

As a case in point for example, the magazine 'Das Universum' reported that the smaller Swiss lakes were already as good as ruined, where contemporary turbine systems had been installed in the upper and lower reaches of their affluent streams. Indeed in many large Swiss lakes and in many German and other lakes, the mysterious deterioration of both lake and river water had been elected. In its issue of the 9th of June 1954, the Hamburg periodical 'Der Spiegel' reported that at present at least 10,000 million marks would have to be outlaid in Germany in order to rectify the most blatant depredations in the mismanagement of water resources. The German rivers are polluted to such an extent that even the best filtration plants are virtually useless. An extended period of drought will have catastrophic effects on drinking-water supplies and water for general use. Signs prohibiting bathing and other warnings bear witness to the fact that the spread of infantile paralysis has been traced to a virus that evolves in polluted waters, which are becoming diseased for unknown reasons. The strongest chlorination or other methods of poisoning have not been of much use. All attempts to eradicate the potato beetle and other agricultural pests with poisons have likewise come to nothing. The opposite has occurred, for increasingly pernicious parasites are appearing


against which even penicillin is powerless. The sicker the organism, the more agile its destroyers become. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines]

This vaporising heat-form, which gradually leads to the desiccation of the soil, is the best prerequisite for the development of parasitic bacteria, whose appearance should be taken as a warning sign that serious errors in motion and excitation have been made. If these errors can be rectified, then the parasites disappear automatically, because in a cool (fresh) soil, only apathogenic (health-enhancing) bacteria can survive. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]

New Forms of Temperature
"The inner climate stamps each individual with its character. Every life-form has its own individual anomaly point of health, which makes the orderly reproduction of the species possible. This also explains why the world of parasites increases with fever." [Viktor Schauberger, Implosion Magazine, No. 71, p. 12.] [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, NEW FORMS OF TEMPERATURE]

T2 temperature-forms exhibit rising and expanding forms of heat and falling (decadent) and condensing (concentrating) forms of cold. T2 furthers bacterial life. If T2 temperatures predominate, then a reduction in raw materials coupled with a simultaneous thriving parasitic activity results, the effect of which again reinforces the removal for reprocessing of everything unsuitable for higher purposes. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, NEW FORMS OF TEMPERATURE]

Parasites are physical demonic entities that live in your gut.
They control your subconscious mind which is 100 times stronger than your conscious mind.
You’ve heard that your gut is actually your first brain that sends signals to your actual brain to tell it what to do.
Your cravings come from these entities hijacking your body and making you desire what they want so they can continue to live.
Yet they don’t care that their foods actually harm you and destroy your body.
They are just in it for themselves, just like any other parasitic entity or relationship is set up.
And because they are parasites who give nothing in return for you obeying their cravings, they vibrate on the lower root chakra, the frequency of hell.
Thus they make you crave low vibrational foods like meats (red flesh to match the root chakra), sugars (substance that allows demonic entities to attach to you), alcohol (opens portals to demonic entities), other acidic food and substances, low vibrational sex and lustful content (opens portals to allow demonic attachments) and many more. (WOW THAT IS SO INTERESTING THAT RED MEAT IS THE COLOR OF THE ROOT CHAKRA WOW).
If you eat flesh/meat, drink alcohol, drink tap water, eat processed foods, processed sugar, are overly sexual, have STDs, massive acne, cancer, etc., you have parasites.
There’s no need for an alien invasion on a grand scheme to take over the earth, they’ve already did it secretly simply by modifying your food and promoting their possession seducing substances.
They’ve already hijacked religion and changed words in sacred books to forever keep you a sheep and oblivious to them actually being in control.
Thus until you remove these physical and astral parasites by changing your diet and doing the proper shadow work and master lust, your life will be guided by them.
If you’re listening to someone with parasites, you are inadvertently following the dark elites agenda and most people have these entities.
Most large commercial corporations work for the parasitic entities, thus listening to doctors and big pharmaceutical companies guarantee that you have parasites.
They want to stop their toxic addictions yet they can’t because the parasites make them crave these things so intensely that they indulge in their addictions just to shut the parasites up.
Changing your diet is the way to remove the physical parasites.
Anything you consciously know you can’t stop eating or doing even though you know it’s not good for you is because your under the influence of these entities.
And remember they control the subconscious which is 100 times more powerful than your conscious mind.

Parasites are the physical manifestation of demonic entities.
While the demonic entities feed off of your spiritual energy, the parasites feed off of your physical energy.
Physical parasites appear when you have spiritual parasites and vise versa.
In fact, it is through the physical parasites that the spiritual parasites control your actions.
The astral parasites can only control your thoughts because they are not physical.
Thus they steer your thoughts to the foods and substances that will actually generate physical parasites within you so they can control your body.
It it not logical or beneficial to the body for humans to crave foods that causes cancer or to put a literal poison in their body - alcohol.
Yet most people can’t stop themselves even if they consciously desired to avoid these things.
It’s because the parasites are now controlling their subconscious mind through the first brain in the gut.
The subconscious mind is 95 times more powerful than the conscious mind.
This is why you can’t stop doing that toxic thing, eating that toxic food, having sex with that toxic partner no matter how wrong you know it is.
These parasites have full control of your behavior and they have normalized their behavior on the earth realm.
In fact, the entire weekends are dedicated to parasitic behavior.
Parasites keep you trapped in lust so that the astral parasites can feed off your sexual energy.
These astral parasites actually control the earth realm at this time and use the physical elite to enact their agendas.
They just want to control humans, farm them like sheep and use them as a food/energy source.
So you couldn’t stop the behavior, even if you wanted to.
You think it’s you doing these things, yet in actuality it’s the parasites hijacking your avatar while you watch in regret and guilt.
You will even begin to justify these behaviors because you know you can’t stop them and you don’t want to feel the guilt anymore.
You will think the vices caused by these entities are just part of being human and justify it with the saying “nobody is perfect”.
Well that statement is true “no body is perfect if they have parasites controlling them.
Thus the first thing you should focus on is getting rid of the parasites.
This is the first step neo in the matrix had to take to escape the matrix.
You’ll be escaping the root chakra matrix which means you’ll no longer desire to perform these low vibrational toxic behaviors or eat these low vibrational foods.
You’ll be able to look at 95% of society and see the spell that they were casted under.
You’ll be able to have more compassion for them knowing that I’m not talking to a person, I’m talking to his parasites.
“That’s not her shaking her tits and a** online, that’s the parasites performing their lust extracting ritual that she got from eating her seafood boil.
You’ll be less influenced by your peers and society because you no longer have the same parasitic entities controlling you.
Then you can finally start to vibrate in the divine frequencies of the crown chakra while having a healthy grounded root chakra which gives you a healthy physical body.
Your flesh will be ruled by spirit instead of by low vibrational demonic parasites.
"Forgive them for they do not know what they do.. They simply have the worms..." [anon]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday October 13, 2024 23:31:34 MDT by Dale Pond.