for the root and middle of the lowest chord, D and F. Thus we have the whole generation of the elements of music, six generations of harmony, like the six days of creation. Up to this point the whole process and aspect is inverse; growing from a middle; growing downward; growing by division;- while the major is growing from the top; growing upward; growing by multiplication. But here the inverse aspect ends. The generating primes of the major are 3 and 5; 3 and 5 are also the generating primes of the minor. In this essential phase of their creation their comparison is direct, not inverse. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 67]
At the extremes of these two operations we find D the top of the major dominant, and D the root of the minor subdominant; and while all the other notes, whether produced by multiplication of the major roots or division of the minor tops, are the same in their ratio-numbers, the two D's, by no speciality of production, are nevertheless specifically diverse by one comma in their vibration-number, and make a corresponding diversity in the intervals of the two modes. These, the Ray and Rah of the Sol Fa expression, originate a very interesting and somewhat mysterious feature in this great twofold genetic scale. [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 67]
3 - In the third sphere, vibrating things, molecules, atoms, etc. gaseous, liquid, or solid have tensions and forces far beyond the requirements of music, and far above the audible region where musical sounds have been located by the Great Numberer. The multiplication of forces there, and their augmentation derived from sympathy, of which sympathy we have faint illustrations in the region of [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 86]
Daniel Stoltzius Von Stoltzenbert
"The Eleventh Step in the Multiplication
The queen, in great honor, rides on the generous lion
and carries, O Pelican, all the fruit of your body.
The lion nourishes many young with its own flesh and blood.
The tender young cubs play with their father.
Thus you can produce quickly the many children of the stone.
They cause multiplication without end. Therefore do rejoice." ["Viridarium Chymicum" The Chemical Pleasure-Garden by Daniel Stoltzius Von Stoltzenbert, c. 1624]
See Also
Quantum Arithmetic
Figure 7B.17 - Multiplying Force to Poles of a Bar Magnet
life principle of multiplying motion
11.12 - Hidden Powers of Numbers
11.16 - Indig Numbers and the Power of the Powers of Two
Table 11.03 - Roots Powers of Two and Indig Numbers