

"The breaking up of cyclones will open a field for future research, if any way can be discovered for obtaining the chord of mass of the cyclones. To differentiate the chord of its thirds would destroy it;" [Keely and His Discoveries, Chapter 9]

"Nature can create cyclones if it becomes conditioned for cyclones, but man can control those conditions and divide them at his will. Likewise, man can create rains wherever he wishes and in any amounts. The world's vast deserts can be forested with date palms and carpeted with a verdure which would end dust storms forever, and add materially to the world food supply. To enable man to do this he needs only the knowledge of space-geometry, mathematics, the wave of gravity control, and the nature of electric current." [Atomic Suicide, page 98]

"God's Magnetic cube is three, multiplied by three. Its planes of zero curvature are nine, and its boundary angles are the eight corners and the centering one of the fulcrum Source. Cube wave-fields are the eight mirrors of Magnetic Light which project dimensioned and conditioned forms to all the universe from one wave-field to another throughout all Creation. Divided light opposes its division. Opposed pressures arise from resistance to this division. Curvature arises from resistance to two-way opposed motion. Resistance is gentle at cathode beginnings but multiplies its resistance with cyclonic fury at anode endings. Here is where gravity collisions of sex unions borns whirling, incandescent carbon, silicon or suns, according to the measure of Mind-desire exerted electrically at anode points." [Atomic Suicide, page 114]

"A cyclone is anti-clockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere. Right-handedness and left-handedness, up and down, in and out, hot and cold, life and death, expansion and contraction, and a hundred other opposite pairs of effects are produced by one direction of motion in this pulsing universe." [Atomic Suicide, page 277]

"At this point turn back to the two cyclone drawings, figures 51 and 52. You will see there a zero which centers the cathode of that hurricane, which we call the eye. There is no object there, such as a mouse, or man, or thousand ton boat, or a crystal of cobalt, but there could be. It would make no difference as long as they are still and have not expressed a desire to move the whole universe, which must automatically move when they move. Electricity divides stillness. Motion then begins, but not until. It seems platitudinous for us to say that when we start a boat from that point, or a bullet, that neither of them are moving in the direction that our senses tell us they are moving, and it seems quite ridiculous to go beyond that and say that neither of them are moving at all in any direction, yet it is necessary to utterly change our knowing from what our senses tell us in this respect if we desire to comprehend the illusions of our three-dimensional mirrored universe and its very deceptive ways." [Atomic Suicide, page 285]

"Every planet and sun in the heavens spins in the same direction that a speeding bullet spins. That direction is 90 degrees from the direction of the speeding bullet, which is always the eye of the cyclone its motion is producing." [Atomic Suicide, page 286]

"Let us now take the plane and the projectile out of the tubes, which they centered. We refer you to the two cyclone diagrams again - figures 51 and 52. There is nothing there, whatsoever, which is materially objective at their center. There is only the stillness which we call the eye. There is but an explosion of hot air there, which causes expansion from the inside outward where cold air compresses it from the outside to inner density. Nature has made her two-way "gun" that way - a measure of desire-energy is at its center. The eye is a shaft of gravity. Gravity is omnipresent. What difference whether there is a plane, or bullet there, or not? If there is a plane there, its changed position in one direction is voided by an equal change in the opposite polarity direction. [Atomic Suicide, page 292]

In Nature there are only structures and orifices. From these arise all forms of materialisation and dematerialisation, if orifices and vessels are organised in an inversely symmetrical configuration and within them the reciprocal gaseous substances are correctly dosed. Pressure and suction, and most important of all, the temperature-gradient should be aligned in the right sense (+ not -), through which the desired energy is freed at the point of intersection.

This can be accumulated if the thing is cooled during its motion, becoming homogenously structured in the process. In this manner it is even possible to decompose ordinary air into animalistic electrical essences, or to produce an artificial thunderstorm, whose transformative essences discharge into metal conductors, calling into being a physical vacuum with which a thunderstorm can be produced in the tube, whose power exceeds that of a cyclone. While it is still necessary to use small quantities of earthly substances in the artificial production of petrol (gasoline), no fuels of any kind are needed to operate the air-turbine[4]. This will avert the crisis that will inevitably ensue if nature-alienated humanity continues to combust substances in its machines, which are preordained by Nature for the provision of food. The seemingly remarkable behaviour of liquids under the influence of light is the totally natural permanent condition of the eternal 'Arising' and 'Passing Away', of the evolution from small to large and vice versa, whose vital harmony Goethe has already explained to us so beautifully that all we need to do is read his works so as to create the perpetual interaction required by all molecules in order to exist in a state of well-behaved order. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Conclusions]

palatable[2] in order to act as levitational fuel for the others (viz. the branches swaying in the wind, whose source of motion - the wind - also arises through reactive differences in temperature). The vertically disposed forces of cyclones, typhoons, hurricanes, etc. are also founded on this developmental process and owe their kinetic energy to cold processes of oxidation. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, New Forms of Motion and Energy]

See also

cycloid motion
cycloid motive impulse

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Saturday April 6, 2024 04:40:06 MDT by Dale Pond.