A rule of thumb in vibratory science is: the denser the media the faster the propagation rate.
"Ether (the subatomic realm) is an atomolic (subatomic) liquid 986,000 times the density of steel." [Keely]
"Taking the law of assimilation as the cosmical law, together with self-manifesting power as the characteristic of being, we reach a primary classification of created objects, which corresponds with that which is known as mind and matter - or rather let us say mind and that which is not mind; for there is ground for the apprehension that mind and matter do not include all that exists; and that, along with matter, ether ought to be considered as something intimately related to matter indeed, but yet not just matter. When the elements of the ethereal medium are regarded as truly and simply material however small and light they may be, the elasticity and pressure which must be assigned to that medium in order to admit of the velocity of light, are altogether out of the harmony of things; and wholly incredible, especially when confronted with the phenomena and the theory of astronomy. Thus, to justify the velocity of light on the same principles as those of sound, in various material media, the ethereal pressure must be 122,400,000,000 times greater than that of the atmosphere - which is incredible, says Macvicar." [Bloomfield-Moore, Etheric Force Identified as Dynaspheric Force]
ChatGPT reviews and summarizes the above with modern physics: https://chatgpt.com/share/67557c17-3550-800d-a3a3-c851654e8933
See Also
AI Interpretations of SVP
Ether - Einstein
Ether - Keely
Gradient descent