Extension of the negative attractive terrestrial field/force for the positive celestial radiating field/force. The extension of the receptive. See Cohesion, Law of Force
"Sympathetic Negative Attraction is the same as cohesion. It is not the resultant of electrical sympathization, but it includes the full triune flow, the Dominant being the leader and associate of the celestial. The sympathetic outreach of negative attraction is the power that holds the planetary masses in their orbital ranges of oscillatory action. Magnetism has no Outreach, but it pervades all terrestrial masses, all planetary masses. It is highly electrical in its character, in fact, magnetism is born of Electricity, whereas negative attraction is not, but it has a sympathetic outreach for magnetism. Magnetism is static. Sympathetic Negative Attraction reaches from planet to planet, but Electricity does not, nor does magnetism. Sympathetic Negative Attraction is born of the celestial, and impregnates every mass that floats in space, seeking out all magnetic or electric conditions, and all these masses are subservient to celestial outreach. All the magnets in the world could not induce rotation, no matter how differentiated, but polar negative attraction induces rotation." Keely, [Snell Manuscript]
"The luminous, etheric, protoplastic element, which is the highest condition of the ether, fills the regions of infinite space, and in its radiating outreach gives birth to the prime neutral centers that carry the planetary worlds through their ranges of motion." [Keely, Keely and His Discoveries pg 270]
"''Maxwell's theory is correct that the plane of polarized light is the plane of magnetic force. The sympathetic vibrations associated with polarized light constitute the pure coincident of the plane of magnetism. Therefore, they both tend to the same path, for both are interatomic, assimilating sympathetically in a given time, to continue the race together, although one precedes the other at the time of experimental evolution. The time is approaching when electromagnetic waves with an outreach of two feet will be produced, having an energy equal to that now shown up on the magnet when it is about to kiss its keeper, and showing a radiating force too stupendous for actual measurement.’' ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATION - Snell
"In this manner we have "sympathetic negative attraction", and "sympathetic positive propulsion", with reference to the "Outreach" of the third or dominant current of the stream, which is allied to the order of etheric vibrations." [Laws of Being, Laws of Being - Annotated, The Nature and Dynamics of Vibration and Toroids]
Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
"And when I say: 'making true contact with It', I mean that the prayer of supplication for this benefit or that is not making true contact with your SOURCE OF BEING.
Your prayer is certainly received into the Source of Being, and an answer is frequently received swiftly and the need is fulfilled, even as you have asked. But true contact with the Source of your Being, is only experienced when you have sufficiently cleansed your consciousness of the gross human ego-drive and have spent some time in meditation and a regular emotionally powerful 'reaching out' in consciousness to your Source seeking contact and renewal and refreshment of spirit.
This is the true purpose behind existence. A constant and mutual reciprocation of communication between the Source of all Being and creation." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 5, page 5]
See Also
Celestial and Terrestrial Forces in Iris Blossom
Celestial Radiation
Field Physics
Figure 11.04 - Celestial and Terrestrial Forces Come Together to Manifest as All That Is
Figure 2.16 - Alchemical Graphics showing Celestial and Terrestrial Realms
Law of Force
Sympathetic Negative Attraction
Sympathetic Outreach
7B.15 - Sympathetic Outreach
8.26 - Law of Force