giving and regiving

"This is the universe of The Imaginer Who builds forms in the image of His imagining for giving and regiving in cyclic intervals, which unknowing man calls life and death." [Atomic Suicide - Fig 6]

You should plainly see by this time that the intent of Creation is to dramatize the Idea of Love, by expressing it in action and reaction. Love is one idea, the One Idea of Creation. To express Love the Idea must be divided into separated halves. To fulfill Love the two halves must be united as one. Halves of one must be equal, therefore, their actions and reactions must be equal and simultaneously created. The only action which can express Love is the action of giving. The only equal and opposite of giving is regiving. The One is divided - the two divisions simultaneously exist. If the action of giving extends from one it equally and simultaneously extends from the other. If equal giving and regiving of each half are simultaneously expressed the product of that fulfillment is Love." [Atomic Suicide, page 205]

"That is the way that paired units become mated systems, which complete the purposefulness of the universe by regiving to the Creator all that the Creator had given to them." [Atomic Suicide, page 294]

"Thus it is that The God of Love manifests love to the fathers and mothers of Creation, who, in turn, manifest love by their equal givings and regivings of each to each other as united pairs, and they, in turn, regive of love to their Creator to become One with Him." [Atomic Suicide, page 294]

"I was also shown the LAWS OF EXISTENCE controlling the human ability to create new circumstances and environment, relationships, achievement or failure, prosperity or poverty.

  • Whatever man profoundly BELIEVES himself to be, good or bad, that will he become.
  • Whatever man FEARS others will do to him, so will they do.
  • Whatever man HOPES that others will do to him, he must first do to them, since he is then creating a 'consciousness pattern' which will return to bless him to the extent he has blest others.
  • Whatever disease man DREADS so will he become prey to it for he will have created a 'consciousness pattern' of the very thing he least wants to experience.
  • Whatever is sent forth from man's mind and heart - returns to him in due course in some form or another, but remember that like always breeds like. Strongly emotional thoughts are 'consciousness seeds' planted within a man's own orbit of consciousness. These will grow, bearing a like harvest for his reaping.

These are the fruits of free will.
There is no way that man may escape what he thinks, says or does - for he is born of the Divine Creative Consciousness power and is likewise creative in his imagining.
Those who long for good for themselves must first give it to others. Let their very existence be a blessing to others.
When such people are in harmony with all others, they are then perfectly attuned to the universal

and they are brought into the flow of the Father 'nature' which is growth, protection, nourishment (physical, mental, spiritual) healing, fulfillment of need, within a system of law and order." [Christ Returns - Speaks His Truth, Letter 1]

See Also

Figure 14.02 - Thoth the Sun God giving Life Force implying this force comes from the Sun
giving and regiving
onward transmission
principle of equal giving
principle of re-giving
process of borrowing and lending
The Miracle of Real Forgiveness

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Friday September 23, 2022 04:16:48 MDT by Dale Pond.