
Law of Variation of Atomic Oscillation by Temperature

Law of Variation of Atomic Oscillation by Temperature

"The force of cohesion diminishes inversely as the square of the distance the atoms are apart, and the force of the chemical affinity diminishes in the same ratio. Heat increases the amplitude of the oscillations in a direct ratio to the temperature of the natural scale.

Scholium: New thermometers and accurate thermometric tables, on the natural base, wherein doubling the temperature doubles the pitch of the transmissive energy, are required. Such a table of temperature will bear natural relations to Atomic weights, pitches, specific heats, chemical affinities, fusions, solubilities, etc., and will disclose new laws. One table for each must be constructed." [Keely, pre 1894]

Law 24 of 40
Law 24, by John Keely, 1893

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See Also

Keelys Forty Laws
Part 12 - Russells Locked Potentials
spectral component

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Sunday December 22, 2024 04:08:21 MST by Dale Pond.