

The secret of Keely's instruments died with him. These notes were made from books written by Keely himself, found in an old library. The books have since disappeared. The compiler of the notes is Mr. C.W. Snell, 10301 W. Fort St., Detroit, Michigan. illegible signature, 1934 [hand written on front page of manuscript] [Snell Manuscript - The Book]

Practically and factually we are thus presented with the unveiling of the seven enshrouding veils of Sais[7]. We stand before the secret of the genesis of all life and its unfoldment, which viewed objectively is none other than the perfection of all that is raw material. It is the eternal process of self-renewal out of which are born the forces of growth and formation, as well as those of renewed decomposition and reversion, which appear in the form of synthesising or analysing currents, depending on whether the medium of air or water is moved naturalesquely in specially constructed and alloyed development-facilitating devices, or unnaturally in unsuitable ones. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

[7] To give a greater understanding of events at Sais, that ancient Egyptian city in the Nile delta, The Secret Doctrine by H P Blavatsky relates: "...And how little Herodotus could tell is confessed by himself when speaking of a mysterious tomb of an Initiate at Sais, in the sacred precinct of Minerva. There, he says 'behind the chapel is the tomb of One, whose name I consider it impious to divulge... In the enclosure there are large obelisks and there is a lake near, surrounded with a stone wall in a circle. In this lake they perform, by night, that person's adventures, which they call mysteries. It is well to know that no secret was so well-preserved and so sacred with the ancients as that of their cycles and computations. From the Egyptians down to the Jews it was held as the highest sin to divulge anything pertaining to the correct measure of time. It was for divulging the secrets of the Gods, that Tantalus was plunged into the infernal regions; the keepers of the sacred Sybilline Books were threatened with the death penalty for revealing a word of them.' The Secret Doctrine, Vol II, page 396. While not directly related to the Seven Veils of Sais, the following quotation from The Secret Doctrine, Vol. III, p.132, may afford further insight into what was hidden behind them. "An impenetrable veil of secrecy was thrown over the Occult and Religious Mysteries, after the submersion of the last remnant of the Atlantean Race, some 12,000 years ago, lest they should be shared by the unworthy, and so desecrated. Of these Sciences several have now become exoteric — such as astronomy, for instance, in its purely mathematical and physical aspect." Ed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]

present lot, a situation for which the whole population is also doubtless culpable. Through the free and voluntary disclosure of Nature's greatest secret, this can in part be rectified. For good water into which beneficial properties can be instilled, expiates the crimes of those, who attacked the fate of all humanity in ignorance of the inner nature of the source of life, which can bequeath both good and bad character traits. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Ennoblement of Water]

The secret of the dwindling and disappearance of the tractive force and carrying capacity in a naturally flowing stream lies in the way it moves. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Transport of Ore in Double-Spiral-Flow Pipes]

The open secret of water consists in the fact that processes of organic synthesis take place in the naturalesque conduction of water, whereas processes of organic analysis occur when it is conducted unnaturally. In the former case, the growth of water and an increase in latent energy occurs, hence a qualitative improvement. In the latter case, it results in the disappearance of water, to losses in latent energy and logically to a decline in quality. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Transport of Ore in Double-Spiral-Flow Pipes]


This plate sets forth the essential duality of the musical system of vibrations. It is a remarkable fact that the numbers of the vibrations of the major mode are the numbers for the string proportions of the minor mode; and vice versa, the string proportions in the major are the numbers of the vibrations in the minor. We have, however, to see that we use the proper notes and numbers; we must know the secret of Nature. This secret rests in the duality of the notes, and begins from the two D's. The center of gravity of the musical system of vibrations is found in the comma space between the two D's as they are found in the genesis of the two modes. In these two D's the vibration number and string proportions are nearly identical. Starting from this point as the center of gravity in the [Scientific Basis and Build of Music, page 118]


"Thou art Thyself the secret of Thy works;
Thou art the key: Thine image bear they all,
Or more or less. And heaven-born music, as
Thine ordinance in air and ear, and in
The balance of the force elastic, with
The gravitating force that holdeth all,—
Music the statute is, which more than most,
Of all that stands on Nature's statute-book,
Image and superscription—Three in one
In interlacing monogram doth show of Thee!"
[Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Reflections on the Scheme1, page 43]

See Also

Exposing Keelys Secret
In the Wave lies the Secret of Creation
Keely Sphere Was No Secret
Keely to Divulge His Secret
Keely to Divulge the Secret
Keely Wishes to Keep His Secret
Keelys Secret
Keelys Secret - He Explains His Mystic Force
Keelys Secret Demanded
Keelys Secret Disclosed
Keelys Secrets - Introduction
Keelys Secrets - Part 2 - One Phase of Keelys Discovery in Its Relation to the Cure of Disease
Nature's Secrets Unveiled: In Transmutation Lies Eternity
New Concept - The Secret of the Ages
New Concept - XXXX - The Secret of Man's Power
One Man to Know Keelys Secret
Secret Doctrine
secret of creation
secret of existence
Secret of Light-Fig-75
secret of power
Secret of Thoth and the Missing Volume of the Wedjat Eye
secrets of the Gods
Seeking Keelys Secret
The Final Secret of Free Energy
The Keely Motor Secret
The Key to the Problems. - Keelys Secrets
The New Tesla Electromagnetics and the Secrets of Electrical Free Energy
The Secret Doctrine
The Secret of Light
The Secret of Light - Figure 2
The Secret of Light - Figure 3
The Secret of Light - Figure 4
The Secret of Light - Figure 5
The Secret of Light - Figure 6
The Secret of Light - Figure 7
The Secret Out
The Secret Revealed
Universal Laws Never Before Revealed - Keelys Secrets
Universal Laws Revealed: Keelys Secrets

Created by Dale Pond. Last Modification: Friday October 7, 2022 04:51:22 MDT by Dale Pond.