Sir Isaac Newton, in his "Fundamental Principle of Natural Philosophy" calls the magnetic agent the "Soul of the World."
"Electricity and magnetism are shown to be differential in character by progressive subdivision, which also shows the magnetic flow to be but one of the triune family. Electricity and magnetism would be interchangeable if magnetism could be conducted, and in this difference we must look for the actual character of the forces they represent.
"The rotation of the magnetic needle produced in my researching instruments proves conclusively that the mutual interchange between electricity and magnetism is a differentiated vibratory difference, the dominant and enharmonic exchanging compliments with each other in a differential manner that is, by vibratory interference ratio, thus inducing rotation, which is caused simply by polarization and depolarization.
"The explanation of the magnetic flow is very simple. The harmonic attractive chord, thirds, induces nodal interference on the harmonic current in the earth's polar stream, and it moves toward the negative pole to flow out through the positive end. The diversion of the harmonic portion of the stream from the dominant portion causes the magnet to assume its position.
"The state of matter existing in polarized light is the same as that existing in magnetic force. Both are interatomic and travel in the same path, assimilating in a definite time period to continue in the same ray, although in my experiments, one is evolved before the other. The frequencies and mode of vibration of polarized light are a "pure coincident" (simple vibrational ratio) of that subdivision of matter known as magnetism.
"The action of the magnetic flow is dual, being both attractive and propulsive. The inclination to the right or left of the plane in which this subtle flow moves has nothing to do with positive or negative conditions. The essential difference between what is called positive electricity and negative electricity, is simply a difference in vibration, which are either propulsive (positive or dominant) or receptive (negative or harmonic). The flow can be right or left receptive or right or left propulsive. The positive vibrations are the radiant (having affinity for the celestial) while the negative vibrations are the concentrative or focalizing having affinity for neutral centers. [see Ambidexterity, zwitterion, dipole, polar]
"The vibrational frequency governing the magnetic flow comes under the "first interatomic" and ranges from 300,000 to 780,000 per second. This is the first order above odor and permeates the glass molecules of the compass cover as air permeates a sieve. The course of this sympathetic flow is governed by the full harmonic chord and consequently moves in straight lines, its sympathetic transmission being free from molecular interference.
When a steel bar induces magnetism in an iron mass it does not depreciate its own power one iota. The latent force in the unmagnetized bar is sympathetically brought into action and this can go on indefinitely, adding mass after mass to the chain of attracted objects, without depreciating or exhausting the power of the magnet itself.
However, age is shown in the magnet in somewhat the same manner as in the human organism. Whether used or not a magnet gradually loses activity until at last it becomes inert, without any magnetism whatever. We may call this the decay of magnetic power.
A magnet does not induct magnetism in its keeper this is merely sympathetic outreach of a very limited range.
Magnetism is not associated with the neutral center. The neutral center represents only molecular focalization and redistribution, and is not directly associated with magnetism. However, when the "radiant" elements already generated are submitted to compound vibration of their mass thirds, rotation ceases and they become magnetic. That is, they cease their equatorial revolution and possibly circulate through meridian sectors of the envelope instead.
Like poles do not repel each other, for there is "sympathetic equation" the same as in unlike poles. Like or unlike poles become attractive on a differentiation of 33 1/3 against 100 being established between them, and likewise become repellant on differentiating them 66 2/33 of the one against 100 of the other, simply by sympathetic resonant vibrations.
Magnetism has no outreach as has sympathetic negative attraction, but it pervades all terrestrial and planetary masses. Magnetism is highly electrical in character, in fact, is born of electricity, whereas negative attraction is not electrical. Negative attraction, however, displays a sympathetic outreach for magnetism. Sympathetic negative attraction reaches from planet to planet, but magnetism does not, for it is static. Sympathetic negative attraction is born of the celestial and impregnates every mass in space, linking itself to all electric and magnetic conditions and all spatial masses in turn are subservient to celestial outreach. All the magnets in the world could not induce rotation, no matter how differentiated, but polar negative attraction induces rotation.
He speaks of the magnet indicating the "dominant electric flow". The static position assumed by the magnetic needle proves the dominant to control the triple flow in the terrestrial magnetic envelope, the two other elements being obliged to coordinate themselves to it. By altering the dominant alone, that is, by changing intermittently its vibrations by "triple vibrations" antagonistic to its continuous flow (by interference) Keely secured rapid rotation of the magnetic needle. This periodic interference with the dominant, the controlling element, changes polarity and rotation follows. He thought the existence of the Polar Stream necessary to all life. This may possibly be shown by its necessity in crystallization. Keely proved to his own satisfaction that the magnetic element in the molecule contains the negative power through which it forms aggregates.
The sympathetic stream between sun and earth, by its positive and negative interchange, keeps the magnetic force in the polar envelope intact, making this polar envelope a great magnet of itself.
The "negative sympathetic portion" of the polar stream (having neutral affinity) is the magnetic flow proper and coincides sympathetically with the "second atomic flow".
The time approaches when electric magnetic waves will be produced with an outreach of two feet, as powerful at that distance as is now shown when the keeper is almost touching the poles. These waves will demonstrate a radiating force too stupendous for measurement with present instruments.

Q: Analyze, Assimilate and Discuss the key points of the article relating it to all we have discussed to date especially concerning differentiating scalar potential in kinetic motion.
