

(b) Two different types of flow, which we shall describe as F1 and F2.

Through these hitherto unknown forms of temperature and motion the substance in question (i.e. water or air) is decomposed, transformed and built up. In this way, through appropriate regulation, elemental energies are freed. Suctional and pressural forces come into being, which in my apparatuses evolve along a common developmental axis and represent an entirely new means of motion and propulsion. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, NEW FORMS OF TEMPERATURE]

To contemporary technology, physics and chemistry the following are so far unknown:
1. The form of motion used by Nature herself (i.e. the cycloid-space-curve as the creative form-originating motion);
2. The temperature-form T2;
3. The flow-forms F1 and F2 and the phenomena of elemental transformation resulting from them. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, NEW FORMS OF TEMPERATURE]

Temperature-form T2, which is related to flow-form F2, is generally known to contemporary technology, physics and chemistry. Its purpose in Nature is to precipitate out what has been decomposed, but not decayed, through F2 flow-forms, or what is unsuitable for the purposes of the next higher form of development. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, NEW FORMS OF TEMPERATURE]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Friday July 22, 2022 04:54:46 MDT by Dale Pond.