

See Father-Mother Principle, polarity, mate-pairs, wave pair, bidirectional wave pair.

"Thus it is that The God of Love manifests love to the fathers and mothers of Creation, who, in turn, manifest love by their equal givings and regivings of each to each other as united pairs, and they, in turn, regive of love to their Creator to become One with Him." [Atomic Suicide, page 294]

"Thus the One Light of God's knowing extended to the two of His thinking, pulsed as the three of all creating things, the One centering the two, the two extended from the One; the Spirit; the Father-Mother polarity of Light; the Trinity centering the shaft of Creations' seeming, fulcrum of its heartbeat, all ONE." [Walter Russell, The Secret of Light, page 99]

Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth
"When on earth, to describe the Reality behind and with in existence, I deliberately coined the term the 'Father' when referring to 'God'. This was done for two reasons.
Firstly, as I explained in Letter 1, when I received enlightenment in the desert, I was enabled to see that the concepts describing the Creator of the universe as 'revealed' by the Jewish prophets were completely wrong.
Secondly, I was given to perceive clearly - and fully understand - the true nature of the Creator and I realised that it was a nature of parenting - of fulfilling the needs of creation in clear-cut, specific ways which were synonymous with those of a father-mother. Indeed, I saw that the parenting impulses present in all living creatures had been drawn directly from the Creator, and that the origin of all love and parenting drives was also the origin of life and existence itself.
I also 'saw' that creation was a visible manifestation of the Universal Creative Impulses of Being, and therefore humankind could be termed the offspring of the creator.
For this reason, it was quite natural for me to speak of the 'Father' when referring to the Creator, since, to me, this is what the Creator truly is in every way - more especially 'Father-Mother' but having regard to the Jewish insistence on the woman occupying a subordinate position in their daily lives, I referred only to the 'Father' to avoid Jewish resistance and to gain their acceptance of the new terminology.
I also coined the term the 'Father' to help the Jews realise that their concept of Jehovah and the rigidity of Jewish laws were totally erroneous. Also by using a new terminology - the 'Father' - to describe the Creator - the Creative Impulse - behind and with in existence, I made it clear I had brought an altogether new teaching in opposition to the accepted belief in a 'God' which rejected certain people and sent disasters upon them as retribution." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 5, page 1]

"Because 'FATHER-MOTHER' tools: electro-magnetism is in equilibrium within
IT will never be detected within SPACE by scientists no matter how they may probe space."
[Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 5, page 19]

See Also

Father Forces
Father Sky
Father Son Holy Ghost
Father-Mother Principle part 2
Father-Mother Principle
Fig. 2.12 - Male-Father and Female-Mother Forces
Figure 2.14 - Intermingled Male Father Syntropic and Female Mother Entropic
Mother Earth
Sexed Pairs
universal division of sexed pairs
2.19 - Male-Father and Female-Mother Forces
2.21 - Male-Father and Female-Mother Intermingle
2.23 - Male-Father-Syntropic and Female-Mother-Entropic Swirling Cosmic Dance

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Monday September 27, 2021 03:26:06 MDT by Dale Pond.