celestial luminous

See Celestial Radiation, Newton of the Mind

"The only indivisible "element" is the luminous, the one from which all compound elements are formed, or aggregated; hydrogen being one of these compound substances. If hydrogen were a simple it would assimilate with the high luminous. No molecular structure known to man can hold even the low order of the luminous as chemically liberated. Sympathetic physics classifies hydrogen as a compound triple element, with a metallic base. It comes under the order of the second atomic, both in vibration and in sympathetic outreach." [Bloomfield-Moore]

"Life begets life; the celestial life begets the terrestrial life; the God-life begets the man-life. Celestial Radiation is the pure soul of all matter, both earthy and gaseous. Thus we are linked in all our environments to the divine, our cerebral aggregations being the highest medium whereby celestial sympathetic reflection associates with our organisms, and is our only source of knowledge of ourselves. We have, with our mental and physical forces, a duality of action which, when combined with the celestial, makes up the triplet or trinity. With the mental, the superficial visible, or outward sight; with the inward, or spiritual invisible, we have the spiritual link connecting mind and matter, the order of transfer being:

"First. Celestial Radiation, or etheric.
"Second. Mental impregnation, or interatomic.
"Third. Physical movements, or intermolecular.

"Or again:

"Ninths. Sympathetic transfer from the celestial luminous.
"Sixths. Sympathetic impregnation of matter.
"Thirds. Physical movements." [Keely, Newton of the Mind]

See Also

04 - Molecular Radiation
10 - Chart Defining the Angles of Radiation
12.30 - Thermal Radiation and Thermal Vacuum or Cold
17.08 - Gravitation and Radiation Russell
17.08.01 - Gravitation and Radiation Keely
17.09 - Gravitation and Radiation Hatonn
6.1 - Reciprocal Radiations
absorbed radiation dose
Book 02 - Chapter 12 - Gravitation and Radiation
Book 02 - Chapter 13 - Expressions of Gravitation and Radiation - Universal Direction
Book 02 - Chapter 16 - Expressions of Gravitation and Radiation - The Wave
Celestial and Terrestrial Domains
Celestial and Terrestrial Forces in Iris Blossom
celestial attraction
celestial attractive
celestial current
celestial flow
Celestial Intermediate
Celestial Kingdom
celestial luminous
celestial mind flow
celestial mind force
celestial outreach
celestial propulsive
Celestial Radiation and Terrestrial Outreach
Celestial Radiation
celestial reflection
celestial space
celestial sympathetic outreach
Celestial Sympathetic Radiation
celestial sympathetic reflection
celestial sympathetic streams
celestial sympathy
celestial thirds
electro-magnetic radiation
Electromagnetic Radiation
etheric radiation
Figure 11.04 - Celestial and Terrestrial Forces Come Together to Manifest as All That Is
Figure 15.03 - Opposing Forces of Gravity and Radiation
Figure 17.00 - Opposing Forces of Gravitation and Radiation
Figure 2.16 - Alchemical Graphics showing Celestial and Terrestrial Realms
Figure 3.25 - Celestial Seeks and Condenses at Center
Figure 6.2 - Opposing Repellant Dispersive Radiations Neutralizing at Interface Plane of Inertia
Figure 9.4 - Radiation and Absorption interactions with Neutral Center
Gravitation and Radiation - page 141
Gravitation and Radiation - page 142-143
Gravitation and Radiation - page 144-145
Gravitation and Radiation - page 146-147
Gravitation and Radiation - page 148-149
high-energy radiation
interchange of sympathetic radiation
Ionizing Radiation
law of radiation of mass
Luminiferous Ether
luminous radiation
metallic radiation
negative radiation
neutral radiation
opposed electrical pressures of gravitation and radiation
outward direction of radiation
positive radiation
sympathetic celestial streams
sympathetic celestial
Sympathetic Radiation
Trinity of Matter and Force
triune sympathetic celestial stream
velocity of the positive and negative interchange of celestial sympathy

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Monday April 19, 2021 03:11:03 MDT by Dale Pond.