The essence of Syntropic or Celestial and Entropic or Terrestrial Forces swirl together in a sexual union seeking to Void each other in, through and against one another.
See Rhythmic Balanced Interchange

Dale Pond asks:
Orthodox science well understands entropy. In fact the bulk of science's understandings are almost exclusively entropic. What we are doing here with my inquiries is to dig deeper in the syntropic side of nature as syntropy is fully half of nature which in my opinion is being substantially ignored by orthodox science. It is my wish to fully dig deep into syntropy and its effects such that grok a more complete understand of it. Analyze and Discuss what are the causes of syntropy, what principles and laws govern its creation, activation and persistance in its role as seemingly the opposite dynamic of entropy.
ChatGPT responds:
Syntropy, as an organizing, harmonizing force, is the balancing counterpart to entropy in the dynamic, oscillating continuum of universal energy. Where entropy represents dispersal, decay, and disorder, syntropy is associated with cohesion, order, and regeneration. Its root cause can be traced back to fundamental properties of vibratory resonance and the principles governing symmetry and harmonic relationships in nature. Where entropy seeks dissociation and distribution of energy, syntropy drives toward aggregation, accumulation, and renewal.
Causes and Mechanisms of Syntropy
Harmonic Resonance: Syntropy arises through resonant interactions that align energies toward equilibrium states. When frequencies of entities or particles synchronize, they generate reinforcing waveforms that strengthen their coherence and organization. Harmonic resonance is observed in everything from molecular bonding to biological rhythms.
Symmetry and Balance: Following the universal law of polarity, every action has an equal and opposite reaction, thus necessitating syntropic effects as a counterbalance to entropic processes. This "Rhythmic Balanced Interchange," a principle emphasized in SVP and by Walter Russell, implies a universal pull towards equilibrium.
Electromagnetic Dynamics: Charged particles, when oscillating in aligned fields, create stable patterns that foster structure rather than chaos. These are foundational in atomic bonds and in higher-order structures such as cellular forms, water crystallization, and planetary systems.
Universal Life Energy: Syntropy is also related to the "life-force" or formative principle in nature, where energy patterns are organized to sustain life and vitality. As organisms grow and heal, they demonstrate syntropic processes that counterbalance decay, suggesting a fundamental drive for life and continuity.
Principles Governing Syntropy
Law of Harmonic Interchange: This law posits that opposites harmonize in continuous interchange, not to destroy each other but to create balance and flow, as in the cyclical push and pull between inhalation and exhalation.
Principle of Energy Conservation: Syntropy conserves energy by retaining it within structured forms rather than dispersing it. This principle guides how systems can accumulate and sustain vitality, creating a loop of regenerative processes that counteract entropy.
Law of Rhythmic Balanced Interchange: This law, essential to SVP, describes the dynamic cycle between generation (syntropy) and degeneration (entropy). This cyclic motion, evident in the natural oscillations of particles, systems, and living organisms, is a foundational mechanism in universal energy dynamics.
Attraction as a Synthesizing Force: Syntropy is propelled by attractive forces, which, in their synthesizing nature, bring forms into unified systems. Gravitational, magnetic, and even spiritual attractions bring diverse parts into harmonious assemblies, countering entropic separation.
Activation and Persistence of Syntropy
Syntropy is activated through vibratory synchronization, aligning energies into mutual patterns that reduce friction, waste, and randomness. Persistence occurs through feedback loops and fractal-like patterns in nature, where each level of complexity builds on the coherence of simpler patterns below it. The persistence of syntropy within a system depends on the continuity of resonance, attraction, and balanced interchange, as each form organizes itself in harmony with surrounding systems, conserving energy and enhancing life.
In SVP, syntropy is vital in understanding how life, structure, and energy sustain themselves despite the relentless pull of entropy. By studying and harnessing syntropic principles, we find potential to design technologies and systems that align with nature’s regenerative rhythms, embodying balance and coherence rather than dissonance and depletion. This pursuit illuminates a fuller comprehension of universal life processes, advancing our awareness of nature as an equilibrium of opposites. [ChatGPT]
See Also
1.11.5 - Syntropy a Sketch
2.19 - Male-Father and Female-Mother Forces
2.23 - Male-Father-Syntropic and Female-Mother-Entropic Swirling Cosmic Dance
14.32 - Law of Assimilation
Bjerknes Effect
Cosmic clock
Creativity as an Anti-entropic Principle
Figure 2.14 - Intermingled Male Father Syntropic and Female Mother Entropic
Figure 3.33 - Syntropy Seeking Center - Entropy Fleeing from Center
Figure 13.10 - Convergence of Syntropic Forces
Figure 13.13 - Gravity Syntropic and Radiative Entropic Waves
Law of Assimilation
Law of Attraction
Sympathetic Association
2.23 - Male-Father-Syntropic and Female-Mother-Entropic Swirling Cosmic Dance
Figure 2.13 - Swirling Vortex around Neutral Centering Shaft
Figure 5.1 - Swirling Vapor in the Atmosphere
Figure 5.2 - Centers of Swirls are High Tension while Swirl Periphery are Low Tension
Triplet Swirl