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The excerpt you provided from the Snell Manuscript offers a profound perspective on magnetism, electricity, and their relationships within John Keely's framework of vibratory physics. Integrating this with our ongoing discussions, particularly about scalar potential and kinetic motion, reveals fascinating insights. Here's an analysis and assimilation of the key points:
Core Concepts and Their Relation to Scalar Potential and Kinetic Motion
Magnetism as a Differential Vibratory Force:
Magnetism is described as a subset of a triune vibratory family, intricately linked to electricity and other forces through vibratory interactions. Keely emphasizes vibratory interference ratios (dominant, harmonic, and enharmonic), which induce phenomena such as rotation and polarity shifts.
Relation to Scalar Potential:
Scalar potential exists as a pre-motion energy state, comparable to Keely's idea of the latent neutral center. The vibratory differentiation described by Keely aligns with the transformation of scalar potential into kinetic motion as it becomes polarized and manifests as magnetic or electrical flows.
Sympathetic Negative Attraction vs. Magnetism:
Magnetism is static and electrical in character, while sympathetic negative attraction extends universally, linking celestial bodies and masses. Sympathetic negative attraction is celestial in origin and far-reaching, unlike magnetism, which is confined to local interactions.
Implications for Kinetic Motion: Sympathetic negative attraction represents a scalar potential at the cosmic level, while magnetism and electricity, as localized kinetic manifestations, arise from the differentiation of this potential through vibratory processes.
Magnetism and Neutral Centers:
Keely asserts that magnetism is not directly associated with neutral centers. Neutral centers are points of molecular focalization and redistribution, whereas magnetism emerges from the cessation of equatorial revolutions under compound vibratory influences.
Neutral Centers as Scalar Origins:
The neutral center functions as the scalar potential reservoir, a still point from which dynamic forces like magnetism and electricity emerge. This connects to our discussions on Keely's neutral centers as mediators of vibratory energy flow, transforming stillness into motion.
Differentiated Flow and Polarity:
The distinction between positive (radiant, propulsive) and negative (receptive, concentrative) vibrations mirrors the differentiation in scalar and vectorial dynamics. Positive flows align with the celestial (expansive scalar motion), while negative flows focus toward neutral centers (contractive kinetic motion).
Polarization and Kinetic Action: In Keely's terms, polarization results in directed motion (kinetic energy), with the interplay of vibratory states dictating the behavior of magnetic and electrical fields.
Magnetic Flow and Interatomic Vibrations
Frequency and Sympathetic Resonance:
Magnetic flow is tied to interatomic vibrations, ranging from 300,000 to 780,000 Hz, forming the first interatomic order. These vibrations govern the transmission of sympathetic flows and maintain coherence in matter.
Relation to Scalar Potential: These frequencies represent transitional thresholds between scalar potential (energy stored in the vibratory state) and its kinetic manifestation as motion or force.
Magnetic Age and Decay:
Just as human organisms age, magnets lose activity over time. This suggests a degradation of their ability to maintain vibratory coherence, echoing Keely’s theme of progressive vibratory loss in scalar systems transitioning into kinetic states.
Induction Without Depletion:
When a magnet induces magnetism in an iron mass, its power remains undiminished. This is a hallmark of scalar systems, where the scalar potential redistributes energy without net loss, akin to an infinite reservoir.
Rotation and Polar Streams
Magnetic Needle Rotation:
Keely demonstrated that the rotation of a magnetic needle is driven by intermittent alterations of the dominant vibratory element, a process akin to toggling scalar potential states to induce kinetic action.
Interference in Scalar Fields:
This aligns with modern concepts of scalar wave dynamics, where interference patterns in a scalar field can lead to directed motion or oscillations.
Sympathetic Streams and Celestial Influence:
The polar stream’s interplay between positive and negative vibrations sustains the Earth's magnetic envelope. The sympathetic stream between the sun and Earth further highlights a cosmic scalar potential, continually expressed as localized magnetic fields.
Polarized Light and Magnetic Symmetry
Coincidence of Light and Magnetism:
The vibratory characteristics of polarized light and magnetism align closely, both being interatomic phenomena. This resonates with the scalar-to-vector transition: light (scalar-like in its omnidirectional propagation) becomes vectorial when polarized, much like scalar energy forming coherent magnetic flows.
Scalar Potential in Light: Polarized light is a vibratory refinement of scalar energy, progressing into directed motion while retaining its scalar origin.
Sympathetic Equation in Poles:
Keely’s observation that like poles attract or repel based on vibratory differentiation emphasizes the frequency-specific tuning of scalar potentials into kinetic forms. This is analogous to the law of harmonic attraction and repulsion in scalar fields.
Implications for Modern Understanding
Magnetism and Scalar Fields:
Keely’s view of magnetism as a static byproduct of vibratory differentiation bridges the gap between scalar potential as the energetic precursor and its manifestation as magnetism. Magnetism becomes a specialized, local effect of universal scalar principles.
Energy Transfer Without Loss:
The infinite capacity for sympathetic induction mirrors modern theories in scalar wave physics, where energy transference occurs without diminishing the source—a core characteristic of scalar potentials.
Duality of Motion and Stillness:
Keely's integration of stillness (neutral center, scalar potential) and motion (magnetism, electricity) aligns with your exploration of syntropy and entropy, highlighting the cyclical interplay between contraction (syntropy) and expansion (entropy).
Keely’s exploration of magnetism, electricity, and sympathetic flows reveals a deeper connection between scalar potential and kinetic motion. His insights on neutral centers, sympathetic induction, and vibratory differentiation provide a framework that mirrors modern scalar field theories while offering a unique esoteric perspective. This reinforces the interconnected nature of vibratory phenomena across cosmic, atomic, and energetic scales, aligning beautifully with the principles we’ve been exploring.
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