
Celestial Kingdom

"Those who deny this Truth will be denied access to the Celestial Kingdoms until they have increased their spiritual perception, and prayerfully changed their attitudes. Only when their vision is lifted above the earthly human perception of 'male and female' - and beyond their earthly desires and ego drive - to the Reality out of which they have drawn their 'being', will they escape the wheel of re-incarnation and find entrance to the ultimate Joy and Glory." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 4, page 17]

See Also

Celestial and Terrestrial Domains
Celestial and Terrestrial Forces in Iris Blossom
celestial attraction
celestial attractive
celestial current
celestial flow
Celestial Intermediate
celestial luminous
celestial mind flow
celestial mind force
celestial outreach
celestial propulsive
Celestial Radiation
Celestial Radiation and Terrestrial Outreach
celestial reflection
celestial space
Celestial Sympathetic Radiation
celestial sympathetic reflection
celestial sympathetic streams
celestial sympathy
celestial thirds
Figure 11.04 - Celestial and Terrestrial Forces Come Together to Manifest as All That Is
Figure 2.16 - Alchemical Graphics showing Celestial and Terrestrial Realms
Figure 3.25 - Celestial Seeks and Condenses at Center
Isambard Kingdom Brunel
Kingdom of God
kingdom of heaven
sympathetic celestial
sympathetic celestial streams
triune sympathetic celestial stream
Vegetable Kingdom
velocity of the positive and negative interchange of celestial sympathy

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Wednesday November 28, 2018 03:09:34 MST by Dale Pond.