"Another form of attraction is the magnetic flow. Magnetism has no outreach, as has sympathetic negative attraction. Magnetism is highly electrical, in fact, is born of electricity, whereas sympathetic negative attraction is not electrical. However, negative attraction displays a sympathetic outreach for magnetism. Sympathetic negative attraction reaches from planet to planet, but magnetism does not, for magnetism is static. Sympathetic negative attraction is born of the celestial and impregnates every mass in space, linking itself to all electrical and magnetic conditions and all spatial masses in turn are subservient to the celestial outreach. All the magnet's in the world no matter how differentiated could not induce rotation, but polar negative attraction induces rotation." [ATTRACTION - Snell]
"The negative sympathetic portion of the polar stream the neutrally attractive portion is the magnetic flow proper, and coincides sympathetically with the "second atomic flow." [POLAR CURRENT]
"The negative sympathetic polar stream is the magnetic flow proper, and it is in sympathetic coincidence with the second atomic flow, the electric current is the first and second order of atomic vibration, a dual force, the flow of which is too tenuous to displace the molecules. It can no more do so than the flow from a magnet can displace the molecules of a glass plate when it is passed under it. The flow from a magnet is too fine to disturb the plate molecules, but passes as freely between them as a current of air would through a coarse sieve.
"Like poles do not repel each other, simply because there is a perfect sympathetic equation between them, the same in unlike poles. If a differentiation of 33 1/3 against 100 is established between them, whether like or unlike, they become attractive to each other. They become repellent after differentiating them, 66 2/3 of the one against 100 of the other, by sympathetic vibration.
"Taking into consideration even the introductory conditions of the etheric stage, etheric vibration has proved to me that the higher the velocity of its rotating stream the greater is its tendency towards the neutral center or center of sympathetic coincidence*. Were it otherwise, how could there ever be any planetary formations or the building up of visible structures? If a billiard ball were rotated to a certain velocity, it would separate in pieces, and the pieces would fly off in a tangent, but if it were a ball of ether, the higher the velocity of rotation, the stronger would be the tendency of its corpuscles to seek its center of neutrality, and to hold together.
"It is not a magnetic force that is born on the etheric atom which gives it its power to draw to it streams of coincidence. The magnet is only susceptive to certain aggregated forms of matter, iron, for instance, and its preparations." The Snell Manuscript
- "I find in my researches, as to the condition of molecules under vibration, that discordance cannot exist in the molecule proper; and that it is the highest and most perfect structural condition that exists; providing that all the progressive orders are the same. Discordance in any mass is the result of differentiated groups, induced by antagonistic chords, and the flight or motions of such, when intensified by sound, are very tortuous and zig-zag; but when free of this differentiation are in straight lines. Tortuous lines denote discord, or pain; straight lines denote harmony, or pleasure. Any differentiated mass can be brought to a condition of harmony, or equation, by proper chord media, and an equated sympathy produced." [Keely and His Discoveries, pg 275]
"The action of the magnetic flow is dual in its evolutions, both attractive and propulsive (repulsive). The inclination of the plane on which the subtle stream moves, either to the right or to the left, has nothing to do with positive or negative condition (poles). The difference in conditions of what is called, by electricians, positive (electricity) and negative electricity, is the difference between receptive (syntropic) and propulsive (entropic) vibrations. They can be right or left receptive, or right or left propulsive. The positive vibrations are the radiating; the negative vibrations are the ones that are attracted toward the neutral center." [Sympathetic Coincidence]
Up to now we have therefore been forced to use flowing electricism for the purposes of generating low-grade power, light and temperature (heat). As a result, the essential formative and uplifting force - magnetism - was relegated to the subordinate role of providing the resistance necessary for all motion. That this resistance to motion must increase by the square of the initiating rotational velocity that produces it, is readily understandable because it concerns the development of metaphysical fuels, for which the force of resistance required for the acceleration must increase concurrently and proportionally. For this reason the 'crowning law" (the Conservation of Energy Law) of today's technology is fallacious inasmuch as the supposedly quiescent magnetic resistance to motion can be transformed into a 'flowing' magnetic motive force and conversely, pernicious electricism can be transformed into the aforesaid supportive force (resistance). The means to achieve this is the Repulsator (see figs. 24-26) or the Repulsine (see figs. 30-33), which have hitherto remained unknown. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]
The decisive factor in the generation of flowing magnetism is radial->axial motion and the associated development-facilitating shape. With this it is [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]
See Also
16.21 - Magnetic Flow
Conjugate Variables
Figure 13.12 - Triune Polar Stream Characteristics
polar negative sympathy
polar stream
sympathetic negative polar stream
Table 15.02 - Triune Polar Streams
Universal Direction - page 152