

"If the blood-vessels of a snail are examined, two differently-coloured systems of blood-vessels are evident. The blood flowing in the outer system of vessels is lighter and in the inner system, darker. The composition of the blood in the outer system is distinguished by a greater oxygen content and is substantially different from that of the inner system, which exhibits a higher content of carbones. Investigations further demonstrate that suspended matter is concentrated in the middle of the capillary cross-section, whereas dissolved matter congregates more towards the periphery. In addition, if the blood-flow is deemed to be moving along a straight line then the velocity of forward motion is less at the periphery than at the centre. In this regard, however, note that this difference in speed is only illusory. The forward motion of the inner particles of fluid only appears to be faster than the outer blood particles. This is because the latter must describe a path roughly corresponding to a double-helical motion - a spiral motion within a spiral - whereas in the main the inner blood particles appear to perform a simple spiral motion.

The second component of the double-spiral movement described by the blood corpuscles of the inner system cannot be observed, because the line of the second spiral is an energy path imperceptible to the eye. This has a much higher meaning, for we are here concerned with processes of qualitative psychic enhancement, the raising of the psyche to a higher energetic and immaterial level. This not only influences the character of the blood, but in the course of further development also affects the character or psyche of the respective organism." [Our Senseless Toil, page 37-38]

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Monday July 29, 2024 05:05:35 MDT by Dale Pond.