Keely "The nearest approach to molecular uniformity in metallic masses is in the wire drawn for commercial uses, gold and platina being the nearest to freedom from differentiation. But even these wires, when tested by a certain condition of the first order of intensified molecular vibration for a transferring medium between centers of neutrality, I find to be entirely inadequate for the transfer of concordant unition, as between one and the other, on account of nodal interferences. We can appreciate the difficulty of converting such a medium to a uniform molecular link, by knowing that it can be accomplished only after removing all nodal interferences, by inducing between the nodal waves a condition in which they become subservient to the inter-sympathetic vibratory molecular link of such structure or wire." [Snell Manuscript - The Book, GRADUATION OF MACHINES, page 5]
"It took Keely eight years to perfect the Trexar and the Trexnonar (Trexar used with nine nodes, the first three of silver, the second three of gold and the third three of platinum). He states that during the time he was perfecting the Trexnonar the intermissions of vibratory transmission through the wire were so frequent and of such length, preventing continuity of mechanical motion, that he was about to give up when a seeming accident revealed the truth of his former theory of the law governing the atomic triplets in their association. He states that compound negative vibration of the neutral centers of the molecules in the Trexar and Trexnonar causes antagonism by differentiation and the attractive power of aggregation becomes radiant force with immense rotational velocity, carrying the "force" beyond the molecular inner one-third sphere of coincidence. See Law of Cycles
When using the Trexar or Trexnonar, a "slight tap on the Chladni wave plate" accelerates the normal molecular frequency from 20,000 to 180,000 or 9 times. The sectional ratio is 3:6:9 or (9/3)2 or 9 times. Here the nine nodes touch the extreme end, and next to the mass being operated on, in which position they are not in use.
"Now if we shift a gold node along the third or platinum section the oscillatory multiplication will be 9x9 or 81 times the normal 20,000 or 1,620,000 oscillations per second. A gold node shifted over the extreme section will hold the frequency to 1,620,000 per second with the introductory chord of B third octave."
"When using nine nodes, silver, gold and platinum nodes come in the order given, but when associating the seventh node (Trisexar) the gold node comes first and platinum, its third higher, comes last. I always end with the triplet higher."
"Using the second node of platinum raises this frequency to the 81st power, or 1,620,00081 or far beyond computation and represents the effect of only two nodes."
"Transmitting the order of sympathetic atomic vibration through a three-node transmitter (Trextrinar) induces interatomic percussion resulting in triple atomic subdivision not by oscillation of the atoms across their diameter but by infinite acceleration of the atomic film or etheric capsule, and at the same time permitting the extension of atomic vibration far enough to set free the gaseous atomic element. (This last must refer to the force generated by multiplication of vibratory frequencies in the Trexar as used with the different node combinations. This disintegration Keely claimed was caused chiefly by accelerating the atomic envelope.)
"To rotate the neutral center indicator of the focalizing disk (of the magnetic engine) through a soft steel attractor requires transmission of the full triple-triple chord, or 156,057,552,198,220,000 corpuscular oscillations per second, resulting in 110 revolutions per minute on the neutral center indicator. This is only multiplication by the one gold node."
"By using the second node of platinum we can raise this frequency to its 81st power, or 156,057,552,198,220,00081 or infinitely beyond computation. This frequency represents the effect of only two nodes."
"I have induced rotation up to 123 revolutions per second on a neutral indicator, which required billions of vibrations per second, but even this frequency is only a minute fraction of the frequencies governing the vitality of the far-luminous centers."
"The compounding of the triple-triple or chords in three octaves, will give from the ninth node a frequency that, set down in figures, would represent a number a mile long." The Snell Manuscript
"Even if we could observe and follow with the finest researching instruments now in existence, the molecular oscillations under acceleration, we could not determine their frequencies. Direct observation is not only impossible, but would also, even if possible, be unreliable.
"My researches indicate but one reliable method of ascertaining the exact molecular frequencies and range of vibration. A wire should have placed on it a definite number of nodes of the three metals silver, gold and platinum, and an acoustic introductory impulse should be given. We must now compute the intermittent periodic disturbances (molecular vibration time intervals) by adjusting the spaces between the nodes to such a distance apart as will equalize by their respective frequency-multiplying power, the chord masses of the nodal interferences between the three nodal metals. (Nodal here refers to the metal beads, not the vibration nodes as set up in a vibrating string.) This will determine the rate of molecular oscillation induced beyond the normal and give definite values of vibrations thousands of billions of times exceeding the frequency of light."
When nodes of silver, gold and platinum, respectively, are placed upon a homogenous wire acting as a transmitter of resonant vibrations, these nodes indicate by the different orders of vibration, or induced frequencies, the atomic oscillating frequency of the transmitting wire." The Snell Manuscript
See Also
14.35.1 - Keely 3 6 and 9
Etheric Elements
Keelys Mechanical Inventions and Instruments